I thought Aikawa Hajime would be in a similar situation to him, and there would be a way to help him.

Unexpectedly, Hajime Aikawa was in a completely different situation than him.

Suddenly, he didn't know what to do.

From time to time, I will lose consciousness and be controlled, which is definitely not a good thing.

Originally, he wanted to find Hajime Aikawa to see if there was any way to help him.

The result is obvious, no.

Sure enough, it can only be fused with the will of Category Ace.

Although you may lose yourself, it's better than where you are now.

Having made this decision in his heart, he already knew what he should do now.

No longer just thinking about suppressing Category Ac, but accepting the other party's power and letting the other party merge with your own will.

On both sides, there is me among you, and there is you among me.

If he could be in this state, maybe he could still retain his consciousness.

Thinking of this, Kamijo Mutsuki's eyes suddenly became firm.

"fighting! Go and fight! You must seal a category of Kig, only in this way can you obtain more powerful power!"

There is a voice in the heart that keeps telling Mutsuki Uejo to seal Category Kig as soon as possible.

The spider undead creature has obviously noticed that Category Kig does not want to fight, and is even willing to give up resistance and let Kamishiro Mutsuki's seal.

This is a great opportunity!

After successfully sealing Category Kig, Rengel's strength will definitely become much stronger.

Kamijo Mutsuki, who had no idea what to do at first, now knew. What he should do.

The next thing he had to do was seal the category King! The next day came in a blink of an eye, and Shima Noboru carefully walked downstairs with his canary. Dare to make some noise.

He wants to save Kamijo Mutsuki, and it is best not to let others know.

After all, he has just been nagged by everyone, and he does not want them to stop his plan.

It's not an easy task.

After writing a note and placing the bird/crow at the door, Shimabu set off with the others still in the villa. They were sleeping at this time, and no one woke up at all.

After all, it was quite hard to fight or search for undead creatures every day.

Since they had a certain connection with the will of the spider undead creatures, the two of them had already woken up. The place for the battle had been agreed upon.

It was under an overpass, where they would decide the outcome.

Time passed slowly, and when Shirai Torataro walked out after brushing his teeth, he suddenly found a man lying at the door. The bird/cage and the note hurriedly walked over and looked carefully at the content on the note.

"I'll take care of you all, Naique'er. Why are you writing this?"

Torataro Shirai, who had just had doubts in his heart, suddenly thought of what happened yesterday, and his eyes widened.

"Oops! Big trouble!!"

I immediately turned around and was about to go into the house to tell Kazuma Kenzaki, when Kazuma Kenzaki walked out of the house.

"Torataro, what are you talking about? What's so bad?"

At this time, Hirose Shiori, who lived upstairs, also ran down quickly.

"What happened?"

"You see, this should have been left by Mr. Shima. Mr. Shima might have gone to have Mutsuki seal it."

Shirai Torataro's face was quite solemn. He didn't expect that things would develop in this direction.

"Hirose, use the undead search device quickly and you should be able to find out where Mr. Shima is now! sorry to bother you!"

Hearing this, the Hirose Alliance quickly turned on the computer in the room they entered and used the undead searcher to search.

At the same time, under the viaduct under the bright sun.

Lengel had already arrived here early and was waiting quietly. After a while, Shima Noboru finally felt that he was walking towards Lenger step by step.

But in front of him, Lenger was in a state of transformation. Kamijo Mutsuki is in control, but is controlled by the evil will of the spider undead creature.

Seeing Shima Noboru, Rengel, who was riding on the motorcycle, left the motorcycle.

"I will use your power to become stronger"

"Mutsuki, I hope you can defeat Category Ace, your power is very important."

Shima Noboru hopes to seal Category Ace's evil will through this battle.

But he is not 100% sure. This requires Kamijo Mutsuki himself to have such an idea.

"Stop talking! Take it!"

Before he finished speaking, Lian Ge rushed forward.

This was an unavoidable battle, and Ming Sheng knew very well that this battle must be fought. He immediately transformed into a wolf spider undead creature, and the two quickly came into contact. Fighting.

As a type of Kig, the fighting ability of the Wolf Spider Undead creature is average. In this battle, he completely let go. It is not an exaggeration to say that he let go.

The purpose is to gradually awaken Kamijo Mutsuki. Consciousness allows him to resist the erosion of category Ace

"Mutsuki, suppress the power of Category Ac! Even if I ask you to seal it, I will be willing to do so! Come on!"

At this moment, the words he said could not be conveyed to Kamijo Mutsuki at all.

Or maybe Kamijo Mutsuki no longer wants to fight against the category Ace.

Perhaps it is not unacceptable to choose to merge with such a guy. After all the hard work, The bitter confrontation has no effect, so why bother yourself.

It is impossible for a person with a weak character to develop into a strong character in a short time.

On the viaduct, Lu Li and Cheng Guang watched quietly. The following one-sided battle is not an exaggeration. The Wolf Spider Undead didn't even have any serious thoughts.

Even as a type Kig, it always used passive defense and didn't even take the initiative to attack. Possibility of victory.

The awakening staff in Lenger's hand kept hitting the undead Wolf Spider, splashing countless sparks. Even though it was defeated continuously, there were no wounds on the Undead Wolf Spider.

It can be seen that as a type of Kig, not only is the combat power very strong, but also the defense power is very good.

Seeing that even the undead wolf spider can't deal with it, it doesn't resist at all, allowing Leng Ge to attack, Cheng Guang. I was so angry when I saw it

"That rascal....He was actually willing to give up his defense in order to suppress the evil will of Category Ac in that little brat's body and let him attack like this!

Has his brain been kicked by a donkey? He actually has to do this for a human being!

At least in Chengguang's view, this is a very shameful thing.

If it were her, she would definitely kill this little brat herself without hesitation, and there would be no way for her to give him a chance.

Seeing Cheng Guang's angry look, Lu Li suddenly burst into laughter.

Of course he also knew why Shiromitsu was angry. The biggest reason was naturally Shima Noboru's attitude towards the extreme battle.

This attitude definitely cannot be developed in this extreme battle, but it was already this attitude during the last extreme battle.

It happened that he was the one who was given such powerful power. If it were Sister Tiger, she might be able to win the second extreme battle.

After venting for a while, Cheng Guang turned to look at Lu Li next to him, wondering.

"What are you going to do?"

"I plan to fight against the last category King."

When he learned that Lu Li actually wanted to fight the undead Wolf Spider creature, Cheng Guang felt very surprised.

First of all, Cheng Guang considered that when the Undead Wolf Spider creature fought with him before, he showed aversion to fighting.

The other party He had no idea about fighting, but Lu Li decided to fight with the opponent.

Is this possible?

With this question in his mind, Cheng Guang noticed Lu Li suddenly jumping down from the top of the viaduct. The shape disappeared in the air and appeared directly on the ground the next second.

PS: Thank you.

-13080. monthly ticket!

Chapter 433: What’s wrong with my strongest knight being a hostage? Battle with the Tarantula King!

Leng Geer, who was enjoying the fight, suddenly heard the noise coming from behind and was suddenly startled.

When he turned around, he found a figure that frightened him very much.

Even just standing like this, he could feel the pressure.

The Wolf Spider Undead naturally noticed Lu Li's sudden arrival, and his heart suddenly sank.

I was here to help Kamijo Mutsuki, but now that there are outsiders involved in this matter, it is not easy to handle.

Not to mention, Lu Li is such an unfathomable enemy that Lian Geer can only temporarily give up the seal category Kg.

The previous battle was still vivid in his mind, but he had not forgotten at all that Lu Li had taught him a terrible lesson before.

And not just once!

He must deal with this powerful enemy carefully, and he must never be like before.

However, Lu Li didn't even have the intention to look at him, his eyes stayed on the wolf spider - the undead creature.

"Shima Noboru, do you think it's worth it to dedicate yourself to such a waste?"

While speaking, Lu Li pointed at Lenger without hesitation.

The meaning was very obvious. In Lu Li's eyes, Lenger was a complete waste.

To be precise, it should be Mutsuki Kamijo.

"hateful! you guy....!"

No matter who is called a waste, they will feel resentful in their hearts.

The same is true even for Lengere, who is controlled by the will of the undead spider at this time.

But before Lian Ge could finish speaking, a very powerful force instantly blasted him away.


Under this unknown force, the body flew tens of meters away, and the body hit the bridge pier hard.

The whole bridge seemed to tremble at this moment.

He fell to the ground in embarrassment, and Leng Ge even They didn't see what force Lu Li used to blast him away.

It was so terrifying!

Both Lian Ge and the Wolf Spider Undead were completely shocked by the force Lu Li suddenly used. How did he use his power? From beginning to end, Lu Li didn't even move.

"Mr. Lu, it doesn’t matter whether it is worth it or not, as long as it is worth it to me, it is worth it."

Undead Wolf Spider still thinks that what he did is right at this moment.

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