Gritting his teeth fiercely, Kenzaki Kazuma knew very well that if he didn't listen to the other party, Shirai Totaro would be in danger.

Full of anger in his heart, Kenzaki Kazuma really wanted to beat up this despicable guy, but he couldn't do it now

"I asked you to put it down, can’t you hear me?!"

The undead goat seems to have run out of patience. He doesn't want anything to happen.

After finally seizing this opportunity, he must find a way to completely eliminate the Kamen Rider.

Even if he is unwilling to do so, Kenzaki Kazuma can only be forced to Put down the knight system in his hands.

He knew that he had no right to choose from the beginning, unless he could give up Shirai Torataro's life.

But Kenzaki Kazuma valued his friends very much. , how could he watch his friend die? Taking a deep breath, Kenzaki Kazuma placed the knight system in his hand on the ground.

After seeing his actions, the goat undead creature suddenly became ecstatic.

Like that, as long as the Kamen Rider can't transform, he is just an ordinary person. Isn't it easy to kill an ordinary person?

Seeing Kenzaki Kazuma put down the knight system for himself, Shirai Torataro felt very complicated.

He wanted the other party to save him. He hoped that the other party would not save him.

At this time, bursts of blue light bloomed from the 3.5-inch horn on the head of the undead goat. The next second, a blue light bomb was launched straight towards

Kenzaki Kazuma.

The blue light bullet, how could Kazuma Kenzaki as a human be able to withstand it, and immediately rolled to the side to avoid it


The blue light bullet almost missed him. If he had moved a little slower, he might have taken the blow head-on.

"Alas! come!"

Since the other party has put down the knight system, the goat undead creature naturally has no fear in his heart.

Facing a certain person, the goat undead creature is in a very good mood at this time.

He tortures the other party well and lets the other party taste his anger..

The goat undead creature quickly approached Kenzaki Kazuma. Without the knight system, Kenzaki Kazuma could only find a way to avoid the goat undead creature's attack.

Lu Li did not look down on the goat undead creature's behavior.

"Although the method is a bit despicable, it is surprisingly effective.

Especially for Kazuma Kenzaki, who is very emotional, this is simply a fatal flaw."

In order to win this war and to eliminate the Kamen Riders, any method is acceptable for the undead goats.

If Lu Li, who was not strong enough in the past, had such a chance to eliminate his enemies, , He will definitely not give up.

Miyuki Yoshinaga gently lifted her hair from her forehead and nodded with deep understanding.

"As long as victory can be achieved, no matter what means are used, even if they are despicable means, it is not a big deal.

The end result is the same anyway, there is no need to worry about the process."

Cheng Guang, who was listening to the conversation between Lu Li and Lu Li, disdained the use of such conspiracies and tricks, but he also knew that being able to use strategies was also a form of strength.

Not all undead creatures do not have the ability to use power when they are powerful. Some have very smart minds.

Chapter 430 Mud can't hold up the mountain wall! The plan is in progress, Lu Li's arrangement.

In the second extreme battle, the human undead were able to win the final victory because of their cleverness. Brain.

Unlike most undead creatures who only know how to fight, undead creatures that use their brains are more likely to win extreme battles.

Just like the Kig type, although they have unparalleled power, it does not mean that they will definitely be able to. Win.

Everyone has different choices. At least Cheng Guang is not willing to use this despicable method to win the battle.

"That guy is here too."

Lu Li could feel that Hajime Aikawa was coming here quickly.

Lu Li didn't find it strange at all that he would come.

After all, Jokr is eager to fight. Even though he has gradually been assimilated by humans, once he detects the activities of other undead creatures, Afterwards, Yin Jiuhui rushed over immediately, and as expected, the next second he saw Kalis, who had completed his transformation, rushing to the scene.


The Goat Undead just wanted to kill the Kamen Rider, and never thought that he would lead Kallis out as well.

Regarding this rumored Undead, he was still a little wary of the opponent's strength.


Kazaki Kazuma was surprised to see Calis. He didn't expect the other party to arrive so quickly.

But then he was worried.

The goat undead creature would be effective if he used Shirai Torataro to threaten him. If he used it to threaten Calis It's impossible for him to work.

Then Shirai Torataro...?

After these two days of investigation, the goat undead creature naturally knows that Kallis works in a coffee shop. It has something to do with the mother and daughter, and the guy he kidnapped.

Although he doesn't know why Kalis degenerated to live with humans, it has nothing to do with the goat undead. The only thing he thinks about is that he only wants to live with humans. With the card of Torataro Shirai in his hand, he could threaten Kalis.

Thinking of this, the goat undead creature quickly returned to Torotaro Shirai and grabbed his neck.

"do not move! Kallis, I know this guy is related to the mother and daughter you protect. You don’t want him to die either, right?

Don't come in my way!"

Originally, I just wanted to kill Kazuma Kenzaki, but now a troublesome guy came and disrupted his plan.

This made the undead goat very unhappy.

Why is it so difficult to kill a Kamen Rider? ?

Faced with the threat of the undead goat, Kalis had no intention of putting down his weapon, and raised the awakening bow in his hand to aim at the undead goat.

"Do you think I will be threatened by you?"

The indifferent voice came, and Shirai Torataro suddenly felt like he was going to be cool.

Good guy!

He had already guessed just now that this guy didn't care about his life or death at all! He was quite desperate in his heart. He didn't expect that he would be cool today. He would die here

"Do you want to take action? Then... give it a try."

The goat undead creature was not sure whether Kallis was scaring him.

Anyway, he had this trump card in his hand for the time being, and he felt that he was safe.

However, in the next second, Kallis immediately launched a light bomb.

At that time I heard him shout loudly


The light bullets struck quickly, and Kotaro Shirai quickly lowered his head when he heard the sound.

The undead goat creature didn't expect that this guy Kallis was so brave.

The hostages were under his control, and he dared to attack.

He didn't want to be hit like this for no reason, so he quickly evaded it.

As for the hostages, their safety was nothing compared to his own safety.

And at the moment when the light bomb was fired, Kalis had already jumped up and jumped directly. Falling between the two, he casually cut the rope in Shirai Torataro's hand.

"Get out of the way!"

After leaving two words coldly, Kalis continued to rush towards the goat undead creature.


Shirai Torataro didn't have time to think so much and immediately ran away.

But he was thinking about another problem in his heart.

He... was saved by this guy?!

Shirai Torataro had always disliked Hajime Aikawa and hoped that he could leave his sister and niece as soon as possible.

But this time, the other party saved him.

"Why did you save me?"

Looking back at Kallis who was fighting, Shirai Torataro asked.

Hearing this, Kallis drove away the goat undead creatures and said coldly

"I didn't save you, I just wanted to defeat the undead!"

That's what he said, but Shirai Torataro knew in his heart that the other party had indeed saved him, otherwise he wouldn't have even cut the rope just now. He didn't admit it because he didn't want to have too much contact with other people. Involved.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma finally got his knight system back and hurried to Shirai Torataro's side.

"Torataro, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just that I was saved by that guy."

I don't know why, but Shirai Torataro is quite unwilling.

He was saved by the other party, which means that he owes the other party his life. Can he still treat his savior with the same attitude as before?

Obviously not!

This This is also where he feels unwilling

"You stay away, I'm going to fight first."

Before he finished speaking, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly rushed towards the battle over there.



After completing the transformation, the sword rushed into the battlefield instantly, and dealt with the goat undead creature together with Kallis.

At this moment, the sword's heart was filled with anger.

This despicable undead creature in front of him actually kidnapped his friend, And he also threatened himself with the opponent's life. He must eliminate such a guy.

The battle was very fierce. Out of the anger in his heart, the sword's combat effectiveness was soaring.

It was precisely because of the anger. The sword can exert far greater strength than usual.

When facing the goat undead creatures, the sword could hardly take advantage of the opponent.

But it is different now. Even without Kalis by his side, the sword can do the same. The goat undead creature was suppressed fiercely.

The goat undead creature was feeling very aggrieved. Wasn't it supposed to be the one who took the lead in this battle? Why did it suddenly become a passive one



In the end, the goat undead creature burst out with hatred.

Lying on the ground helplessly, the goat undead creature vaguely seemed to see the woman in the distance, as if it was laughing at him. I regretted it very much. Why did I listen to that woman and implement such a plan?

It was meaningless now. He had lost the battle.

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