His mind was filled with strange thoughts, and Cheng Guang stayed up until late at night before falling asleep.

After Yazawa's follow-up investigation, he finally determined one thing.

The Kamen Rider does indeed have good friends. In this case, the best way is to kidnap the other person's friend. In this way,"813" can limit the opponent's transformation. As long as he cannot transform, he will naturally not be his opponent.

When the time comes, take advantage of the opponent's lack of opportunity to transform, completely eliminate the opponent, and completely eliminate this trouble.

Therefore, Shirai Torataro, who goes out from time to time, naturally becomes his target.

Driving a sports car, he followed quietly behind Torataro Shirai.

After a certain distance from Shirai Farm, Yazawa suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car immediately accelerated.


Hearing a roar/whining sound from behind, Shirai Torataro turned around unconsciously and found a sports car rushing towards him.


Seeing that the opponent did not dodge at all, Shirai Torataro was immediately frightened.

He immediately used all his strength to step on the bicycle. Unfortunately, there was no way the bicycle could outrun the sports car.

Within a few seconds, the sports car directly hit the bicycle. on the rear wheel


The force of the impact instantly knocked Torataro Shirai away. Fortunately, the speed of the car was not too outrageous. Torataro Shirai was slightly injured after falling to the ground, but it was not fatal.

But he fainted directly.

Seeing his purpose Having achieved this, a smile suddenly appeared on Yazawa's face as he got off the sports car.

"hehe! Kamen Rider, I'm quite curious, how are you going to get this guy back from me next?

I must make you...pay the price!"

The words were full of anger.

Although the wound on his arm has disappeared, it left an indelible mark in Yazawa's heart.

He was actually hurt by a mere Kamen Rider, and he must make the other party pay a heavy price. , he was able to calm down his anger. He came directly to Shirai Torataro, dragged him up, and threw him into his sports car, ready to choose a quiet place before continuing.....Let’s start hunting the Kamen Riders!

Torataro Shirai never thought that he would become a target just because of his friendship with Kazuma Kenzaki.

When he woke up leisurely, he found that he was tied to a tree.

The rope was tied so tightly that he couldn't move at all.

There was a pain in his arm. It turned out to be the scratch from when he was hit by a car and fell to the ground.

Recalling that he was hit by a sports car, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.���Confused.

Why did the other party hit me? Could it be that he has a grudge against himself?

"Finally woke up? I thought it would take you a while to wake up, but I didn't expect you to wake up so quickly."

There was a sound coming from the side, which immediately attracted the attention of Torataro Shirai.

After seeing the other person's appearance clearly, Torotaro Shirai was full of confusion.

He was very sure that he had indeed never seen this man before. Why did the other person want to see him? Did you hit yourself with the car?

Did you tell the other person that you had something to do that you didn't know about?

"let me go! Who are you? Do I know you?! Let go!"

I struggled hard, but to no avail. The rope was tied very tightly, and there was no possibility of breaking free.

Hearing this, Yazawa showed a smile on his face.

"You can't say that. You may not know me, but I know you. Who told you to have a Kamen Rider friend?

Since you and that guy are friends, and I have a grudge against that guy, then I will naturally not let you go.

With you in my hands, he will definitely come to save you, and he will definitely listen to me when the time comes, hehehe!"

Speaking of which, Yazawa directly transformed back into the form of an undead goat.


After seeing the guy in front of him turn into an undead creature, Shirai Torataro was immediately frightened and his legs weakened.

He never expected that the guy who kidnapped him would turn out to be an undead creature.

What evil had he done? Ah!

Why was he targeted by the undead creature for no apparent reason!

The hand with sharp nails directly pinched Shirai Torataro’s chin and lifted his head.

"hehe! Don't worry, don't be so afraid. I won't kill you for the time being. I'll deal with you after I deal with the Kamen Rider.

The goat undead creature was not worried at all that Kenzaki Kazuma could not find this location. He had already released the aura of the undead creature in himself.

I believe that their presence has been detected over there and they will rush over as soon as possible.

It won't be long before the Kamen Rider will die by his own hands!

Holding his fist, the one thing the undead goat wants to do most is to take revenge immediately. He must make that guy pay the price!

Just after the goat undead creature released its breath, Hirose Shiori quickly received the undead creature's signal, and Kenzaki Kazuma rushed to the scene immediately.

However, what Kenzaki Kazuma didn't know was that what was waiting for him this time would be a trap.

At the same time, Hajime Aikawa also felt the aura emanating from the undead goat. enemy!

As soon as an enemy appears, he will go there immediately, and they still do so to this day.

He immediately put down what he was doing, and after speaking to Kurihara Amane, he hurried to the scene.

In a hidden place, Shiromitsu watched as the undead goat kidnapped Torataro Shirai in order to kill his enemy.

Such behavior really made her feel disgusted.

After all, what she advocates is a fair fight.

"To actually want to rely on taking hostages to free one's enemies is simply despicable! This guy is not worthy of participating in an extreme battle!"

I don't know why, but Lu Li always felt that the tone of Cheng Guang's words today was a little bit harsh. Compared with before, his temper seemed to be a little more explosive.

Regarding this situation, Lu Li didn't know very clearly what was going on. Wanting to go, Lu Li suddenly thought of what Cheng Guang said to him when he left the room two nights ago.

She was not kidding!

Lu Li suddenly looked strange when he came to this conclusion. Looking at Cheng Guang, there was a smile on his lips.

When Lu Li looked at him with a slightly strange look, Cheng Guang felt something was wrong.

He crossed his arms on his chest and turned his head to the side.

"What are you looking at? What catches your eyes?"

The tone of her words was a bit irritable.

She had made it so obvious two nights ago, but Lu Li didn't make any move.

This made her wonder if she was completely unattractive.

But no matter what, Cheng Guang She has always been a woman, and she still cares about charm and other things.

She has taken the initiative to say it, but Lu Li is indifferent to her. This is too much.

This is equivalent to putting all the meat in the other person's mouth, but the other person eats it. They were too lazy to eat, as if they were given for free.

Lu Li put his head on Cheng Guang's shoulder and said with a smile.

"how? I didn't go last night, so you.....Angry?"

Hearing this, Cheng Guang suddenly stiffened and her eyes became a little evasive.

At this moment, she didn't dare to look at Lu Li at all, with a slight blush on her face.

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was watching this scene from the side, felt in her heart I find it very unbelievable.

Is this still the fierce and decisive tigress?

Why did she suddenly become like this? She feels like a docile kitten."

Miyuki Yoshinaga did not expect this sudden change.

Mainly because the changes were so big that she almost thought Cheng Guang was fake.

Cheng Guang, who was slightly absent-minded just now, came back to his senses, shook his head vigorously, and glared at Lu Li again.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand it at all?"

This is completely concealing the truth.

What does it mean that there is no silver 300 here? It refers to the current Cheng Guang.

Seeing Cheng Guang's shyness, Lu Li did not continue to tease her, but turned to look at the other side.


As Lu Li's voice fell, there was a roar/whining of a motorcycle from far to near.

Not long after, I saw Kenzaki Kazuma driving a motorcycle and arrived.

I thought Lu Li would say something, but I didn't expect that he would directly flirt with me. She ran away, Chengguang suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

The sudden change of feeling made her uncomfortable, but at this time, Chengguang couldn't say anything more, because the battle was about to begin. I was also curious about how Kenzaki Kazuma would make a choice.

Kenzaki Kazuma hurried to the destination and saw Shirai Torataro and the goat Bubu tied to the tree.���When the creature arrived here, Jiu Sheng had already told Kenzaki Kazuma that he must be as careful as possible to deal with the enemy this time.

The other party captured Torataro Shirai. It can be imagined that the other party did not mind using despicable means to fight.

Shima Noboru's reminder made Kenzaki Kazuma stay alert enough.

But now there is no use even being vigilant. Shirai Torataro has been caught by the other party and has become a hostage in the hands of the other party.

Looking at Torataro Shirai tied to a tree, Kazuma Kenzaki shouted loudly

"Torataro! Are you OK?!"

"Kenzaki! Come on, this guy was captured to deal with you, go on!"

He doesn't want to hold back Kenzaki Kazuma because of his own reasons. Even if he is saved, if something happens to Kenzaki Kazuma, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"no! I will never give up on you!"

While speaking, Kenzaki was really about to use the buckle to transform, but the undead goat's words made him calm down immediately.

How could the undead goat make him transform?

I saw him holding the crescent moon The dart was pressed against Shirai Torataro's neck. The sharp blade could easily separate the opponent's neck.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Kamen Rider, don't be in a hurry to transform, otherwise I won't be able to guarantee his safety. If he dies like this, you will definitely feel very uncomfortable.

Now agree to my conditions, put down the knight system in your hands, and don't play any tricks on me, otherwise his life will be lost.

There was a hint of sneer in his voice, and he was very sure that the other party would definitely listen to his words.


When he learned that he had to put down the knight system, Kenzaki Kazuma was very surprised.

He didn't expect that the other party would even think of using this method to threaten him and force him not to transform.

Damn it!!

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