
The thunder in the sky seemed to become more manic, ready to strike at any time.

Outside the research institute, the sky suddenly changed, and the thunder became gloomy.

It was just a change in the weather, and naturally it did not cause any The attention of the peacock undead creature and Ge Lian.

Now, Ge Lian's attention was entirely on Sayoko , so he followed her, but he ended up putting her in danger.

Feeling very remorseful, Ge Lian clenched his fists tightly, feeling very unwilling and unable to vent his anger at this time.

Seeing Ge Lian being so angry but not daring to do anything to him, the Peacock Undead was in his heart. Sneer.

This is the weakness of human beings.

Emotional bonds make them unable to do their best when doing many things.

The battle is over from the moment he takes down Sayoko. The creature sneered and ordered

"Galen, throw away your weapon now and cancel the transformation."

He believed that Ge Lian knew how to choose. For this woman, Ge Lian would never go against him.

"Orange! don't want!"

Sayako shook her head quickly, trying to stop Ge Lian.

In her opinion, if Ge Lian took the initiative to cancel the transformation and fell into danger due to her own reasons, it would be better to let her die here.

The woman in her arms at this time He even dared to shout, and the peacock undead creature immediately became angry.

"Shut up!!"

"Don't hurt her! I promise you!!"

Gren couldn't helplessly watch Sayoko being hurt in front of his eyes. He couldn't feel sorry for Sayoko.

This woman was so considerate of herself that she was even willing to give her life for herself. He couldn't live up to it.

He threw the wake-up gun in front of him. , Green's right hand slowly approached the knight's belt buckle, preparing to release the transformation.

Seeing that Green was about to release the transformation, the Peacock Undead was already winning this battle, even if the way he won was somewhat disgraceful!

, but for him, as long as he can win, it doesn't matter whether he is glorious or not.

Anyway, the one who laughs at the end is the winner, and the loser is nothing.


However, at this moment, a purple thunder suddenly appeared in the extremely gloomy sky.

The next second, I saw a purple thunder striking straight towards the peacock undead creature.

The speed was very fast, even the peacock undead creature reacted quickly , had no time to dodge.

Faced with the sudden attack, the peacock undead instinctively wanted to resist with the sword in his hand.

Ge Lian, who had just thrown away the awakening gun, immediately seized this opportunity to roll forward, holding the awakening gun again to aim. Peacock Undead Shooting

"Bang bang bang!!"

One round after another, bullets were fired from the muzzle.

Busy with dealing with the lightning blooming from the sky, the peacock undead creature did not expect that Ge Lian would suddenly shoot at him at this time.

Attacks from both sides were carried out at the same time, and the thunder and lightning attack came first. When the bullet came, it was aimed at the head of the peacock boss creature. His other free hand with sharp claws quickly reached out to block it.

Because of this, he suddenly lost control of Sayoko. Feeling that the restraints on her body were gone, Sayoko quickly ducked forward.

The purple lightning struck the long sword made of metal in the hand of the peacock undead creature. Faced with this terrifying thunder, it naturally became a carrier 953 and was transmitted to the peacock undead creature.


The thunder penetrated the body, and a violent energy flowed through the body.

This made the peacock undead creature unable to hold the long sword in his hand for a moment, and fell to the ground tremblingly.

At this time, the bullets fired from the awakening gun had also arrived..

Bullets hit the Peacock Undead creature's head accurately. Under the attack of lightning, the body was already shaking, and coupled with the bullet attacks, the Peacock Undead creature kept retreating.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Galen quickly ran over to grab Sayoko and brought her behind him.

At this time, the power of the lightning was only for a moment, and it would not harm the peacock undead creature at most. It just paralyzed his body.

When the lightning dissipated, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared without a trace in a short period of time.

"How can it be?!"

The sky lit up all of a sudden, which made the peacock undead find it very incredible.

Just at this time, it suddenly got dark, and just at this time, it suddenly lit up again.

Just during this time, it just split A thunderbolt hit him.

If no one was causing trouble, he wouldn't believe it.

Although he knew someone was causing trouble, the peacock undead creature could not figure out who was behind it. Lost it, which meant that he no longer had a 100% winning trump card.

His body still felt slightly numb, and he could even feel his body shaking, especially the hand that was holding the sword. Strong.

The situation of the battle was reversed in an instant.

The battlefield that was originally very unfavorable to Ge Lian was suddenly reversed.

Sister Hu was also stunned by Lu Li's exposed maneuvers, looking very surprised.

"how did you do it?! Can actually control the weather, and also have thunder?"

In Sister Hu's eyes, Lu Li is surrounded by all kinds of secrets, waiting for her to discover. He is easier to change the weather, and can summon thunder in the sky. Sister Tiger asked herself, there is no solution to this ability.

Slowly retracted her hand, Lu Li smiled slightly and said

"Want to know why I can control the weather? This is the secret."

Originally, Sister Hu looked at Lu Li eagerly and expectantly, waiting for him to tell the answer.

But Lu Li didn't say the answer at all, and said the word"secret" again.

Sister Hu felt that a big tic-tac-toe appeared on her forehead. , clenching her fists slightly, seeming to be holding back her anger.

She suddenly felt that the guy in front of her was quite good-looking, but why did she deserve a beating? Sister Hu wanted to fight, but suddenly found that she couldn't win.

, turned his head away from Lu Li.....How funny!

She couldn't help but swear to herself that she would definitely figure out how Lu Li did it later, otherwise she would never give up.

Seeing Sister Hu's sulky look, Lu Li just smiled and didn't explain much.

Chapter 411 Isaka ended! Sister Tiger: Did I lose? I owe it first!

You must learn to maintain a sense of mystery to make the other person more curious.

Those who should intervene have already intervened.

The real battle will come next, and Lu Li will not interfere anymore.

Back to Gren's battle with the Peacock Undead.

Green immediately told Sayoko to stay away to avoid being affected by the ensuing battle.

Sayoko, who had been frightened just now, would not refute the arrangement given to her by Ge Lian at all. With a trace of panic in her eyes, she obediently hid aside.

Turn your head again and focus back on the peacock undead creature.

Clenching his fists, Ge Lian's heart was filled with angry flames at this moment. He must make the other party pay the price.


Shouting the opponent's name, Ge Lian quickly rushed forward, clenching his fists tightly.

The peacock undead creature, whose body had not fully recovered from paralysis, barely managed to stand up when it saw Ge Lian flying towards him.

【Oops! The numbness in my body hasn’t gone away yet! 】

Glenn had already made him feel a little pressure, but he didn't expect that his body was even more paralyzed now.

In this case, how can he fight with the opponent?

Soon, Ge Lian rushed to the peacock undead creature and punched it brazenly.



This punch hit the peacock undead creature firmly in the face, and the powerful fist made the peacock undead creature keep retreating.

This is not the end.

Gelian has no intention of letting the peacock undead creature go..

Putting the awakening gun in the holster at his waist, he fired his bow left and right, and struck hard with one punch and the other.

Under the burst of anger, each punch seemed to be more powerful than the last one. Even heavier, even as a high-level undead creature, the peacock undead creature couldn't withstand Ge Lian's fist.

He hit the peacock undead creature with a sudden uppercut on the chin, and the powerful force directly knocked the peacock undead creature into the air.

The peacock undead creature was knocked into the air by this punch and fell heavily to the ground. At this time, he looked extremely embarrassed. Taking this opportunity, Ge Lian drew out the Awakening Gun again and quickly drew out three Awakening Cards of Diamond 5.

, Diamond 6 Flame Firefly, Diamond 9 Gemini Zebra!




The three awakening cards passed through the awakening device in sequence.

The virtual shadow of the card appeared behind Ge Lian, and then merged into his legs and head.

The body exuded an emerald green shimmer, and he inserted the awakening device into���Carry it in the holster.

Squatting down slightly, Ge Lian shouted angrily.


He jumped with all his strength and did a forward somersault in mid-air. His body suddenly split into two.

"Burning. Divide!"

The toes are flashing with a flaming red light, which contains terrifying power.

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