"snort! Don't think you can defeat me like this. You're too naive. You shouldn't think that if you overcome your fear, you will have a chance to defeat me. I was just careless just now."

The peacock undead creature puffed up its chest and held the long sword in its hand tightly.

He didn't fight seriously at all just now. He thought he could easily crush Gelian, but he didn't expect that he still needed to fight seriously.

The peacock undead creature that is serious about fighting has great fighting power. Suddenly he improved a lot, and he was able to suppress Ge Lian with just his sword.

The peacock feathers released from his shoulders also caused a certain amount of confusion for him, and for a while, Ge Lian was in a difficult situation.

Sayoko, who was witnessing the battle, felt very nervous when she saw Ge Lian at a disadvantage.

She clasped her hands together and silently prayed for Ge Lian to win this battle.

However, it was not just Sayoko who was watching the battle, but also Lu Li and Chengguang.

However, the place where the two of them watched the battle was not at Sayoko, but somewhere else.

Chapter 410 Isaka: The advantage is. Me! Sister Hu: This man....You're teasing me again!

Lu Li and Cheng Guang were both looking forward to the outcome of this battle.

After all, the outcome of these two people is related to who wins the bet between them.

Without the excitement brought by Sayoko's death, can Ge Lian still be able to explode in strength?

About a hundred meters away from the battlefield, Cheng Guang looked at Ge Lian's fighting power and nodded slightly.

"After overcoming his fear, this guy's combat effectiveness was pretty good.

That’s right, it’s just an okay rating.

There is no way, who makes Cheng Guang belong to the advanced undead creatures, and he is one of the stronger ones.

At this time, Cheng Guang suddenly noticed that outside the corner of the research institute building, a woman was secretly observing the battle.

"A human woman? Why here?"

Chengguang was quite puzzled. He didn't quite understand why a human woman appeared here."

Seeing that the monster was fighting the Kamen Rider, shouldn't he run away in this case?

Lu Li naturally noticed Xiao Yezi and was a little surprised.

Could it be that the plot changed due to his arrival, and Sayoko didn't get too involved in this matter.

But now, Sayoko appears in the battlefield between Ge Lian and the Peacock Undead, and I am afraid that she will become Ge Lian's weakness.

Lu Li was looking forward to whether things would develop in a different direction or something.

Will Sayoko die?

Or will he still be alive?

Facing the serious peacock undead creature, Ge Lian was suppressed for a moment.

Although overcoming his fear gave him the strength to continue fighting, he did not burst out with more powerful power.

Failure to explode with more powerful force means that the combat power cannot be improved.

It is very difficult to defeat the peacock undead creature as a high-level undead creature.


The black long sword slashed at Ge Lian's chest, and the terrifying power knocked Ge Lian back instantly.


After taking several steps back, Green felt the pain coming from his chest.

Fortunately, after overcoming his fear, his strength increased compared to the beginning and he did not fall down.

But I Sayoko, who was observing the battle from the side, was very anxious when she saw that Ge Lian was beaten so badly.


Out of worry, she unconsciously called out Tachibana Sakuya's name.

The sound spread to the battlefield, not only Ge Lian, but also the peacock undead creature.

When she heard the extremely familiar voice coming from her ears, Ge Lian Lian was immediately startled and looked at the place where the sound came from.


Glian exclaimed in surprise.

He didn't expect that Sayoko would follow him here.

"oh? Orange, is this the woman you care about? hehe!"

The peacock undead creature suddenly had other thoughts in its mind. It flashed and quickly approached Sayoko.

Seeing that the peacock undead creature wanted to attack Sayoko, Green immediately rushed forward to stop the peacock undead creature.

But the pain came from his body. It made him stagger and almost fall to the ground.


A familiar scream came


When he raised his head again, he found that Sayoko had been caught by the peacock undead creature.

The long sword was placed in front of Sayoko's neck, and the peacock undead creature looked at Gelian with a playful expression.

"How about it? Orange, are you ready to continue fighting with me now?

I seem to remember that this woman should be quite important to you, you said....If I killed her here, would you......How about it?"

From the moment he caught this woman, the Peacock Undead knew that he had won the battle.

He didn't care whether he was despicable or not, he only cared about whether he could win the ultimate battle, that's all.

Just use He didn't care at all if this woman threatened Tachibana.

Now he just wanted to complete the strongest knight system as soon as possible. Everything else didn't matter.

Seeing his beloved woman being held hostage by the other party, Ge Lian was filled with anger.

"asshole! Let me go! Come to me if something happens!"

His roar could not make the peacock undead creature let go of Sayoko.

Sayoko, who was being held hostage, now realized that she was now a drag.

If I had known that she would distract Gren, Sayoko would not have come here. Interfering with this battle, and now being held hostage, Gelian is naturally very wary of the monsters that maintain him because he is worried about his own safety.

"Ju, it's obvious that you are the one who took the initiative to cause trouble for me. It's obvious that you can come back to me and listen to my words.

But you didn't make such a choice. Instead, you stood on the opposite side of me.

I feel really distressed, really....Very heartbreaking!"

The voice couldn't help but get a little louder. The blade of the sword leaned against Sayoko's neck, and traces of blood appeared.

Sayoko could also feel the pain coming from her neck and couldn't help but frown.

Although it hurt, she didn't get angry because of it. She screamed.

She didn't want to drag down Glenn and make him give up the fight because of her own reasons.

"Orange! Fight! Do not bother me!"

Sayako had a look of determination on her face, as if she was ready to die.

"Shut up!"

Seeing that Sayoko was holding herself hostage and still talking so much, the peacock undead creature was annoyed and hit her in the face with the hilt of the sword.

At this moment, light scratches appeared on Sayoko's face, and she was unconscious at the same time. passed


Gelian, who was very worried about Sayoko's safety, was about to step forward.

However, the peacock undead creature was still holding Sayoko hostage, and he did not dare to act rashly.

The anger in his heart had nowhere to vent, and Green watched his beloved woman being raped. She was caught, but there was no way to protect her, with blazing anger burning in her eyes.

Even Sister Tiger couldn't help but frown when she saw the despicable behavior of the peacock undead creature.

"This guy is too despicable. He is holding hostages even though they are fighting in an upright manner! snort!"

Sister Tiger was very unhappy with the despicable peacock undead creature, and even wanted to rush up and beat the guy hard.

What she advocates is fair competition and fighting, not such despicable fighting.

Looking at Lu Li next to her, Profits There was no change in his attitude, nor did he show any anger.

He already knew that Isaka, an arrogant and conceited guy, was also a despicable guy who would do anything to win the battle. , let alone holding a mere human being hostage

"Not all undead creatures believe in fair fights like you. They will flee when facing powerful enemies, and they will also kill weak enemies when facing them.

On the contrary, you are a very strange existence among the many undead creatures.

Lu Li's voice rang in Sister Hu's ears, making Sister Hu slightly startled:

Turning around, Sister Hu looked Lu Li up and down, and then said doubtfully

"So... what kind of person are you?"

"You can take a guess, but Isaka’s behavior is so embarrassing.

With a mysterious smile, Lu Li did not directly answer Sister Hu's question.

Then, Lu Li suppressed the smile on his face and pointed his hand towards the sky.

Noticing Lu Li's strange look, Sister Hu couldn't help but be curious about what Lu Li would do next.

After getting along with him for this period of time, she knew that Lu Li would do some meaningless things. He suddenly raised his hand and pointed it at the sky. He must have some plan.

The sky suddenly darkened, clouds gathered, and thunder rolled


Sudden weather changes suddenly surprised Sister Hu.

"Could it be..?!"

Recalling Lu Li's actions just now, Sister Hu freely connected the two.

It was Lu Li who pointed his hand at the sky, which caused the sky to change.

Can you actually control the weather?!

From Sister Hu's point of view, this is simply an impossible thing.

Even the powerful category Kig is absolutely impossible to control changes in the weather.

After all, undead creatures are all species on the earth, and no creature has the ability to control the weather at will.

And there is only one person that Sister Hu knows who can do this, and that is the Creator!

It can be seen that Lu Li in front of him not only did it, but also did it very easily.

In Sister Hu's eyes, Lu Li seems to be even more mysterious.

"You don't mind if I interfere with this fight a little, do you? The appearance of that woman made this battle unfair."

Lu Li's voice echoed in her ears. Sister Hu crossed her hands and nodded coldly.

"He was the one who broke the rules in the first place, so the fight should be fair.

The meaning was already obvious, and she didn't mind Lu Li's intervention in this matter.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Lu Li's lips, and then he lightly snapped his fingers.


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