Phillip was resting when he was suddenly awakened.

Turning over and sitting up on the bed, Phillip's eyes revealed strong disbelief, as if something very important had happened.

Seeing him sit up suddenly, Zuo Shotaro, who was reading the newspaper, was immediately startled.

"Hello! I said, Philip, could you please be a little quieter next time you get up? You are very scary."

Hearing this, Philip came back to his senses and said in disbelief.


"What's gone? what are you talking about?"

Seeing him like this, Zuo Xiangtaro scratched his hair with a puzzled look on his face.

He didn't understand, what on earth was Phillip talking about?

Something disappeared without a clue.

"Lu Li disappeared. His existence in the earth's memory suddenly disappeared."

Yes, Philip has always been able to feel Lu Li's existence.

As a being who returned from the Well of the Earth, Philip himself is composed of the Earth's memory and echoes the Earth's memory.

Previously, Lu Li had integrated the Earth's memory and could explore the Earth's memory at any time.

As a Philip, who was in the memory part of the earth, could also feel Lu Li's presence.

However, just now, Lu Li's presence on the earth was suddenly disconnected, as if it was blocked by something.

This feeling made Philip feel. It's very incredible.

After hearing what Phillip just said, Zuo Shotaro also stood up from his seat in surprise, put his hands on the desk, and said with an incredulous look on his face.

"What?! Lu Li disappeared? real or fake? Are you kidding me?"

How could he be here? How could such a terrifying and powerful guy like Lu Li disappear inexplicably?

Shaking his head vigorously, Phillip looked at Zuo Xiangtaro seriously and said in a deep voice

"I'm not joking, I'm serious, it was still there, but it suddenly disappeared, as if it blocked my perception.

I don't know what it is now, but I can be sure that Lu Li is no longer on earth."

Even though it sounds weird, Zuo Xiangtaro has never doubted the ability of his best partner.

Philip will not be wrong about this kind of thing. His long-term experience tells Zuo Xiangtaro that something must have happened to make Lu Li Suddenly disappearing from the earth, but in any case, from Zuo Xiangtaro's point of view, this does not seem to be a bad thing, but a huge good thing.

Without Lu Li, he will not be affected by the other party's appearance. He felt inexplicable fear.

Moreover, without Lu Li, he didn't have to worry about meeting Lu Li when handling the case.

For example, when he was dealing with the witch at the crossroads, the case ended up only because of Lu Li's appearance. I can just let it go.

Of course, I feel so in my heart, but Zuo Xiangtaro can't act happy.........Asking for flowers.........

In any case, he was Phillip's brother-in-law after all, and he was related by relatives, so it was always not good for him to rejoice in his misfortune.

Philip didn't pay attention to Zuo Xiangtaro's state at this time. He got up and walked to the basement and began to search for information about Lu Li.

However, the information he could obtain was very limited, and he had no idea why Lu Li suddenly disappeared without a trace.

In the special passage inside the jump gate.

Lu Li and Misaki Nadeshiko were currently traveling through the dark passage.

They don't know where the goal is, but there is a force pulling them.

Lu Li didn't know what kind of power this was, but this power did not show any malice.

Misaki Nadeshiko quietly felt the energy around her, and did not show any discomfort. On the contrary, she smiled. look.

I don't know how long this process lasted. Lu Li and Misaki Nadeshiko finally saw it. There was a faint light in front of them.


Lu Li was not sure whether there was an exit in front of them. The guidance of magical power was leading them to that place.

The light was getting closer and closer, and it took some time for the two of them to finally leave the passage of the jump gate through the light.

After leaving the jump gate, Lu Li opened his eyes and found that he had arrived at a magical place.

The vast galaxy was in front of him, as if he could touch it with his hands.

Lu Li and Misaki Nadeshiko were floating there. In the universe, the dazzling galaxy is very eye-catching.

Even Lu Li does not feel attracted by this dazzling galaxy.

"Are you not the Sons of the Core? A strange life form, and a seed of life in the universe."

At this time, a sudden voice sounded in his mind.

Although he was surprised that this strange voice suddenly echoed in his mind, Lu Li did not show any panic.

As for Misaki Nadeshiko, she tilted her head slightly, He seemed to be curious about why this voice was echoing in his mind.

The next second, an extremely huge being appeared in front of Lu Li.

It seemed that its body was even as big as a planet, or even bigger than a planet. At this time, this extremely huge existence slowly stretched out its arms, and placed one of its fingers in front of Lu Li.

"Put your hands up.

The voice in his mind sounded again, making Lu Li want to put his hand up involuntarily.

The terrifying will can actually shake one's own spirit.

Although he didn't understand why the other party did this, Lu Li had probably determined who the other party was.


As soon as he comes out of the jump gate, the other party suddenly appears, so the most likely possibility is only the giver.

After all, the Giver will wait for the return of the Son of the Core, and then use it to collect relevant information about the corresponding life planet.

This extremely huge existence should have a 99% probability of being the giver.

Even Lu Li didn't expect the giver to be such a huge being.

I don’t know what race they are, but if they can survive in the starry sky, they are probably similar to gods.

Unable to defy the opponent's will, Lu Li was not sure how powerful the opponent was, but since he was a god, his combat power should not be underestimated.

The other party was about to make contact with him, and Lu Li could take this opportunity to activate his re-enactment ability.

Thinking of this, Lu Li put his hand directly on the huge finger without any hesitation.

The fingers were so huge that even if Lu Li stood on them, they looked very small.

【Replica! 】

The moment he touched his finger, Lu Li immediately started to re-engrave.

Re-engraving can be carried out without any resistance from the target.

The current giver just needs to be contacted by Lu Li, so it is most convenient to take advantage of this opportunity to make a replica.

When Lu Li started to re-engrave, the Giver also activated his ability to read the information he wanted in Lu Li's mind.

In this way, it can easily understand what Lu Li has been through, why he is here, why the son of the core has not returned, etc.

Whatever it wants to know, it can be obtained through this method of reading memory.

When the two came into contact, one read the memory and the other reproduced the other's ability, Misaki Nadeshiko just watched from the sidelines.

She didn't know what the big one and the small one were doing, but they must be doing something very important.

While recreating the Giver's abilities, Lu Li finally understood what kind of existence the Giver was.

Almost as he guessed, the giver was a god-like existence.

He can even create planets and galaxies. As long as he spends his divine power, he can do almost anything.

Even in the world of Extreme War that Lu Li started to visit, the sealing stone slab was still similar to a god, but compared with the giver in front of him, the sealing stone slab clearly belonged to a low-level god.

Because the sealing stone slab can only create life on the planet at most, but cannot create a planet or even a galaxy.

PS: Thanks for the monthly ticket of Where is the Dragon Ball! 9

Chapter 384 Re-enactment? Return and Reappearance

To be precise, the sealing stone tablet should also be a piece of divine intelligence created by a god of the same level as the giver.

It must possess a mysterious power that can even reshape civilization.

The Giver was very powerful, and Lu Li was afraid that it would take a lot of time to completely recreate the Giver.

But now there is obviously not a lot of time for Lu Li to carve it completely. The giver is a more terrifying existence than the sealing stone slab.

The last engraving on his right hand had disappeared, and Lu Li was still immersed in the mighty power of the giver.

At this time, the Giver also understood why Lu Li came here through Lu Li's memory.

At the same time, he also knew that Lu Li was recreating his power through contact with him.

It is a very magical power. Even the giver does not know what this mysterious power is.

But it is undeniable that this young man is indeed replicating his own power.

"Young man, that's about it."

The voice in his mind exploded like thunder, and Lu Li came back to his senses in an instant.

He knew that the giver must have discovered that he was replicating his power.

But the other party did not use power to seal him like the previous sealing stone slab. He flicked it away and just reminded himself.

Lu Li, who had already restored some of his abilities, knew that sometimes he should not be too greedy.

At this time, the last mark on his right hand was already there. It disappeared without a trace, leaving only a faint red trace. This meant that Lu Li

's three seals in this world had now been used up.

The giver's voice echoed in my mind again

"Young man, I already know your origin and why you came to find me.

But my power is beyond everything and beyond your understanding.

Although you only got part of my ability, it is enough for you to become more powerful"Seven Two Zero".

Even if you are not completely a true god now, you are almost there.

I learned a lot of information from you. Although the Son of the Core failed to return, it was enough.

In your terms, this is a deal between us.

You brought me information about life, and I gave you part of your abilities, which is reasonable."

I have to say that the giver is indeed very majestic, and he is completely lifeless.

To be precise, an extremely powerful god like the giver basically does not have too many emotions.

He has seen too much and is alive. The time was beyond comprehension, so it was naturally impossible for him to get angry over such a small thing.

Lu Li had to sigh at how lucky he was when he met such a talkative giver.


If you encounter something like a sealing stone, you may have thrown yourself into a space crack again.

"Even if you are not a god yet, but you already possess the power of a god, it will only be a matter of time before you become a god in the future. I have not seen the birth of a god for a long time.

Young man, I think highly of you."

In the eyes of the giver, Lu Li is now a god's seedling.

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