Finding someone is not an easy task. It’s not that easy to find. He didn’t have high hopes at first.

"Jingle Bell!"

Suddenly, the bell at the door of the Menkagedo suddenly rang.

I saw Daimon Rinko wearing a formal suit walking in from the outside, looking hurriedly, as if there was something going on.

I noticed Daimon Rinko coming in, and Fu Maharu People are curious

"Rinzi, aren't you going to work today? Why did it come suddenly?"

Hearing this, Damen Linzi walked over in a hurry and took out a piece of paper from his bag.

"Haruto, it’s the license plate number you asked me to check before. I’ve been checking it for a long time, but I couldn’t find it in Tori/Uraizaka.

I was thinking about whether it could be a license plate number from somewhere else, so I expanded the search in the system and found it."

Putting the paper on the table, Daimon Rinko held her head high and looked like I am very powerful.

"did you find it?!"

The voice couldn't help but rise twice. Kao Zhenqingren had been waiting for the result of this matter.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no news. Kao Zhenqingren didn't even have much expectations in his heart..

Unexpectedly, there is new news now, and I am suddenly excited.

"Where does this license plate number belong to?"

Cao Zhenharuto looked impatient, eager to know where this license plate number came from.

He sat down on the sofa and poured himself a glass of water. Daimon Rinko had originally run over. , took two sips quickly, and after calming down her heartbeat, Daimon Rinko faced the excited eyes of Kao Maharuto and said the answer.

"The license plate number of this car is from Fengdu, and it is recorded as a vehicle of a large company."


Frowning fiercely, Kao Zhenqingren has never been to Fengdu, and he doesn't know what kind of city it is.

Now he only knows one thing, that is, he should have gone to Fengdu before the calendar.

As for going He still doesn't know what Fengdu is doing. It seems possible that Koyomi is still in Tori/Ujingzaka, or whether he has gone to this Fengdu.

Daimon Rinko quickly put down the cup in her hand and reminded

"Haruto, please don't act rashly. This company is not simple, and the relationships behind it are complicated. It's best not to act rashly."

Before coming, she went to investigate the specific information of this company. The background is very deep.

Even with the Metropolitan Police Department or higher-level government officials, she has deep connections.

After conducting more in-depth investigations, Before, it was best to make preparations instead of just rushing forward.

After reading the company information written on the paper, Kao Zhenqing nodded. He knew that sometimes one cannot act on impulse.

Before doing something, you still need to think carefully to avoid some serious consequences.

"I understand, don't worry, I won't act rashly, as long as I know there is this clue, I can slowly look for it."

Although he is worried about Dimuli, he also believes that Dimuli should not have any safety issues for the time being.

Chapter 383: Jump Gate! The Giver!

Although he only saw it briefly through his familiar last time, Dimuli is indeed still alive and well..

Now that he has this clue, he can slowly find it bit by bit.

But there is a key problem. He can't just leave Bird/Ujingzaka for the time being.

The phantom is always looking for humans with magical powers. , wanting to make them despair and give birth to new phantoms.

As someone who has also experienced despair, from the bottom of his heart, he does not want anyone to become a phantom due to despair.

If this matter cannot be handled well, others will be in danger. Can't leave here

"Don't worry, I can't leave Tori/Uraizaka now. After all, the phantom still exists, and I can't just watch someone despair."

It was a difficult decision to make.

At the same time, he was very worried about Fengdu, but at the same time he had to stay and do things well here.

After learning that Cao Zhenqingren did not choose to go to Fengdu immediately, but stayed After coming down, Daimon Rinzi breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't know why, but when she saw Kao Zhenharuto caring so much about another girl, she felt very uncomfortable.

The feeling of leaving.

She had never been in love and didn't know what it felt like, but she just inexplicably hoped that Kao Maharuto wouldn't go to Dimu Koyomi

, but she still felt unhappy in her heart. Think about it consciously

"By the way, where is Uncle Wajima?"

Rinko Damon suddenly realized that he didn't seem to see Shigeru Wajima.

According to the time calculation, shouldn't he be in the store at this time?

Hearing this, before waiting for Haruto to answer, Nara on the side Shunpei couldn't wait to interrupt.

"Uncle Wajima is currently processing a new magic gem and making a new ring. I believe that with this new ring, Haruto will become stronger!"

"New ring? What will it be like? Quite looking forward to it.

Knowing that Fu Maharuto will become stronger, Daimon Rinko was naturally happy for him in her heart

"I'm also looking forward to it. This magic gem always gives me a different feeling."

Recalling the time when he came into contact with this red magic gem, Kao Zhenharuto did feel a different power.

The more he said this, the more people looked forward to it.

Fengdu, Yuanfu family.

The jump gate cannot be opened on the earth, Lu Li couldn't say how terrifyingly destructive it would be. It would be most appropriate to open it in the universe.

Early this morning, the girls rarely went to the company as soon as possible, but planned to wait for Lu Li to leave before they went. Company.

In the garden, Lu Li and Misaki Nadeshiko were preparing to go to the moon first.

Although Sono Saki and the other girls had known that Lu Li would leave today, they still felt very reluctant to leave. They might not be able to see Lu Li for a long time.

This kind of life was very painful for them.

Due to the reluctance in their hearts, Lu Li hugged and kissed each other before he noticed the girls. With a look of reluctance, Lu Li suddenly realized that he was also reluctant to let go.

Before he knew it, he already had a home in this world, and he also had so many family members.

"After you leave, it's up to you to take care of the house. I'll be back as soon as possible.

"Um! Bon Voyage!"

The girls nodded in unison. They were about to watch Lu Li leave. They turned their attention back to Misaki Nadeshiko next to them. Lu Li reached out and held her little hand.

"Are you ready? Then we'll set off"


The next second, Lu Li and Misaki Nadeshiko disappeared from the same place.

They disappeared out of thin air, as if they had never appeared before.

Although they had been mentally prepared for this, when they actually saw Lu Li leave, the girls' mood changed. How could she be happy?

As the eldest sister, Sonosaki Kiko naturally had to set an example at this time. She couldn't even look like she was helpless.

"Okay, sisters, it’s time���Just do whatever you want. Before Lu Li comes back, we have to take care of everything at home and don't make any trouble.

Lu Li helped us a lot when he was here, but now that he is temporarily gone, we have to rely on ourselves.

Hearing this, all the girls nodded in unison.

"no problem!"

Above the moon.

The uneven surface of the moon suddenly welcomed two guests.

When Lu Li and Misaki Nadeshiko appeared again, they were already here.

Suddenly they were on the moon, and Misaki Nadeshiko's eyes There was a flash of surprise. Misaki

Nadeshiko didn't feel any disgust about this place at all, and she felt pretty good now.

Due to the reduced gravity, Misaki Nadeshiko stepped on it lightly and jumped up.

It seemed like she was having a good time.

Seeing her happy look, Lu

Li took out the Zodiac Disciple switch

, but he considered turning it on on the moon. The jump gate may completely destroy the moon, but think about it, let it go.

If the moon is completely destroyed, the beautiful moonlight will no longer be visible, and destroying the moon will cause a large amount of debris to appear, which may also harm the earth.

Therefore, the best place to open the jump door should be in the universe, far away from the moon and the earth, and there are no other planets.

"Nadeshiko, gone.

Misaki Nadeshiko, who was having a great time, heard the call and quickly stopped to follow Lu Li's actions.

Although it is impossible to move using force in the universe, that is only for ordinary people.

Lu Li, who possesses powerful telekinesis, can propel himself to move by directly using telekinesis.

It is not difficult to move Misaki Nadeshiko to the distance.

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Li felt that the distance was almost there, so he took out the Zodiac Disciple Switch.

To activate the Zodiac Disciple switch, the power required is cosmic energy.

Lu Li did not stay in Tiangao or Kyoto for a long time, so he did not have cosmic energy.

But Misaki Nadeshiko is different. As the seed of life in the universe, she has a huge amount of cosmic energy in her body. It is naturally easy to activate the Zodiac Star Disciple switch.

"Nadeshiko, use your cosmic energy to activate these switches.

Hearing this, Misaki Nadeshiko nodded thoughtfully.

Then, she put her hand on one of the Star Disciple switches.

The hands are emitting a light blue shimmer, which is the energy of the universe.

When the cosmic energy comes into contact with the Star Disciple Switch, all the surrounding Star Disciple switches are affected by the cosmic energy.

The star disciple switches that were successfully activated formed a circle around each other and slowly rose.

Not long after, the Star Disciple Switch opened a huge entrance above the two of them.

The inside of the huge hole was pitch black, nothing could be seen, and there seemed to be no light.

It's like a black hole that can swallow up all light

"Nadeshiko, we can go in."

Holding Misaki Nadeshiko's hand again, Lu Li pulled her and plunged into the jump gate.

The moment he entered the jump gate, Lu Li quickly withdrew the Zodiac Disciple switch.

The figures of the two people After the star disciple switch completely disappeared, the extremely dark jump gate gradually became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The universe returned to tranquility, as if the jump gate had never appeared. This is the case.

At this time, in the Wind City of Earth,

Ming/Wuhai Detective Agency.

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