Nodding, I hope Guangming is not angry because Tachigamihou gave Hayami a fair plea.

"I know, it's just that I'm dissatisfied with his work efficiency. I won't get rid of him yet."

"I hope you are wise.

Hayami Koi was actually running around in the school.

At this time, he looked very nervous, as if he hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

This is indeed the case.

During this period of time, he had trouble sleeping and eating, could not eat well, and could not sleep well.

I have been running all the time, trying to find the last zodiac sign as soon as possible.

But he didn't know if God was playing a joke on him or something, but the last zodiac sign didn't appear for a long time.

He was desperate inside.

It was obviously going well before, so why did it go so poorly in the end?

If he didn't believe in God, he would really think that God was against him.

Just when Mr. Hayami was feeling uneasy, a student walked from the front and greeted him in a friendly manner.

"Hello, principal!

After hearing the sound, Hayami���Ping suddenly raised his head and found that it was Yuki Shiroshima.

With a forced smile on his face, he nodded.


Then the two passed by each other. Of course, Hayami Hoshi knew that Jojima Yuuki was a member of the Kamen Rider Club, but now that his identity has not been exposed, Jojima Yuuki didn't know that he was a Libra.

Suddenly, Hayami thought of something.

It's true that he has been observing the students in the academy during this period, but he seems to have directly excluded everyone in the Kamen Rider Club.

Could...the Zodiac appear among them?!

Thinking of this, Hayami Koi immediately turned around and saw Jojima Yuuki who was gradually leaving in front of him.

He took out the Libra star disciple switch and pressed it to switch directly to Libra.

The Eye of Laplace suddenly bloomed with a bright light, and the fate of Yuki Jojima's constellation was completely presented before Libra's eyes.

When the pattern appears, Libra is immediately ecstatic!


I didn’t expect that after waiting for so long, I finally found Gemini!

I just had the mentality of giving it a try, but I didn't expect that he actually found Gemini.

Libra was so ecstatic that he almost jumped up.

Jojima Yuuki disappeared from sight, and Libra was about to catch up. He finally found the last Gemini and had to wake her up as soon as possible.

However, just when Libra was about to take action, he suddenly felt someone coming behind him.

Suddenly turning around, I found that Virgo was already standing behind me at some point.

"Virgo? What are you here for?

When seeing Virgo as an executioner, Libra instinctively feels nervous.

After all, this person controls the Dark Nebula, so of course he is afraid.

Hearing this, the old God Virgo walked past Libra.

"Libra, I'm here to convey my Lord Wang's order and take you back immediately to accept your punishment."

"What? accept punishment?!"

When he learned that I was going to punish myself when I looked at Guangming, Libra was suddenly shocked. Even if he reacted, he must have been impatient with waiting for me to look at Guangming. He hadn't found the last zodiac sign yet. He wanted to punish me. Punishing himself.

Taking two steps back unconsciously, Libra said quickly.

"No no no! Virgo, I have found the last Gemini! Please go back and tell me, Lord Wang, I will be able to awaken her right away.!"

"Um? Have you found the last Gemini?"

Virgo was a little unbelievable. He thought it was impossible for Libra to find Gemini, but he didn't expect to find it anyway.

He suddenly thought to himself,"Oh no, once Gemini awakens and gathers the last star disciple switch of the zodiac, I will see the light."

Although he had expected that such a day would come, he didn't expect it to come so quickly. Seeing that Virgo didn't respond, Libra was silently relieved.

"Please also tell this matter to me, Master Wang, and I will definitely let her awaken the last zodiac!"

Before he finished speaking, Libra immediately turned around and chased after him. He couldn't let Jojima Yugi go. That was the only hope that could keep him alive.

Watching Libra leave, Virgo did not stop him.

Gently. As soon as he chopped the wand in his hand, Virgo disappeared.

He did not immediately go to Wang Guangming's office, but immediately found a hidden place and told Lu Li the news.

They are now partners. You do it. We have to rely on Lu Li to defeat me Wang Guangming.

No matter what, we must pass the news to Lu Li now.

After arriving at a hidden place, Virgo immediately took out his cell phone and called Lu Li.

The phone rang twice, but no one answered it. Jiang Benshuhui was very anxious to know what he was doing now, but he was risking his life to deliver the message. If he was not careful, he might be in danger.

When delivering a message to Lu Li, whether I was Wang Guangming or Lishenhou, I would definitely not let him go.

Fortunately, the phone finally answered when it rang for the third time.

"Professor Emoto, is there any news?"

When he saw that it was Jiang Benzhouhui who called him, Lu Li was shocked.

Are you here?

The first thought in his mind was whether the last Gemini had appeared.

Hearing this, Jiang Benzhouhui couldn't wait to call him. I told Lu Li the news I just learned.

"Mr. Lu, according to the news I just received, Hayami Koi has now found the last Gemini and is preparing to awaken it."

Sure enough!

Lu Li had already guessed that this might be the case when he answered the phone. As expected,

"Already found? I know, I'll come over as soon as possible.

After saying that, Lu Li immediately hung up the phone and prepared to go to Tiangao.

The last Gemini who has been waiting for so long has finally appeared. The Zodiac Star Disciple Switch will be gathered soon.

Looking at the phone call that had been hung up, Jiang Benshuhui secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, he still needs to tell me the news immediately to Wang Guangming.

At least for now, he can't reveal his true nature and must hide the fact that he has betrayed me, Wang Guangming.

He needs to find a way to stop my plan to see the light at the last critical moment when he is not paying attention.

Press the Virgo star disciple switch again, transform into Virgo again, and use teleportation to leave the office of Wang Guangming.

Virgo is back here again.

I was originally waiting for Virgo and Libra to bring them back, but I looked at the light but didn't see Libra, and I couldn't help but frown.

"Virgo, what about Libra people?"

"I hope your lord, Libra has found the last zodiac sign just now."

When Virgo reported this matter, I Wang Guangming stood up excitedly.

"What did you say?!

Perhaps because I was too excited, my eyes turned red when I looked at Guangming.

I came to Virgo in a few steps, looked at the light and asked loudly

"You just said that Libra has found the last zodiac sign?!"

"yes! Just now, Libra had found the last zodiac sign, just as I was preparing to bring him back."

When I learned this exact answer, I laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha! good! OK! Finally found the last one."

I thought it would take time to find the last zodiac sign, but I didn't expect to find it suddenly when I was about to punish Libra. It was an unexpected surprise. I was not in a good mood before, but I felt much better immediately. When I look at the light, I seem to have seen myself heading towards the dark nebula.

"good! Well done Libra! I originally planned to punish him a little, but I didn't expect that he had already been found!

Now that he has found it, let's go and see who the last Gemini is.

Before I finished speaking, I looked at Guangming and took out the Sagittarius Star Disciple switch. After pressing the switch, my whole body was wrapped in a dark nebula.

But the bright Sagittarius star pattern suddenly lit up, dispelling the dark nebula, and transformed into the appearance of Sagittarius


Sagittarius immediately brought Leo and Virgo, preparing to welcome the arrival of the last Gemini.

Over here in Fengdu."

Lu Li fiddled with the magic ring and the transformation ring in the research room.

But after tinkering with it for a while, I discovered that these two things always require tempering before they can be activated, and I currently have no magic power and cannot activate them at all.

We can only let it go.

Then I received a call from Emoto Shuteri, and finally found the last Gemini.

So Lu Li ended the research hastily and prepared to go to Tiangao.

Just when Lu Li was about to leave the laboratory, a voice suddenly came from next to him.

It turned out to be Chiba Hideo, who had always been used as experimental material. Although this guy was tied to the experimental table and his mouth was gagged, he was still able to make some noise.

Moreover, this guy also has telekinesis, so it's not difficult at all if he really wants to make some noise.

Chiba Hideo has been restrained like this for this period of time, and he can't escape even if he wants to.

He also knew that Lu Li had now mastered the method of immortality.

This means that he is probably no longer useful to Lu Li.

It is almost self-evident what the ultimate fate of a useless experimental material will be. The most likely outcome is that it will be destroyed.

He didn't want to die, let alone be destroyed, so he was thinking of ways to break free and escape from here.

Unexpectedly, the movement was a little louder just now, alarming Lu Li.

If there is any slight disturbance, Lu Li will know it immediately.

Slowly walking over, Lu Li appeared in Chiba Hideo's field of vision.

When he saw Lu Li, Chiba Hideo was frightened to death and quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

However, his behavior is nothing less than deceiving oneself and deceiving others.

"I almost forgot about you. It seems that you don't like life here, right?"

With a faint smile on his face, Lu Li didn't seem to show any malice.

But this faint smile was like a devil's smile in Chiba Hideo's eyes, making his heart beat wildly.

He shook his head quickly, Chiba Hideo dare not admit it

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