Now he is facing a huge dilemma.

The golden magician who was his partner has been killed, which means that he needs to face two opponents.

Moreover, one of his opponents was Lu Li, who had just defeated the golden magician. The opponent's strength made him feel that he seemed to have no hope.

But staying alive is a very important thing to Gulemlin.

He hasn't achieved his goal yet, how can he die here? Absolutely not!

One problem he had to face now was that no matter who Lu Li or Mezier was, they seemed to have stronger fighting abilities than him. In this case, how should they fight?

Walking slowly, Lu Li did not rush to kill Gulemlin, but suddenly said

"Golemlin, I didn't expect that your life would be so critical. I reminded him last time to kill you in advance. After all, you are not a good guy.

It looks harmless to humans and animals, but your thoughts are too deep, and the Philosopher's Stone is not something you can covet."

And as Lu Li said these words, Gu Lemlin finally understood at this moment.

It turned out that he became like this entirely because of the man in front of him!

He was the one who told the sage that he was not the real one. The phantom is a special product of human beings and phantoms.

This person also told the sage that he had been plotting behind his back to win the Philosopher's Stone, but he was very sure that he and the man in front of him were not the same at all. Yes, how does the other party know what is going on with him?

"who are you? Why do you know so much?!"

At this time, Golemlin no longer had the peace, nor the calmness and calmness of the past.

When his life was threatened, even Golemlin couldn't help but be filled with fear.

He felt like there was an invisible big hand. I caught myself unconsciously while walking, but I didn’t know anything yet:

"It doesn't matter who I am, you will be a dead person soon anyway, how about that? It should be a happy thing for you that I call you a human being."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but such a smile made Gulemlin feel cold all over. The guy in front of him was too terrifying. He knew everything about himself and had already planned to kill him. He didn't expect that he would plan it.

After so much planning, it seems that it was all in vain.

From the beginning to the end, he may not have had any hope.

Damn it!

Gulemlin had been planning for a long time and was filled with unwillingness. He didn't expect that things would turn out this way. To reach this point.

He is a complete joke.

Thinking of this, Gulemlin suddenly canceled the transformation, and a sad smile appeared on his face.

He knew that no matter whether he resisted or not, the final outcome would be the same. , What's the point of continuing to resist?

Metzl returned to Lu Li's side, resting his chin on his right hand, looking at the completely defenseless Guremlin with curiosity.

"he......Is this giving up resistance?"

I was quite puzzled as to why Gremlin continued to struggle.

What if there was still a slight possibility of being alive?

"When facing despair, there is no hope in the heart, so naturally one will not think about continuing to struggle. Lu

Li looked at Golemlin who was smiling sadly and bitterly, and he didn't feel much emotion in his heart.

Originally, Golemlin did have a chance to get the Philosopher's Stone and complete a more advanced evolution, but unfortunately because of his arrival, everything has changed

"Want to die as a human? If this is the case, then it will be fulfilled for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li gently snapped his fingers.


A terrifying force tore Golemlin to pieces. His body turned into particles and gradually disappeared into this space.

Seeing his body disappearing, Golemlin suddenly felt that this was not bad.

At least...he died in this status.

In just a few seconds, Gulemlin had completely disappeared.

"Is it over? That's too hasty."

With that said, Mezel transformed back into a human form.

Mezel could not understand Golemlin's mentality of giving up the fight.

If it were her, she would never give up the fight even if she knew there was no possibility of winning.

No matter how strong the opponent is, as long as he keeps fighting, there may always be a chance.

Lu Li patted Mezier's head and shook his head.

"One person thinks differently, you think this way, but other people may think otherwise.

Okay, now that it's taken care of, let's go back."

Whether it is the golden magic or the ancient Lemlin, they have been killed by Lu Li, and those who may threaten the Philosopher's Stone have been dealt with.

Next, it can be completely left to Dimu Xuan to deal with it.

If there is no golden The magician and the ancient Lemlin, Dimu Xuan, had not been able to solve this matter, so he might need to consider

Di Mu Xuan's ability.

Lu Li called him and told him the matter instead of looking for him. It's been dealt with.

Although Dimu was surprised when he heard the news, he thought it was normal. After all , it was Lu Li.

After the trip to Karasuizaka, Lu Li left with Mezier.

Medusa and Phoenix/Wu suddenly received news from the sage that

Gulemlin and the golden magician had been solved, and there were no uncertainties. They could continue what they had done before in such a short period of time. Gulemlin and the golden magician were eliminated. Medusa felt it was incredible.

This was too scary!

You should know that Medusa and Phoenix/Wu were both beaten badly against the golden magician. But Lu Li defeated the golden magician by himself, and there was also Gulemin.

No wonder the sage arranged for this person to come to help. With such strong strength, he could indeed solve this matter smoothly.

Lu Li had left Bird/Ujingzaka, and Medusa was inexplicably relieved. She was already frightened by a sage, but if another Lu Li came, she was really worried that she might accidentally touch him.

Phoenix/Wu looked very unhappy, not for anything else, but because he wanted to fight until death, so that he could quickly improve his strength.

, Phoenix/Wu Xin was looking forward to it very much, but he didn't expect that the other party would just leave. He immediately lost the opportunity to become stronger, and felt very sad.

"hateful! That guy actually left like that. If he hadn't left, he would have beaten me to death two more times! I can become stronger!"

Clenching his fists unwillingly, Phoenix/Wuzhen wanted to ask the sage where Lu Li was from.

But after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. He didn't want to anger the sage, as that would cause trouble for himself.

Wen 093 After saying that, Medusa crossed her arms on her chest and shook her head helplessly.

Phoenix/Urniu was a muscle fool who only wanted to fight a powerful opponent to make himself stronger.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

In the past two days, all the girls in the family have completed the upgrade to immortality. Everyone has gained almost the same physique.

Not only can they not age, but they will not die as long as they are not fatally injured. With powerful self-healing abilities, etc., the overall strength has improved a lot, and after the transformation, the museum has experienced another surge in strength! The fusion base memory is also ready. The combination of these two powers is enough for

Erika Satonaka to enter the ranks of cadres from the beginning.

, the combat power displayed after the transformation can be said to be very powerful, even beyond Lu Li's imagination.

Among the girls, there is only one who has almost no combat power, and that is Dimu Li.

In addition to her improved physical fitness. There were no other special abilities.

Lu Li specifically asked Dimuli what kind of power he wanted, but Dimuli said that he didn't need it for the time being. The sisters around him all had powerful powers, and it seemed that she could have powerful powers or not.

Of course, the main reason is that Dimoli doesn't like fighting.

She doesn't really want power, and Lu Li won't force it. Anyway, she can do it anytime without Li Fengdu's presence. Suddenly Fengdu can't. He became calmer.

The originally terrifying case of mutilated corpses suddenly disappeared, and no one knew what happened.

Zuo Xiangtaro and Zhao Long also found a lot of information and determined that it should be related to the adulterant.

But they haven't figured out the specific situation yet.

Without understanding the specific situation, they have no way to start. As a result, the case has suddenly stopped and there is no way to get more clues.

However, the wind is still circulating.

Some of the previous Gaia memories prevented Zuo Shotarou from looking for cats and dogs every day.

The sky is high and the sky is calm and peaceful.

I hope the light will be patient.

It has been almost wiped out for a long time.

He is very unhappy now because Hayami Koichi has not reported the latest situation to him.

It seems that he has been too tolerant and allowed Hayami Koichi to make progress.

It's getting slower and slower.

It used to be quite smooth, but now it's so slow.

I don't have the patience anymore.

I'm in Wang Guangming's office.

"snort! Maybe Libra has betrayed my trust. If so, then there is no need for him to exist.

Virgo, leave it to you to deal with it, bring Libra back to me!


Virgo nodded slightly and used teleportation to leave the office.

Chapter 376: The Last Zodiac! Gemini is born!

Tachigamihou held the walnuts in his hands. He himself was not willing to deal with Hayami on an equal footing, but he was happy to see this situation.

However, he couldn't help but be a little worried.

After all, Libra has the Eye of Laplace, which makes it easier for people to find the destiny of certain zodiac signs.

Without the Eye of Laplace, it might be even harder to find the last Zodiac.

It's not time to get rid of Libra, at least not yet.

Thinking of this, Lishenhou immediately stood up and said

"I hope your lord, the last zodiac sign has not been found yet, and it is unfair to deal with it rashly, and I am afraid it will not be conducive to the subsequent search for the zodiac sign.

His Eye of Laplace is useful to you. In my opinion, it is better to give him a small punishment than a big warning.

Indeed, the Eye of Laplace is crucial to finding the last zodiac.

Having lost the Eye of Laplace in Libra, I don’t know when it will be possible to find Gemini.

What I just said to Wang Guangming was just because he was angry. He didn't really intend to deal with Hayami Fair directly.

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