After all, the other party killed Togawa Yosuke in front of him. In Zuo Shotaro's view, such a person should be punished by the law and must not be allowed to go unpunished.

Akiko Narumi, who was standing next to her, patted her forehead with a look of helplessness on her face.

"OK OK! You know, you know, just stop talking. In your current situation, it's hard to even stand up, let alone stay."

Even if she doesn't want to attack Zuo Shotaro, this is the fact.

Narumi Asukiko saw the previous battle clearly.

W is no match for the white guy.

Upon hearing this, Zuo Shotaro became furious. , sit up immediately

"Hello! Ya Shuzi! What did you say?! hiss~!"

But before he finished speaking, he felt pain in his body, making him gasp.

"Shotaro, you'd better take a good rest and don't move around for the time being. The result this time is finally good.

Tsumura Marina has been handed over to the police. At least she was not killed like Togawa Yosuke, which is good."

Phillip's voice came. He and Zuo Xiangtaro had different views on this time.

At least in his opinion, this time the failure was not too miserable.

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro immediately frowned and scolded

"Hello! Philip! Why do you guys say that too?!"

In his view, failing to protect Togawa Yosuke was a failure on his part.

He once said that he did not want the city to shed tears, nor did he want the people in this city to be harmed.

Different from the past, This time, Philip fiercely refuted Zuo Shotaro

"enough! Shotaro! Haven't you realized the difference between you and that white guy? You should be aware of the power of hot metal.

But even in this case, we couldn't defeat each other.

Think about it calmly and don't be dominated by your feelings!

What you do doesn't make you look like a tough guy, it only makes you look like a half-hearted person!"

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became tense. This was the first time that Phillip scolded Zuo Shotaro.

It was the first time that Phillip had scolded Zuo Shotaro like this. He was immediately unconvinced.

"Philip, you guy……!"

Holding back the pain in his body, he stood up and grabbed Phillip's collar.

Seeing such a tense atmosphere between the two of them, Narumi Asukiko quickly grabbed Zuo Shotaro

"Hello! Shotaro, that's enough! Calm down, don't be like this! Aren't you partners?"

She is worried that the relationship between the two will deteriorate further if they continue like this.

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Chapter 63 Do you want to become stronger? The restricted taboo was persuaded by Narumi Asukiko, left Shotaro calmed down.

Thinking of his attitude just now, he let go of Phillip's collar and lowered his head slightly.

After a moment of silence, he heard Shotaro Zuo's voice.


He also realized that he was a little too impulsive just now.

Just now, Phillip was just stating a fact.

Recalling what his uncle once said to him before, when handling a commission, you should not have too many personal emotions in it. Otherwise , it would be easy to be blinded.

But he could never do this.

As a human being, as a flesh-and-blood detective, he could not be as calm and rational as his uncle.

Phillip didn't get angry because of this, he just reminded him calmly

"Shotaro, don't be so impulsive next time."

He didn't know why he said this. Was he caring about Zuo Xiangtaro?

Then, Philip shook his head and returned to the basement.

At this time, he hoped to find more clues about Lu Li as soon as possible. Related information.

The figure from behind was too familiar, but Philip could never remember where he had seen it.

He had no choice but to enter the Earth Library and search blindly in the sea of books.

At this time, Zuo Shotaro was completely exhausted. He calmed down.

After carefully thinking about what happened, he also knew that he was too impulsive.

He had successfully eliminated the Tyrannosaurus dopant and successfully rescued Tsumura Shina, so he shouldn't have bothered with the white one anymore. Guy.

Maybe it was because he was angry at watching Togawa Yosuke die in front of him, or because he was beaten so badly last time, and he was unwilling to be angry. Driven by emotion, he joined the dangerous battle again, and ended up looking like this.

With a wry smile on his face, Shotaro Zuo lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"yes! Maybe... I am too pushy, but I am always a flesh-and-blood person.

I just...want to protect this city and prevent it from shedding tears."

I have had such a dream since I was a child, and I have been working hard for it until now.

Shotarou Zuo has never changed his original intention.

Upon seeing this, Asukiko Narumi did not continue to disturb Shotarou Zuo, but went quietly. into the basement.

At this time, it’s better to let Shotaro Zuo think about it for himself.


Night falls.

Fengdu looked so peaceful under the moonlight.

But even in this quiet city, it is filled with unknown power.

Sonosaki's house.

Lu Li and a few others were still in the hall, enjoying dinner.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko had finished eating, wiped her mouth with a napkin on the side, and suddenly said

"Father, do you know what happened today?"

Sonosaki Ryuhei, who knows everything about the museum, certainly knows that Sudō Kirihiko was taught a terrible lesson today.

But he doesn't know who beat Sudō Kirihiko, who has a golden memory. That's all.

With a calm smile on his face, Sonosaki Ryuhei put down the knife and fork in his hand and said with a smile.

"Saeko, you are probably talking about Sudou Kirihiko, right?"

Nodding slightly, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't wait to reveal what happened to Kirihiko Sudou.

"That's right, father, Sudo Kirihiko was going to help the buyer of the Tyrannosaurus memory today, but he failed and was left very embarrassed and scarred.

Is it really appropriate for you to hand over your golden advanced memory to such a guy?"

Obviously, Sonosaki Saeko looked down upon Sudo Kirihiko very much.

She believed that since the other party accepted the golden memory and Gaia drive, there should not be such a big problem.

The expected angry expression did not appear, leaving Sonosaki Saeko is a little confused

"Ha ha ha ha! Saeko, there is nothing surprising about this matter. After all, this is Kirihiko’s first time using Gaia memory, and he is still using a golden memory. It is normal for him to have poor power control.

Give him a little more time to grow up properly."

The growth he refers to is not just growth in the ordinary sense.

It also involves the evolution of memory.

As the number of battles increases, Nazca's memory will continue to grow and slowly transform. Evolve to the next stage.

Now that Mizonosaki Ryubei has said this, it is not easy for Sonosaki Saeko to continue arguing on this matter.

She really wants to get the Nazca memory back, but Sonosaki. Ryubei would definitely not agree.

During the meal, Lu Li was thinking about one question, and that was whether it was possible for Sonosaki Saeko's forbidden memory to become stronger based on it. The Earth's memory is designed and finally transformed into a Gaia memory.

The upper limit of a Gaia memory is related to the richness of the corresponding data.

Lu Li is currently researching pure memory, but he is not interested in the lid made by the museum. The sub-memory body is also of considerable interest.

It may not be able to be turned into his own power, but Lu Li can choose to use it to improve the strength of Sono Saki's dopant body.

In fact, the strength of the forbidden dopant body is not weak, but the attack method is too simple, and The defense is not strong either.

In the play, she can even be easily suppressed by the Executioner Mick, and Sonosaki Saeko is also beaten into the sea.

Anyway, Sonosaki Saeko has a deeper relationship with him, and Lu Li doesn't mind helping her. Become stronger.

As for whether Sono Saki Saeko will leave him after becoming stronger, Lu Li is not worried at all.

He only needs to be stronger and powerful enough to help his woman become stronger. There is nothing wrong with being powerful.

Lu Li has not considered this issue at all.

The power of Gaia's memory is indeed very strong, but the upper limit is what

Lu Li can do currently. Degree to���The stability is adjusted to the best so that it can fully exert its strongest power.

As for breaking the upper limit, Lu Li has no plans to do research in this area yet.

After dinner, Lu Li and Sono Sakiko returned to their room.

Noticing Lu Li leaning on the sofa, seeming to be concentrating with his eyes closed, Sonosaki Saeko walked over.

A pair of jade hands gently placed on Lu Li's shoulders, squeezing them gently.

He bent down slightly and breathed softly into Lu Li's ear.

"Dear, why didn't you say a word during dinner? Were you thinking about something?‖?"

Hearing Sonosaki Saeko's voice, Lu Li nodded, raised his neck slightly, and met her eyes.

"Saeko, do you want to become stronger?"

As soon as these words came out, Sonosaki Saeko, who was massaging Lu Li's shoulders, suddenly froze.

She has always used the forbidden memory, so it goes without saying that she is powerful.

As a museum official, her power is also One of the best.

But can Lu Li's words make him stronger?

Immediately reacting, Sonosaki looked at Lu Li with burning eyes, lowered her head slightly and bit him hard on the lips.

"think!" She said this word very firmly.

She always thinks about how to become stronger, but there is always no way.

The power of the taboo, she can exert it to this extent now, which is quite good.

After the precipitation of time and the full strength After development, maybe it can become stronger

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