After doing all this, Lu Li found a trash can and threw it away.

Now that the Lost Drive 06 has malfunctioned, it can no longer be used.

Even though he lost the Lost Drive, Lu Li didn't gain anything.

This time, both the eternal memory and the unicorn memory performed very stably, and there was no instability.

Not surprisingly, they should have been adjusted to their best condition.

Now, Lu Li is considering turning both types of memories into awakening cards.

I haven't done this before because the permanent memory output is not stable, but now the problem has been solved.

Back to the lab again.

The memory-making equipment was still running at this time, and the memory inside seemed to be almost complete.

Taking advantage of this time, Lu Li could try to make the eternal memory and unicorn memory into awakening cards.

After the world woke up, Lu Li had never used this power.

Putting the two Gaia memories on the table, Lu Li's right hand glowed with faint black light.

Just in case, Lu Li's first choice was the unicorn memory.

After all, compared to eternity, unicorn memory is more convenient to make, and if something goes wrong, it can be remade.

Covering the unicorn memory with his right hand that emitted a faint black light, a strange energy enveloped the unicorn memory.

Under the influence of this strange energy, the shape of the Unicorn Memory seems to be slowly changing.

The whole process lasted for about a few minutes before Lu Li slowly removed his right hand.

At this moment, the place where the Unicorn Memory should have been has been replaced by an Awakening Card.

There are no signs such as red hearts or squares in the upper left corner and lower right corner. There is a U symbol written in these two places.

On the left side of the card, the character Unicorn is written, and the pattern in the center of the card looks like a white unicorn.

Unicorn Memory Awakening Card! success!

Lu Li thought there was a possibility of failure, but he didn't expect that the process went smoothly.

The reason it took a few minutes was because he wasn't familiar enough with the use of this power.

After becoming familiar with the power of the sealing stone, Lu Li was able to quickly turn a certain kind of memory into an awakening card.

Now that the Unicorn Three Memory had been successful, Lu Li naturally turned his attention to the Eternal Memory.

Putting his right hand on the black shimmering light again and covering the eternal memory, Lu Li slowly transformed the eternal memory into an awakening card.

Perhaps because the power of eternal memory is more powerful, the process of this transformation is also quite slow.

It took Lu Li nearly ten minutes to finally transform the Eternal Memory into the Eternal Memory Awakening Card.

Looking at the Eternal Memory Awakening Card in front of him, the corners of Lu Li's mouth raised slightly.

Now, it means that he can no longer use the Lost Drive to transform, but can use his own Awakener to transform into the Ever Knight.

The pattern on the Eternal Memory Awakening Card is a white light with a faint hint of gold, but nothing else.

Below the pattern, there are characters for Change.Enteral.

The character Enter is written on the left side of the card, with a capital E in the upper left and lower right corners.

Now that the experimental results have come out, Lu Li can't wait to test it out.

The Awakening Device automatically appeared on his waist, and Lu Li picked up the two cards on the table.


Swipe the eternal awakening card in your hand quickly across the awakening device

"Change! Enteral!"

The mechanized voice was not exactly the same as before, with the word"Enteral" added.

A burst of other power instantly enveloped Lu Li, and countless fragments appeared out of thin air and enveloped Lu Li.

The next moment, countless fragments instantly attached to Lu Li's body..

Pure white knight, black eternal robe.

The difference is that the driver on the waist has changed from the previous lost driver to the current awakening device, and that is Lu Li.

There should be many memory slots on the body, but now there are no more.

Originally, Yongqi could insert 26 memories into the body, precisely because there are 26 memory slots on the body.

, all disappeared.

Other than that, the enhanced power was exactly the same as when he transformed into Yongqi.

As for the issue of not having a slot, Lu Li didn't take it seriously.

There is no need for drive slots at all, it doesn't matter if they are there or not.

Without these slots, he does not even need to take off the eternal robe on his back, and it will not limit the power of the memory.

Twenty-six memories, but the output is limited by the eternal robe on his back.

Will he lose in the end if he takes off the eternal robe? But Lu Li is different.

If Yong Qi transforms using the awakening device, he will use twenty.

The power of the six memories only needs to be in the form of Wild Kallis.

Twenty-six memory awakening cards can be integrated into the body to exert the power of Yongqi in its heyday.

The transformation has been tried.

No problem.

The next thing to try was the Unicorn Awakening card.

Then, Lu Li took out another Unicorn Awakening card , put the Awakening Device component on it, and quickly slid it over.



The unicorn pattern on the awakening card automatically appeared and quickly integrated into Lu Li's right hand.

A strong force came from his right hand, and the dark green spiral energy was spinning crazily on his right hand.

The same power displayed by Yong Qi before Exactly the same.

Lu Li was surprised that he succeeded so easily.

It seemed that he underestimated the power of the sealing stone.

Unfortunately, the sealing stone reacted too quickly and bounced away in an instant. If it had been too late. With a little bit, he might be able to copy more power, and he could even create new awakening cards out of thin air. It didn't need to be so complicated. After dispersing the explosive energy in his hand, Lu Li immediately released the transformation state.

Fifty-three cards, Lu Li now has two new awakening cards out of thin air.

As the memory is completed, Lu Li will continue to create more awakening cards with the power of the memory.


The company's side.

The embarrassed Sudo Kirihiko returned to the company.

He had just come out of the hospital. He had no choice but to fight with Lu Li before, which resulted in him being seriously injured.

For this reason, he went to the hospital for treatment.

As soon as he entered the company gate, Sudo Kirihiko happened to see Sonosaki Saeko walking out of the company.

Sonosaki Saeko had just finished handling the work at hand and was about to go out. Unexpectedly, she met Sudo Kirihiko in the company lobby.

Seeing that the other party was in such a mess and seemed to be injured, she couldn't help but despise Sudou Kirihiko.

【My father is really bad at judging people, Kirihiko Sudou......He just has some sales ability, so it's a waste to give him golden memory and Gaia drive for this.

It's ridiculous to make yourself so embarrassed in the first battle! What a waste! 】

Of course, Sonosaki Saeko did not say these words to his face, but the contemptuous look in his eyes was enough to make Sudo Kirihiko sad for a long time.


With a slight cold snort, Sonosaki Saeko passed by Sudō Kirihiko.

That dismissive look hit Sudō Kirihiko's heart hard.

He clenched his fists tightly, Sudō Kirihiko Hiko didn't hate Sonosaki Saeko, but he hated that white guy.

It was precisely because of that guy's existence that he was in such a mess.


He lowered his head unwillingly. Recalling the contemptuous look in Sonosaki Saeko's eyes just now, he felt very uncomfortable.

She was the goddess in his heart, but he ended up showing such an embarrassed look in front of the local people. How embarrassing.

He I secretly vowed to give that white guy a look next time.

How could the unknown memory I obtained from nowhere match the Nazca memory I had? It was absolutely impossible. It was his first time to use it, and his control was not high, so this must be the case!

Sudo Kirihiko attributed the reason to it being his first time to use Nazca memory again. This will never happen again.

The gloomy Sudo Kirihiko returned to the sales department director's office.

Under the current situation, he needed to take a good rest for the time being.


Not long after Lu Li left the laboratory, he received a call from Sono Saki Saeko.

"Hello! Saeko, why do you suddenly think of calling me at this time?"

Lu Li was still wondering why Sonosaki Saeko called him at this time.

What he said next made Lu Li burst into laughter on the spot.

"Dear, I just saw Sudo Kirihiko. He looked very miserable. He had just obtained the Gaia drive and Nazca memory, but he was in such a mess. I really didn’t trust my father."

If the opponent was not him, it would be impossible for Sudou Kirihiko to be beaten like that.

Originally, Lu Li just wanted to find a suitable opponent to test whether the adjustment of the eternal memory has been completed, and by the way, test the unicorn memory.

Unexpectedly, Sudou Kirihiko happened to be there. Of course,

Lu Li would not let go of the sandbags that were delivered to him.

He coughed lightly and agreed.

"Ahem! Yeah? That's really unsatisfactory. After all, he is a young man. It is his first time to use a powerful memory. It is normal for him to be a little unable to control his power."

Let's keep this matter a secret for the time being.

Although Lu Li is not afraid of trouble when he looks down in the company, he doesn't like to cause trouble for himself.

It's best to avoid the trouble that can be avoided.

He nodded with deep approval. , Sonosaki Saiko is also really too inferior.


Inside the Narumi Detective Agency.

Zuo Shotaro was lying on the bed at this time. The wounds on his face were rubbed with some medicine and briefly bandaged. The condition of his body was generally the same.

Xiangtaro Zuo was very unhappy about not being able to retain Lu Li and said bitterly.

"hateful! That rascal! The power is too terrifying! Even the hardest metal iron rod couldn't withstand that punch."

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