After hearing this news, I Wang Guangming was naturally very happy. The combination of the Hollow Polarization and the Eye of Laplace greatly accelerated the progress of collecting the Zodiac Disciple Switch.

Looking at Hayami Eiroji with a smile in front of me, I hope the light will come and I am ready to give him a slap.

"Hayami, you've done a great job, but don't be too proud and complacent. Keep up the good work and keep up the good work. I want to collect all the Zodiac Disciple Switches as soon as possible!"

Suppressing the proud smile on my face, I looked at Guangming and nodded quickly.

"yes! I hope your lord!"

He didn't dare to be dissatisfied at all. Everything the adult in front of him said was right, at least in his eyes.

Tachigamihou, who was rubbing walnuts on the side, felt extremely sad when he saw Hayami Koi's triumphant look. Dissatisfied.

Turning his head to the side slightly, Tachigamihou didn't want to see Hayami's provocative eyes.

The two of them have been fighting over each other. Who is more useful to me now that I have awakened Laplace ? Hayami's eyes are indeed more advantageous, because he can see the destiny of the constellation and find the right target to awaken the zodiac.

This is something that Tachigamihou can't do as the bodyguard and secretary of Gao Guangming's side. I always thought that he was the most important subordinate to me, but now that this position might be taken away, he was certainly not happy.

【snort! Let you be arrogant for a while longer. The more arrogant you are now, the longer you will fall! 】

Virgo stood quietly beside him, because he was in the star disciple state, so naturally no one could see his face.

Now, Virgo already feels that things are serious.

The collection speed of the Zodiac is getting faster and faster. It cannot stop me from seeing the light. The future will definitely be very troublesome.

But with his power, he can't stop me from seeing the light now. Taking the initiative at this time is tantamount to death.

As the first person to follow me, Wang Guangming, he knows very well how strong I am.

It’s difficult!

Lu Li returned to the research room and placed the six-link drive on the experimental bench: connected the corresponding data cable, exported all the experimental data just now, and conducted simulation tests.

The simulation test is mainly to test whether the drive can remain stable in a combat environment. After the test, the final conclusion can basically be drawn.

The test process was not long. It took about an hour, and Lu Li finally completed the test.


After simulated combat testing, the six-link drive will not cause any problems even in combat status.

This also means that Lu Li has now completely completed the six consecutive drives.

He casually removed the six-link drive and placed it in the space created by Lu Li.

Now, this matter is finally completed. Next, Lu Li only needs to wait for me, Wang Guangming, on the other side of Tiangao to collect all the twelve palace star disciple switches.

Before that, Lu Li didn't have anything else to do.


With the snap of fingers, Lu Li had disappeared into the research room.

When he appeared again, he was already in the lobby of Sonosaki's house.

At this moment, in the lobby, the girls were enjoying dinner and sharing what happened during the day.

When Lu Li When Lu Li suddenly appeared in the hall, surprise flashed across everyone's faces, mainly because they didn't expect Lu Li to come back suddenly.

"It seems I came back just in time to have my meal."

Seeing Lu Li coming back, Sonosaki Wakana's face was suddenly filled with a happy smile.

"Brother-in-law, are you back so soon? Maid chief, hurry up and make arrangements for your brother-in-law and make some."


The head maid who had been waiting nearby responded and hurried towards the kitchen.

Unknowingly, many people were already sitting at the big table in the hall.

Sonosaki Kiko, Sonosaki Wakana, Mina, Kujo Aya, Meisel, Hahara Lai, and Koyomi Fueki, the other secretary, Satonaka Erika, are currently not staying at Sonosaki's house, mainly because Lu Li is busy with work during this time. , and did not have time to train the secretary properly.

Perhaps because he knew that he would be naked when he was resurrected, Dimoli would always blush and lower his head unconsciously in his mind. She would be reminded of that memory inexplicably, that memory that made her feel very shy.

"Li, why do you blush so every time you see Lu Li?

Metzl has been working with Dimu Li during this period, and has a general understanding of Dimu Li's situation.

After her observation, she found that every time Di Muli faced Lu Li, he would blush unconsciously and lower his head shyly.

This is obviously not normal!

Even if you are shy, you still have to have some restraint. It is impossible to say that you will blush when you meet someone:

Metzl's voice was not soft, and everyone could hear it clearly, and they all spoke in unison. His eyes focused on Dimo Calendar.

As the person involved, Dimuli seemed to feel everyone's gaze, and lowered his head shyly.

She felt like she had no face to see anyone!

Seeing Dimo Li's appearance, Lu Li probably guessed why she was like this.

After all, she was still a young girl. How could she maintain inner peace when facing a man who looked down on her?

At this appropriate moment, Lu Li took the initiative to raise a topic and diverted everyone's attention.

"Saeko, what happened recently?"

Sono Saki Saeko, who was originally planning to watch the live gossip drama, naturally understood that Lu Li wanted to divert everyone's attention, and did not say anything explicitly.

"Recently? I think about it, yes, it seems that something did happen, and it seems to be quite serious!

Thinking of what happened in Fengdu recently, Sonosaki Saeko was not in a particularly good mood.

No matter what Feng Du said, it is now considered the back garden of the museum.

If there is a fire in your own back garden, no matter who it is, you will be more or less unhappy.

Therefore, when she learned about this matter, Sonosaki Saeko's face became a little ugly.

Later, Sonosaki Saiko told the whole story, and Lu Li also understood what happened in Zaito.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be a pile of mutilated corpses. It seemed that they were all the work of road dopers.

Those guys need to consume a lot of body substances during construction. The more they use, the hungrier and thirstier they will be, and they will attack humans at all costs.

At this moment, Metzl suddenly raised his little hand

"Li and I also encountered Lu Li a few days ago. What we encountered at that time seemed to be a dopant, but the guy seemed to be eating people, leaving broken corpses all over the ground.

After discovering us, he planned to kill us and silence us, so I gave him a good lesson.

As a result, the guy suddenly ran away, and something like a passage suddenly appeared in the alleyway. The guy ran in without catching him."

Metzl didn't want to take the initiative to mention this matter before, mainly because Sonosaki Saeko happened to mention the case of corpse dismemberment just now.

This made her involuntarily connect the two things.

"I see.

Nodding thoughtfully.

Lu Li knew that probably because he had been silent for a while, even Li Feng felt that the wind was gone.���It was all over, so he started to get ready to take action.

The Snow Attendant of Ten Thousand Deng has never met this guy in a real sense.

I guess it won't be long before the two of them meet.

It just so happened that I met Shi Mo again tonight, which was exactly when the plot unfolded.

Dinner was time to relax, and Lu Li did not continue talking about this matter, but chatted with everyone about some interesting stories.

Compared to the laughter and laughter of the Sonosaki family, due to the large reduction in adulterant incidents at the Narumi Detective Agency

, the performance of this detective agency is naturally much worse, and the opportunities for making money are also much less.

It's not like the former Naru/Ukai Shokichi had gained any reputation, maybe the three of them, Zuo Shotarou, would have gone to waste now.

The three people in the detective agency consume it every day, which is not a small amount.

Seeing her wallet becoming empty little by little, Yasuki Narukai suddenly became impatient.

As the director of a detective agency, she saw the current financial deficit of the detective agency. I felt a headache.

Philip didn't have to think about it. He was either reading or on the way reading every day. Occasionally he would help a little when entrusting something.

The only one we can count on is Shotarou Zuo, who is also the only detective in the detective agency, and Akiko Narukai has no choice.

"I said Shotaro, can't you be a little more attentive? We have financial problems now. If we continue like this, we may go hungry!"

Naru/Wu Haiya Shuzi held the green sandals and kept roaring.

Zuo Shotaro, who was sitting in the seat, had a look of helplessness on his face.

"Don't look at me like that. No client is willing to come to your door, so what can I do?"

Of course he didn't want to be in this situation, but there was no way. There were too few people entrusting him.

Just as the two were arguing, there was a sound of ringing the doorbell suddenly outside the door.

"Please come in!"

Feeling that there might be some business coming to the door, Naru Haiya Shuzi shouted quickly.

The door of the detective office opened, and a man who looked sweaty, wearing a yellow shirt and a slightly wide body appeared at the door

"Welcome to the Naru/Ukai Detective Agency. I am the director here, Naru/Ukai Ajuko. He is from the agency...

"I am Detective Shotaro Zuo, please give me your advice."

The client nodded and immediately introduced himself.

"My name is Chuta Tsubasaki."

It's not easy to get a client to come to the door. Of course Naru/Wu Haiya Shuzi can't just watch the loss of customers.

"Please sit down and chat slowly if you have anything to do."

After Shotarou Zuo and the client sat down, Naru Haiyajuko immediately went to pour water.

"Okay, so let’s talk about it, what do you want to commission?"

Zuo Shotaro sat on the chair and looked at Chuta Tsubasaki with curiosity.

On the other hand, Chuta Tsubasaki looked at a loss. He seemed to be thinking about something, or maybe it was hard to explain.

"If you have any trouble, just speak up. Don't be so nervous. As long as you have trouble, we will help with everything, from finding people to finding cats, from finding partners for cats to solving cat poop problems.

This business introduction made Shotaro Zuo, who was sitting next to me, cover his face in helplessness.

"Ya Shuzi, why do you always introduce something related to cats?"

Introducing to the client like this, isn't it telling the client that what their detective agency does is just trivial things?

Seeing that Zuo Shotarou is so good-looking, Naru Haiya Shuko glared at him unhappily..

In order to maintain the livelihood of the detective agency, even if it is to find a cat or find a partner for a cat, Naru/Wuhaiya Shuzi will not refuse any one who comes.

Anyway, it is idle, so it is better to find more commissions. Do it, even if it's not a big deal and the money isn't much, it's still better than nothing.

Afterwards, Tsubasaki Chuta told Zuo Shotaro everything he wanted to know.

However, he concealed some facts. The truth was that there was a memory in the handbag he was robbed of.

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