However, it will take some time before the six-link drive is completely completed, and testing must be carried out first.

It must be ensured that after loading the six core coins of the evil organization, there will be no instability in the event of a battle.

Before that, a transformation test needs to be conducted.

Lu Li himself didn't know what impact the transformation would have. Of course, he couldn't choose the research room. If this place was destroyed, there would be no place for research.

At this time, the wind was blowing under the night sky.

The bright moonlight spreads across the city, dyeing it with a touch of silver.

After Lu Li left the research room, he directly transferred through space to a location on the seaside.

There is no one here, and the terrain happens to be relatively tolerant, so it won't be a problem if there is any movement.

Taking out the six-link drive, Lu Li put it on his waist. The silver-white belt automatically wrapped around his waist, and the scanning ring appeared on the right side.

It depends on whether the six-link drive forged with the Philosopher's Stone can withstand the power of six core coins of the evil organization.

Spreading his hands slightly, Lu Li closed his eyes and began to mobilize the six evil organization core coins integrated into his body.

Under his influence, the six core coins of the evil organization seemed to resonate and began to vibrate in the body.

Then, the six core coins of the evil organization bloomed with an evil golden shimmer.

"Swish, swish, swish!!

The six core coins separated from Lu Li's body and appeared in front of Lu Li's eyes.

Six core coins exuding evil power rotated rapidly in a circle in the sky.

Since the six core coins themselves do not have their own consciousness, they are completely controlled by Lu Li.

Control the six core coins into the six-link drive.

The six golden core coins spinning in the sky fell into the six-link drive at a very fast speed.

Tilt the six-link drive with your left hand, and at the same time remove the scanning ring on the right side and sweep it across the front of the drive

"Shocker (card repair)! Gel-Shocker! Destron(Destrom)!GOD(Gord)! Garanda (Garanda)! Delza



A golden dazzling light bloomed instantly, and this time there seemed to be a black energy looming in the golden dazzling light.

The shadows of six core coins of the evil organization surrounded Lu Li's side, and finally overlapped, reflecting Entering his chest.

Lu Li was already enveloped in evil golden light, with ferocious armor appearing on his body, and his black and white eyes were emitting a scarlet light. Even Lu Li, who was already strong enough!

, at this moment, I can feel that my power is increasing crazily.

This power has completely exceeded the limit of Dread Utopia or Eternity, and is almost as powerful as

Lu Li's Jokr. Full Fusion Form! Their energies were echoing each other, making him stronger.

At this time, Lu Li had become stronger than before, reaching a new level.

When the dazzling golden light dissipated, Lu Li had successfully transformed. To repair the card 00O000.

It gives people a very terrifying and sturdy feeling, the ferocious face, and the skeleton-like armor give people a chilling feeling just by looking at it.

The body is mainly golden and withered, and the lower part of the armor is. There is black as the auxiliary color.

There are chaotic patterns on the chest. These patterns are composed of six evil organization core coin patterns, with a pair of terrifying scarlet eyes, and two backward eyes. There is a ruby-like decoration in the middle of the extended horn.

The shoulders are like skeletons, with extremely terrifying defensive power.

The right arm is like a beast bone skeleton, revealing two long spikes. The teeth seem to be waiting to pierce the target at any time.

There is a yellow bone spur on the left arm, both ends are very sharp, and it looks like there are six sharp blades on the back, and the blades are flashing with cold light. Longing for blood

, Lu Li could feel six sensitive tentacles being probed out of him.

These six sensitive tentacles were the six sharp blades just now, as if they were part of his body. Lu Li could do this. Easy control


Controlling a tentacle to extend (the king's), it cut across the ground in an instant.

The ground was cut instantly, just like cutting tofu, very easily


After twisting his neck slightly, Lu Li was very satisfied with his current state, which was almost close to the peak of his power.

After the transformation, Lu Li did not feel any discomfort, as if it was tailor-made.

The core coin is a product of alchemy, and the Philosopher's Stone is also a product of alchemy. There is no rejection at all when the two are used together.

Suddenly, Lu Li felt someone

's scarlet eyes suddenly appear behind him. He saw a girl with long lavender hair, wearing a white suspender skirt, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black leather shoes, staring at him again. At the first sight of this girl, Lu Li recognized who she was. Yes, it was


Mo, the heroine from Fengdu Detective.

After recognizing the girl, Lu Li naturally knew who Shi Mo was.

Her body suddenly appeared behind him and was not in the same spatial dimension.

Lu Li could not feel it the moment she left Fengdu. Existence.

In the past, Lu Li had not received any news about Li Fengdu

, so he hid and did not continue to act for the time being.

But now, Shi Mo suddenly appeared. Fengdu, does this mean that Li Fengdu is already making moves?

Shi Mo didn't expect that when he suddenly came here, he would encounter Lu Li.

The man in front of him was very scary. The aura emanating from it made Shi Mo feel like he wanted to run away, but the more dangerous it was, the more it aroused the curiosity in Shi Mo's heart.

Shi Mo could feel it coming every step he took. Yu Lu Li felt a terrible pressure.

After taking a few steps closer, she found that she seemed to have no courage to continue walking.

Chapter 328 Shi Mo! Very hungry? Satisfied

, Lu Li immediately understood. What's going on?

Although he restrained the power radiating from his body, his own power was too strong. Even after restraining, it would cause huge pressure on Shi Mo.

Lu Li closed the six-link drive and released the transformation.

The six core coins of the evil organization also automatically separated from the six-link drive and returned to Lu Li's body. The extremely terrifying aura inside disappeared, and Shi Mo suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

She felt like she couldn't breathe just now. She stepped closer to Lu Li, with a strong curiosity in her eyes.

Who was this man who exuded a dangerous aura

? But it made her feel very curious.

Shi Mo seemed to be deeply attracted, and he leaned forward slightly, and Shi Mo unknowingly put his palm on Lu Li's delicate face. There was a strong curiosity on her face, and her pink tongue gently licked her lips, giving people an inexplicable temptation.

"I'm always horny, are you the one... who can satisfy me?

Of course, Lu Li knew that the hunger Shi Mo mentioned here was not hunger in that sense.

The two looked at each other, and Lu Li had to admit that Shi Mo was indeed very charming and very feminine.

It would be difficult for ordinary men to look away from her when they saw her.

Shi Mo, who was looking at each other with Lu Li, was slightly in a trance and didn't know what he was thinking.

Holding Shi Mo's palm with his hand, Lu Li smiled lightly

"Want to know if I can satisfy you? Do you want to give it a try?"

When Mo reacted, she found that her hand had been grasped by Lu Li.

She didn't know why, but she had a strange feeling.

It was like... this feeling wasn't bad.

With a smile, Shi Mo immediately took out his jade hand, He gently passed Lu Li and walked forward.

When he saw the damage caused by Lu Li's tentacles from behind, a strong surprise flashed in his eyes.

Under Lu Liguang's gaze, Shi Mo disappeared as he walked. Seeing the other party disappearing, Lu Li didn't rush to follow him because he already knew that the plot of Detective Fengdu had already started.

Because of his arrival, the plot of Detective Fengdu had already started. It will all show up in front of him sooner or later, so there is no need to worry.

Besides, Li Fengdu is really no threat to Lu Li.

Now, Lu Li is more concerned about the situation of the Sixth Company Drive.

There was no abnormality during the transformation. They are all very stable. This means that the six-link drive created with the Philosopher's Stone is very successful.

800 Since it has been successful, it means that Lu Li can now use the power of the six evil organization core coins normally.

Before that, he still had to go back for data collection and testing, which was an essential process.

Putting his hands in his pockets, Lu Li disappeared by the seaside in an instant, as if he had never appeared before.

Just after Lu Li disappeared, Shi Mo, who had already left, She suddenly came back.

She mainly wanted to ask what Lu Li's name was, but she didn't expect that when she came back, Lu Li had disappeared without a trace. The reason why she was able to disappear suddenly was because she used the road to go to another world.

Could it be that Lu Li also had such power?

But thinking about it, it seemed impossible. If Lu Li could really travel freely to another world. , why haven’t you encountered it before?

"Other powers...?"

Lu Li's breath still lingered in the wind, and Shi Mo became more and more curious.

Maybe... this man can really satisfy himself?

With a slight smile on his lips, Shi Mo left in a good mood.

Tianzhichuan High School, I Wang Guangming's office.

Since the polarization of the void has been completed, and Libra has obtained the Eye of Laplace, he has found the new Zodiac sign very smoothly and transformed directly by pressing the ordinary Star Disciple switch. For Capricorn, skip the lower zodiac signs completely

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