If you dare to underestimate yourself, you will have to pay the price!

"What's wrong? Is this where you end it for today? It doesn't seem to be that good."

In the diffuse water vapor, there was a sudden sound, which made the road dopant, who was still confident, instantly stunned.

He looked at the place where the sound came from with an incredible face. Indistinctly, a figure emerged from the water vapor. Come out from behind.

At this time, Mezier has changed into his true self.


The first reaction in the heart of the road dopant was that the other party was also a dopant.

However, Metzl was not interested in answering his question. He instantly turned into a stream of water and quickly approached the road dopant at an extremely fast speed.

Road. The dopant body was already approached by Mezel before she could react.

Don't think that Mezel has no competitive ability. On the contrary, her competitive fighting ability is very strong.


A punch hit Lu Doping's chest, and bursts of water splashed out.


There was only a scream, and the road dopant felt as if it had been hit by a truck. It was smashed into the wall.

It will kill you while you are sick!

Metzler immediately bullied him and rushed forward in an instant. He walked to the wall and performed a series of terrifying attacks.

You could see water splashing out with every punch or kick.

With a series of terrifying attacks, the body of the road dopant sank deeper and deeper, almost becoming stuck. Inside the wall.

Even so, Mezier's attack did not weaken at all. On the contrary

, his eyes widened and he had no ability to resist the violent attack. The intense pain made him unable to even fight back. It was outrageous!

He thought he was just a capable guy, but he didn't expect him to be so strong! On the head of the road doping body, with this kick, the head of the road doping body was embedded into the wall.


Seeing whether the opponent had no power to fight back, Metzl stopped attacking.

"call! He only has this little ability, but he dares to speak nonsense here and seek death!"

Metzl's combat effectiveness is at the same level as that of a cadre. Naturally, it cannot be matched by a small road dopant.

In addition, the opponent was completely unprepared and was too careless, which gave Metzl the opportunity to easily deal with him. Metzl

, who had returned to his human appearance, glanced disdainfully at the road dopant embedded in the wall.

Dimo, who had just been pushed behind, finally saw Metzl after the water vapor dissipated. Noticing the road dopant that was driven into the wall, his mouth opened slightly, and Dimoli's eyes were filled with disbelief.


She was startled by this monster just now, but she didn't expect that Metzler would deal with it so easily. She always felt that the monster opposite was like a paper tiger.

At this time, the road embedded in the wall was mixed with The body moved slightly, causing the stones on the wall to fall down.


Noting the road dopant that was still able to continue moving, Dimoli's steps also stopped.

"Damn... damn it! You..who are you?!

A faint voice came from behind, and even without looking back, Metzl knew who the voice came from.

"Still alive? It's really hard for you. You were beaten so badly and yet you can still speak."

Metzl turned his head slightly, and his eyes were as cold as an endless abyss. They could swallow up the target.

Seeing the mixture of eyes, his body trembled unconsciously.

At this time, a circle appeared The dark door suddenly appeared above.

When he saw the circular door, Lu Doping suddenly felt happy.

The door opened!

He could endure the pain in his body. The dopant quickly used all his strength to jump into the round door.

When he entered, the door closed directly, as if it had never appeared before.

Metzl looked up at the place where the door had just appeared, with a look in his eyes. a hint of curiosity

"What place could be inside that place?"

Even Metzl doesn't know what's inside now.

Lu Li has rarely mentioned anything about Li Fengdu, so naturally they don't know much.

It's also the first time they've seen this kind of situation. Dimoli was also curious as to where that place was.

After coming back to his senses, Dimoli hurriedly walked over and took a look here and there on Mezier.

"Sister Mezel, are you not injured?"

Hearing this, Mezier shook his head with a smile, and couldn't help but imitate Lu Li's previous actions.

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Dimo Li's head.

Lu Li also did this to her before. Anyway, she was I really liked it, so I couldn’t help but use this move on Dimo Koyomi.

"Don't worry, it's just a dopant, there's no way it could hurt me.

It's just that I didn't expect that he was quite resistant to beatings. He withstood so many attacks from me and was still able to move."

I originally thought about killing the opponent directly, but I didn't expect that the road dopant would be so strong and unwilling to die.

Now the opponent has slipped away, and I can't find it even if I try to look for it at this time. We will meet again next time. That guy, Metzl will never let him go easily.

"Calendar, let’s go"

"Walk? What about this dead person on the ground?"

"Don't worry, the police will come soon. If we stay here then it will be very troublesome and it has nothing to do with us."

Then, the two left the alley.

As for the badly damaged body in the alley, it was discovered not long after Metzler expected.

Soon, he learned this clue Shotaro Zuo rushed here as soon as possible.

Since adulterants rarely appear in Fengdu, the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section, which was previously composed of Terui Ryuu and others, now has fewer and fewer adulterants. Terui Ryu and others.

Incorporated into the Criminal Police Department, they usually go on missions together.

Only when a dopant appears, their classroom will act alone.

It happens that Terui Ryu is at the scene, so Shotaro Zuo can enter the crime scene very well. At the crime scene, Zuo Shotaro frowned immediately when he saw such a tragic scene.

"What the hell is going on? So miserable?"

The body on the ground was surrounded by blood. As for the body, it had been cut into many parts. Not only that, there were also many places missing.

Hearing this, Terui Ryu shook his head coldly.

"I don’t know. I feel that the method of committing the crime does not look like that of an ordinary person. It is too cruel. Of course, the possibility of it being committed by a human cannot be completely ruled out.

According to the investigation, it turned out that there were inhuman traces of the fight left behind. This incident is likely to be related to the adulterant."

He has conducted corresponding surveys on the site and knows the specific conditions of the site.

The dopant has not appeared for a long time. Since the museum completed the transformation of the memory, the dopant has disappeared..

Of course, just because the dopant has disappeared, it does not mean that it has been completely eliminated.

Some people who have purchased memories before will still be affected by the power of the memories as long as they still have them.

"Inhuman traces of battle?"

The expression on his face changed slightly, and Zuo Xiangtaro immediately thought of something.

When he saw that the wall in the alley was beaten like this, he nodded solemnly.

"Indeed, this is not like something that can be left behind when a person fights. I'm afraid... there is something else.

Could it be a museum?"

When he mentioned the museum, a trace of uneasiness flashed in Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes. The appearance of a man could not help but appear in his mind. This man was naturally Lu Li.

Before, Lu Li was in Zuo Xiangtaro's mind. There are very profound memories left behind, all related to fear.

As long as the museum is mentioned, the first thing that comes to Zuo Xiangtaro's mind is Lu Li.

Even after such a long period of adjustment, Zuo Xiangtaro still has an instinctive fear of Lu Li..

The body was slightly stiff, and Zuo Shotarou seemed to have fallen into the previous fear.

After noticing Zuo Shotarou's appearance, Terui Ryu immediately understood what was going on and patted Zuo Shotarou on the shoulder indifferently. shouted

"Zuo, don't be in a daze, now is not the time for you to be in a daze."

Suddenly he came back to his senses. A layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on Zuo Xiangtaro's forehead.

After swallowing deeply, Zuo Xiangtaro realized that he had unknowingly just now.���Entered into that state of fear. It

’s too scary."

Damn it!

Clenching his fists with great reluctance, Zuo Shotaro knew exactly why he had such sequelae.

Everything is because of Lu Li's existence.

Because of the memories Lu Li had repeatedly left for him in previous battles, and stimulated by the power of fear, Zuo Xiangtaro was unable to extricate himself.

He knew exactly why he was afraid, but he couldn't help it.

Every time I try to overcome it, my body will enter a trembling state, as if it is a warning.

Over time, Zuo Shotaro stopped worrying about this problem and focused on his current situation.

"It's probably the traces of a fight between the doped bodies, but who could be the person fighting the doped bodies?"

Zuo Shotaro and Terui Ryu both fell into silence.

Both of them were thinking about who was fighting with the dopant.

First of all, they excluded the museum. After all, the summary memory was also produced by the museum. There is no reason for the museum to Take the initiative to recycle these things.

After defeating the dopant, the memory will be destroyed.

It is not a must for the museum.

However, what they don't know is that the first thing they eliminate is. The most correct answer.

But as they suspected, the museum has no way to deal with the Gaia memories left in the city.

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