Lu Li didn't know how long this process would take, so he could only do it bit by bit.

At night, Fengdu is brightly lit.

On a street in Fengdu.

Metzl was wandering the streets with a Dimo calendar.

Dimuli, who has been alive for a long time, is not particularly familiar with the current life, so naturally he needs to get familiar with it.

Mezel happened to have this free time, so he took this girl with him.

At the beginning, Dimoli didn't dare to speak much. After getting familiar with it, he was able to communicate easily with Metzler.


At this time, Dimoli suddenly stopped and looked at the alley aside.

It's so dark and deep that you can't see clearly what's going on inside.

The reason why she stopped was because Dimoli heard a faint scream just now.

This normal cry is very weak. If you don't listen carefully, you can hardly hear it at all.

"Calendar, what's wrong?"

My attention was all focused on looking at things just now. Mezier didn't notice any screams or anything like that.

The reason why Dimoli was able to notice this problem was entirely because the cells in her body had been transformed into Amazon: Cell.

Not only his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, but even his vision, hearing and other aspects have been greatly improved.

"Sister Metzler, I think....I heard a scream coming from inside.

Demori still looks frail, and is about the same height as Mezel.

Pointing at the deep and dark alley, Dimoli was curious about what was going on inside.

"Is there any sound?"

Meizier raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew that Dimo was not an ordinary person now. Since she said she heard it, there is a high probability that she heard it.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look. 1 grabbed Dimo Li, and Mezier pulled her towards the deep and dark alley.

It gets darker and darker as you go inside, with almost no light and it's very dim.

Someone was walking around in the alleyway. After walking for a while, there was indeed a movement in front of them.


The sound was vaguely like the sound of chewing.

They continued to approach the sound, and not long after, the two finally found the source of the sound at the corner of an alleyway.

They saw a strong monster lying on a person's back.

The sound of chewing was made by him! The ground was covered with blood. When he saw this scene, he knew it was the person who was attacked by the monster.

His eyes widened and his heart beat faster.

She had never seen such a disgusting scene, the monster was eating people!

Although it was such a disgusting scene, when she saw the blood on the ground and the murdered people, she felt no disgust at all. She doesn't know why she feels like this, but this feeling makes her very uncomfortable.

This is because the Amazon cells in Dimoli's body have been adjusted and transformed, and they no longer actively absorb human protein, but they don't hate it..

Metzl frowned as he looked at the monster that was eating people as if it were no one.

Even though 5.8 was not a human, she had never seen a monster like this that ate people directly, dripping with blood.

Seemingly noticing the movement behind him, the man-eating monster suddenly turned his head, his cold eyes staring intently at Metzler and Demori. As for the blood on his lips, he didn't care at all.!

Yes, this man-eating monster is a road dopant. The road dopant can use ultra-high speed and ultra-high heat to open up space, and use its own body composition to survive in other dimensions.

If you use this ability, you will consume your own body more and more. Over time, you will be unable to crave and attack humans if you have eaten one person, you will still be very hungry. Road adulterants will naturally not refuse when they come to your door.

"Now that it has been discovered! Then I will leave you alone!

Don't worry, after killing you, I will eat you all into my stomach and let you... become nutrients for my body!"


Jumping up suddenly, the road doping body immediately pounced on Metzler and Dimuli.

Even though he is no longer an ordinary person, Dimuli still felt nervous in the face of such a situation.

Xiaoxiao couldn't help but pull Holding Mezel's arm, looking at the monster getting closer and closer, he closed his eyes in despair

【Are you going to die again? 】

She has experienced death once and is full of awe of death.

When she is faced with the possibility of death, she still feels fear in her heart


However, I didn't feel any pain. Instead, I heard a strange sound.

After waiting for a few seconds, I didn't feel the monster approaching, and I didn't seem to be hurt in any way.

Dimoyuki opened his eyes carefully, only to find that The monster was stuck deeply in the wall.

Chapter 326: Mezier showed his power, Fengdu’s corpse dismemberment case.

I thought that I would be in danger this time, and I might not be able to survive it. Dimuli still regretted it in his heart..

He shouldn't be curious and want to see it when he hears the sound. If he is not curious, it is impossible to bring Mezier to this place.

While doing this, he noticed that the posture of Metzler's other hand in front of him was wrong, as if he was slapping his hand.


Strengthfully broke away from the body embedded in the wall.

The road doping body returned to the ground, with strong curiosity in its yellow eyes.

"woman! you....If you are not an ordinary person, who are you?!"

Just now, he was about to pounce on him when he felt a huge force that instantly knocked him away.

Water flow!

He saw a piece of blue, it should be water flow!

This woman has the power to control water. It's absolutely impossible for her to be an ordinary person.

Who is she?!

The Road Dopant's eyes were solemn.

He thought he could easily deal with these two witnesses, but he didn't expect that the other party was not an ordinary person!

"me? You don’t care who I am, do you want to come?"

Metzl chuckled disdainfully, not caring about the road doping body at all.

Metzl, who has become a complete body, has a very strong combat power, which is not comparable to the road doping body.

"hateful!! Don't underestimate me! Kill you!!"

A strong murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and the road mixture flowed crazily, as if he was breaking free from the wall. He immediately raised his hands, and saw that the tip of each of his fingers turned into a muzzle.

"Bang bang bang!!"

I quickly launched my shooting finger, spitting out flames, and aimed bullets at Metzl and Demoyuki one after another.


He snorted slightly. Metzl looked down on such a low-level attack method at all.

He lightly swiped his hand in front of his body, and saw a blue water curtain suddenly unfolding.

All the bullets were shot on the water curtain, not a single one. A bullet passed through the water curtain, injuring Metzl and Demoli behind the water curtain.


The road dopant obviously didn't expect that his 28 attack was completely blocked. This was the first time this happened, but he now understood that the woman in front of him was probably not just stronger.

Her left arm had been blocked Hold on, Metzler can't do it even if he wants to

"Li, go to the back and wait a moment while I take care of this guy first."

At this time, Dimoyuki realized that he had been holding Mezier's arm just now.

Didn't he affect the opponent's performance? He was completely a hindrance.


The sound was as small as a mosquito. If you don't pay attention, you can't hear it at all.

His face turned slightly red, and Diemori quickly let go of his little hand and took two steps back.

Without Diemori's hindrance, Mezier can now fight as he wants.

The road. The dopant also knew that his attack was ineffective, and stopped shooting.

It was pointless to continue shooting, not to mention a waste of energy, and it had no effect.

He opened his mouth violently, and bursts of white mist came from the road.

There was yellow fluid sticking to his teeth from his mouth , which gave people a very disgusting feeling.

His tongue looked very strange, with a white intermittent mark in the middle, which felt like the route sign on the highway just now. The attack had no effect, and the prop doping body immediately changed to another attack method. He clenched his right hand tightly into a fist and slammed it on the ground. The huge force caused the ground to crack suddenly and splashed with dust. Raising his hands, several fiery red haloes appeared on the road.���body arm


Throwing these fiery red circles of light with both hands, the circles have extremely strong cutting power and emit high heat.

Seeing this, Metzl raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


A blue stream of water suddenly enveloped Mezier, and soon, her body was completely wrapped by the blue stream of water.

The high-heat aperture with super cutting power suddenly splashed a large amount of water when it touched the water. For a moment, the water vapor enveloped the entire dark alley.

"snort! Let me see how you block it! It should have been cut into pieces by now! Hum!"

Road Dopant is very confident in his attack. He doesn't think that the water flow can block the high-heat aperture with strong cutting power.

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