What does it mean to be truly powerful when one's own strength is strong?

Things like Stardust Soldiers can only be regarded as entertainment at best.

A group of Stardust soldiers that had just been summoned immediately surrounded Lu Li and quickly launched an attack.

Each of them held a small sword called the Stardust Blade in their hands, which was quite scary to ordinary people, but to Lu Li, it really didn't pose any threat.

Even if there is no threat, they are just some trash fish.

A mere bastard fish, not worthy of being near him.

With a very casual kick, Libra was kicked aside and knocked down several Stardust soldiers.

At this time, the Stardust Soldiers had also rushed forward. Lu Li smiled coldly and stepped forward fiercely on the ground.


A burst of thunder roared in the dark sky


Immediately afterwards, I saw terrifying purple thunder falling from the sky.

The few Stardust soldiers closest to Lu Li were instantly hit by the terrifying purple thunder.

In just a moment, the purple thunder instantly overwhelmed the Stardust soldiers.

They were struck by the thunder. The Stardust Soldier hit exploded immediately and turned into shimmering dust particles.

Libra, who had just been kicked out and fell to the ground, gasped when he saw such a terrifying thunder.


This was also thanks to Lu Li kicking him away just now.

Otherwise, his condition might not be much better now.

Stardust soldiers will not have any fear, they will only faithfully carry out the orders of the summoner.

The star soldiers behind them all gathered around, feeling like they were fighting to the death.

Seeing those Stardust soldiers who went to die without hesitation, Libra knew very well that at most it would only delay a little time, and nothing could be done at all.

As for hurting Lu Li, there is no such thing!

Even his own attacks had no effect on Lu Li, not to mention the combat effectiveness of these Stardust Soldiers.

It was impossible to even get close to Lu Li when he launched a siege.

Lu Li stood in the middle position with his arms folded in front of his chest, as if the Stardust Soldiers around him were not a threat at all.


One after another, thick buckets of purple thunder fell from the sky, swallowing up all the Stardust Soldiers in an instant.

In an instant, all the Stardust Soldiers fell.

"Bang bang bang!"

All the Stardust Soldiers exploded into countless dust particles in an instant and dissipated in the wind.

Everything came so fast that Libra, who was so fast, couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Originally, he was counting on accepting these Stardust Soldiers He could entangle Lu 047 Li for a while and then find a way to leave here.

But before his plan could be implemented, everything was over.

His plan was completely ruined.

"how come?!" He unconsciously took two steps back. Libra's expression was particularly ugly.

He didn't understand why Lu Li wanted to embarrass him, what his purpose was, and what he wanted to do.

Without a reasonable explanation, he launched a terrifying attack, outrageous!

"how? Is this all your strength?

It seems that you are not desperate enough. When you have truly experienced true despair, I think it will definitely inspire more powerful forces.

Come on, let's continue, ho ho ho ho!"

Bursts of laughter came, making Libra's heart feel cold.

Good guy!

Lu Li still wants to make himself desperate. This is too much.

【no! We absolutely cannot sit still and wait for death, we must get out of here! This guy is too dangerous. If you don't leave, you will definitely die! 】

He doesn’t want to die here inexplicably!

Libra, who already had the idea of escape, immediately raised the tin staff in his hand to use the power of transfer.

His transfer is different from Virgo's space transfer. Virgo's control of space power far exceeds his.

Virgo can transfer space between two cities, but he can't. At most, he can only transfer within a certain radius.

Before the tin staff had time to activate its power, Libra felt his tin staff being caught.

At some point, Lu Li had arrived.

Those scarlet eyes were staring at him right now


Libra's heart suddenly tightened.

He didn't notice at all that Lu Li had arrived in front of him. It was too fast.

It was ridiculously fast!

"Want to escape? Libra, do you think you really have a chance to survive if you escape at this time?

Being sent to the Dark Nebula is just inevitable. I advise you to think clearly. Once you escape, there will be no next time."

These words completely extinguished Libra's thoughts of escaping.

Because Libra also knew very well in his heart that since I hope Guangming has handed me over to Lu Li, it means that I can't escape.

If I suddenly escape now, The final outcome can be clearly foreseen.

Being sent to the Dark Nebula is inevitable!

Thinking of the terrifying Dark Nebula, Libra couldn't help but feel fear in his heart. He must not be sent to it. It's too scary to be sent there. (cgff)

Libra, who was still hesitant at first, has already made a decision in his heart.

He can't let Master Wang down again. No matter what, he will never escape!

There will be no second chance, and he will completely lose my trust in Wang Guangming.

Noticing the change in his mentality, Lu Li chuckled.

"Not bad! With this mentality, you must not run away, because if you run away, you will die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he punched Libra in the abdomen.

"Uh, one by one!!"

Libra, this person was hit by a powerful force instantly, and his whole body instantly jumped into the air.

The next second, he fell to the ground in a panic. He covered his abdomen with his left hand. Even though he became a star disciple, he still attracted the old I could feel the pain.

It felt like my intestines were disturbed by some force. It was very painful! When Libra came back to his senses, he used a tin stick to support his body and found that there was a dark quagmire around him. , with waves of darkness rising above it

"This is....?!

The dark aura that had been terrifying and fearful since ancient times gave him a very bad feeling.

The black swamp was spreading towards his location.

He didn't know what it was, but he always felt that his body must not come into contact with it.

Once you come into contact with this thing, it will be very bad!

Libra, who had made a decision in his heart, jumped up, ready to jump out of the black mire.

And when he just jumped up, a figure appeared in front of him.

It was Lu Li.

The black quagmire of fear was specially prepared by Lu Li for Libra, causing Libra to have intense fear.

He will despair in fear, and in despair, he may be able to awaken the power of the supernova.

Originally, Libra awakened to the supernova when he was about to be sent to the Dark Nebula. The principle is the same.


Kicked Libra hard on the chest.

Libra, whose body was completely unable to maintain balance, fell into the black quagmire of fear.


I feel that I am getting closer and closer to the black quagmire. The breath of darkness seems to have enveloped me, and I feel a feeling of powerlessness and fear rising in my heart.


Falling completely into the quagmire of fear, Libra was about to stand up, but found that there seemed to be arms reaching out from the quagmire of fear, holding him firmly in place.

Black fear covered him, an indescribable feeling sudden outburst of fear

"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

There was a scream full of fear, and Libra struggled crazily to escape.

Endless fear enveloped him, which aroused his fear to the extreme.

Floating quietly in the air, the red cloak behind Lu Li Swaying in the air.

It is not easy to make this guy awaken to the supernova. It is unclear how long it will take in this quagmire of fear.

One after another, the black arms made of fear quagmire will die. Pressing Libra tightly, his body was sinking little by little, and the feeling of powerlessness filled his heart. Extreme fear filled Libra's heart with panic and fear.

At this moment, he was like a drowning child. , a deep sense of powerlessness, and his heart was filled with fear.

After a while, Libra was completely submerged in the quagmire of fear, and his body had completely sunk into it.

When Libra opened his eyes again, he found himself in an extremely dark space.

There was no light, it was completely dark.

"here it is..?"

Looking back, I seemed to be in a quagmire full of fear just now, but now I have entered a dark space.

There was intense doubt and confusion in his eyes, and Libra couldn't figure out where this place was.

But it is certain that this place should have something to do with the black mire just now.

After staying in this dark space for a while, Libra felt inexplicably panicked.

Isn't this place just like the Dark Nebula?!

There was nothing, not even light, nothing to see but darkness still darkness.

If you stay in a place like this, it won't take long for a person to fall into complete madness.

After just staying for a while, Libra feels like he can't stand it anymore

"no! This dilemma must be broken! Must go out! Definitely don't stay in this place forever! Absolutely not!

Libra began to think of ways to break through the current predicament, but all his methods were meaningless. He tried each method many times, but still had no results. Instead, he exhausted himself in the end.

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