Suddenly, Lu Li's hand was placed on his shoulder, Hayashi Hoshi's heart suddenly trembled.

He really wanted to reject Lu Li because he was too scary. Wouldn't it be too tragic if he accidentally ended up like a Cancer?

"Of course, Hayami, you should... understand what I mean, right?"

There was a slight red light in his eyes, and I saw that there was an obvious threat in Guangming's words.

This is telling Hayami to be fair, you have to agree if you agree, and you have to agree if you don't agree.

He doesn't have the right to choose!....yes!"

Even though there were thousands of reluctances in his heart, he could only hold back forcefully at this time, and in the end he could only say one word.

Seeing Hayashi Keibo's aggrieved face as he agreed, Lu Li didn't take it to heart at all, and nodded. head

"Okay, Principal Hayami must have agreed, so let's go."

Before he could finish his words, Lu Li and Hayashi Hiroki had already disappeared into the office.

Only Wang Guangming and Lishenhou were left in the room.

"I hope your lord! This Lu Li is so unreasonable! I think you should teach such a guy a lesson!

Not only do I come in and out of your office at will, but I dare to ask you to do things! Absolutely unforgivable!"

Hearing this, I looked at Guangming and waved my hands casually.

"Lishen, don't be so nervous. I still need to use Lu Li now. He can help me find the other twelve houses.

Cancer and Aries are the best proof, let him go for now."

He doesn't care about other things. What he cares most about is the Twelve Palaces:

As for finally collecting all the star disciple switches, and whether he and Lu Li will be on opposite sides, I hope Guangming doesn't have any thoughts in his heart. Worry.

First of all, he has very strong confidence in his own strength. Even if he can't defeat Lu Li under normal circumstances, he still feels confident that after using Supernova, he is absolutely invincible, even if he has seen Lu Li defeat Lishen himself. Roar, I hope Guangming still has such confidence in his heart.

The power of Supernova is far from comparable to that of Sagittarius in his normal state. What's more, he is the one after the supernova.

Seeing that I Wang Guangming is so confident, Lishenhou nods without leaving a trace. He only needs to obey my Wang Guangming's orders. Everything else doesn't matter.

How far away is the wilderness?

Two figures suddenly appeared at this location.

Seeing the extremely unfamiliar environment around him, Hayami Hiroshi immediately became wary and looked at Lu Li cautiously. Hayashi Hiroshi asked nervously.

"Mr. Lu Li, may I ask?....Why did you bring me here?

He couldn't figure out why Lu Li brought him to this place and what his purpose was.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled lightly and pointed at the surrounding area with his finger.

"Principal Hayami, what do you think of this place?

Even if there is a fight, no one will know about it, right?"

The first half of the sentence didn't sound like much, but the second half made Hayami Koei immediately feel uneasy.

What the hell?

A fight happened here? Could it be!

Something suddenly occurred to him. Hayami Koei looked at Lu Li warily, with a slightly nervous look on his face.

"That Mr. Lu. Lu Li, what do you mean by this?

He clenched his fists unconsciously, Hayami didn't want to think about that.

Mainly when he thought about Cancer being killed directly last time, he didn't even want to be alone with Lu Li.

Too dangerous!

If you are not careful and the other party targets you, wouldn't you be doomed as well?

Good guy!

I was still thinking about this matter before, but I didn’t expect that it would be my turn so soon.

"It's very simple. Principal Hayami, can you please... die?"

At this time, Lu Li, who was as calm as water, had a cold light in his eyes.

The killing intent emanating from his body had no intention of hiding it.


Hayami Kouki swallowed silently, feeling like there was a light on his back. other side....Do you really want to kill yourself?!

How dare he?!

You must know that he is fast and fair, but I hope your master can do it. He has always been conscientious and conscientious. How dare Lu Li do something to him?

"Mr. Lu Li, are you kidding me? This joke is not funny at all, let’s talk about what we are going to do."

The nervous Hayami Koei desperately wanted to change the subject.

However, Lu Li didn't give him a chance to change the subject.

If Hayami Koei wants to awaken the super star as soon as possible, he must make this guy feel the feeling of despair.

Only when people are desperate can they unleash their true potential.

Things have been going smoothly until now, but

Hayami Koi will not be pushed into a desperate situation if he wants to awaken the super star. The feeling of oppression was absolutely unacceptable. Lu Li had to put more pressure on him.

The best way to put enough pressure on him was to make him face death and face strong fear.

Only in this case could he do it. Let Hayami Hoshi enter the next stage as soon as possible and enter the supernova.

Only after awakening the supernova can Hayami Hoshi use his most powerful ability as a Libra and identify everyone's constellations.

Lu Li took out the fusion driver. a fused memory


Fear Utopia!

Since we want Hayami Fair to enter despair, the last way is to use the power of fear.


Insert the Dread Utopia memory in his hand into the fusion drive, and Lu Li opened the drive.

A pool of dark mud appeared out of thin air from under Lu Li's feet, and finally followed his body.���It gradually spread and finally enveloped him.

The black ball like a pitch-black quagmire completely enveloped Lu Li, and there seemed to be bursts of weak blue lightning glowing from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, streaks of white light emerged from the dark mire, as if they were about to burst into tears.

The blue sky suddenly became overcast with clouds, and for a moment there was a strong wind and thunderous lightning.

Streams of dazzling purple thunder struck down from the sky, accurately hitting the black swamp.

When the dazzling purple thunder dissipated, the black ball made of paint-black mire had disappeared.

Standing there was a warrior with golden armor and scarlet eyes.

The golden horn on the head shines like a crown, black lines separate the golden armor on the body, and there is a red cloak behind him.

Waves of black aura enveloped Lu Li's side, giving him a very bad feeling.

Kamen Rider One Fear Utopia!

Witnessing Lu Li's transformation, Hayami Hoshi suddenly became very nervous.

Now that Lu Li has transformed, this all means that the other party is serious about it and is not joking with him.


Taking two steps back unconsciously, Hayashi Pei felt an extremely terrifying sense of oppression on Lu Li.

Even when facing the light of me, Hayami Koi has never been as scared in his heart as he is now.

This is not a goal that he can defeat at all, this is a terrifying monster!

"Principal Hayami, now.....It's your turn! Transform, otherwise you may die directly at my hands. Wei

Wei clenched his fists, and his scarlet eyes filled Hayami Koi's heart with tension.

Wei Wei took out the Libra star disciple switch from his pocket with trembling hands. After hesitating again and again, he finally gritted his teeth and chose to press the switch on it..

The opponent is terrible, and he must resist. If he doesn't resist, he may die without knowing how he died!

He can't die here, he can't die in such a miserable place, even I can't see him! The nebula enveloped him, and the energy point belonging to the Libra constellation bloomed with dazzling light. When the black nebula dispersed, Libra (Haohao Zhao) appeared, holding the tin staff Di Ke's hand, which was trembling slightly at this time, but still nervous.

The enemy he has to face is too terrifying, and it is almost impossible for him to deal with it.

However, he has to deal with it. Once he chooses to admit defeat, it is very likely that his Libra Star Disciple Switch will also be recycled.

"hehe! It seems that the decision has been made, so let’s go.

Lu Li gently hooked his fingers and waited quietly for Libra to attack him.

Although Libra is also one of the zodiac signs, Libra's abilities are more inclined to illusions, and their real combat effectiveness is not actually strong.

Facing Lu Li at this time, Libra also knew that he must not stay where he was and wait for death, otherwise he would definitely die.


With a sudden roar, Libra immediately launched an attack.

How could he possibly understand the principle of striking first and gaining the upper hand?


The tin stick hit Lu Li without hesitation. Facing the dark tin stick, Lu Li was completely indifferent.


A burst of sparks flew up.

Libra Eyes' own attack unexpectedly hit Lu Li, and he was overjoyed.

But before he had time to be happy, he discovered an abnormality.

A group of inexplicable black matter flowed at the location of Lu Li's shoulder. Just now, this The blow could be said to have hit Lu Li, or it could not be said that

Lu Li, who had made any movement at first, slightly raised his left hand and grabbed the tin stick that hit his shoulder.

The huge power was not comparable to that of Libra. Maybe when he said that he couldn't pull back the tin stick, Libra, who was still in a happy mood, suddenly felt cold in his heart.

This was not because he had hit Lu Li at all, but because the other party didn't want to avoid it, or even didn't care. Avoiding his own attack. That's too much! Who are you looking down on? Libra couldn't survive that much this time, so he immediately summoned a group of Stardust soldiers. Chapter 323: Fear. Quagmire! The awakened Principal Orange! And then, Lu Li performed very skillfully for Libra.

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