Since the other party knows his father, he must be resurrected or something, and it should be related to his father.

Then he added a seat next to the table. Dimoli looked at the exquisite delicacies and couldn't help but move his index finger.

After successfully resurrecting her, she can now eat normally like an ordinary person and does not need to rely on magic power to maintain body functions.

It has been a long time since I tasted delicious food. I carefully tasted the delicious food on the table.

Chapter 321: Covered Memories. The disappointing Principal Tachibana had a brief chat during the dinner, and I finally understood. What is my situation?

She... was resurrected.

When she actually heard the news, she was particularly shocked.

I thought everything was just a joke, but I didn't expect that I was actually resurrected.

The dead come back to life! this kind of thing....It can actually be achieved!

And he is a living example, there is no doubt about this.

I was already dead, but now I am sitting here well, isn't it the best proof?

But what she still doesn't know is why Lu Li helped her resurrect?

What is his purpose?

Perhaps, all this can be answered from my father.

After dinner, Lu Li gave his cell phone to Dimu Li and asked her to call Di Mu Xuan.

When he came to the garden, Dimuli saw the number on the mobile phone.

Biting her lip, after a moment's hesitation, she finally hit her

"Hello! Mr. Lu? You called me so late. Could it be that the calendar has been resurrected?!"

As soon as she answered the phone, Dimuli heard her father's slightly excited voice.

Her father's voice was very familiar to her and had always been deep in her memory. This couldn't be faked.

After a moment of silence, Dimuli tried to He shouted sexually.


The other end of the phone suddenly fell silent.

I don't know if it's because of shock or joy.

After half a minute, the sound finally came from

"Who are you....calendar?!"

The words were full of incredulity. Unexpectedly, Dimuzou's daughter had already been resurrected.

"Well, it's me. I just woke up for a while and just had dinner with Mr. Lu Li."

"Hahaha! OK! It's really great!

The ecstatic laughter of the flute player could be heard in my ears.

Hearing that his father was so happy, a faint smile appeared on Dimuli's face.

Being able to be resurrected, even for herself, felt very incredible in her heart, almost like a dream.

Now, she doesn't feel any discomfort in her body at all.

On the contrary, it is better than ever.

She even felt that she ate a lot more, and she also ate a lot when she ate before.

Seeing that the father and daughter were chatting happily, Lu Li was nearby and did not disturb them.

After chatting for a while, Dimoli finally realized that Lu Li was still waiting aside.

His face couldn't help but turn red, and he quickly stopped his excited father on the other end of the phone.

"Dad, I’ll give the phone to Mr. Lu Li first. Let’s talk first.

"OK OK! I understand, dad will come to see you soon."

For Lu Li, Di Muzhuo was filled with gratitude in his heart.

From the conversation with Dimu Li just now, he had already understood that Di Muli was indeed completely resurrected.

When the phone was given to Lu Li, the excited Dimu Zao couldn't wait express the gratitude in the heart

"Mr. Lu Li! Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, it would be difficult for Li. to be resurrected.

As a father, watching his daughter die, his heart is filled with endless grief.

But this is also the motivation for him to live. He wants to resurrect his daughter.

Now that his daughter has been resurrected, there is nothing more joyful for him.

The rest of his life was spent almost entirely on resurrecting his daughter.

It was impossible to do this kind of thing with the current scientific methods of mankind. Later, he began to study magic, hoping to combine technology and magic to resurrect his daughter.

None of this seems important now, as my daughter has been resurrected.

Even though these had nothing to do with his previous efforts, he was still happy with them.

How could Lu Li not hear the gratitude in Di Muzhuo's heart with a slight smile on his face?

"Mr. Fuemu, this is a deal between us. I will help you resurrect your daughter, and all you have to do is join the museum and give me the Philosopher's Stone.

This was the condition we had at the beginning, and I believe you will not forget it.

He never makes a loss-making transaction. Since it is a transaction, both parties must pay equal terms.

What Fueki Kanade cares about most is his daughter. Now that her daughter is resurrected, she can give anything else. She patted her chest and promised.

"Don’t worry, Mr. Lu, I always remember what I promised, and I will be a member of the museum from now on.

As for the Philosopher's Stone, it is in Li's body. I need to use some special methods to take it out of her body.


The main purpose of keeping the Philosopher's Stone in Li's body was to allow the Philosopher's Stone to absorb magic power and maintain Li's body functions.

Now that he has been resurrected, the Philosopher's Stone is naturally unimportant.

As for joining the museum, it has no impact at all on Di Muzou.

The museum is now very powerful and possesses extremely terrifying power, and generally no force is willing to provoke it.

Joining the museum is also the icing on the cake. Di Muzhuo can even have more time to conduct his own related experiments and so on.

None of this is a problem.

After chatting for a while, Lu Li hung up the phone.

At this time, Lu Li remembered that Di Muli should have spent some time in the Face Shadow Hall before, so he couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

"Li, do you remember Mianyingtang?"

Dimuli, who was staring at Lu Li's profile, suddenly came to his senses after being asked a question.

He lowered his head with a slightly red face, looked at his nose, nose, and heart, and responded in a low voice.

"I. I don’t know, I’ve never been to this place.

After learning that Dimoli seemed to have lost his memory of being in Mianyingtang, Lu Li nodded thoughtfully.

Dimuli's memories of the Mianyingtang are not many, and can even be said to be very few. With the revival of previous memories, this small memory has been covered up.

Just covering up, not disappearing in the true sense.

Maybe it's not a bad thing if I don't remember this incident for the time being.

He walked over and gently rubbed Dimo Li's head, and Lu Li smiled slightly.

"Okay, go back to your room and rest quickly. Your body has just woken up and has not adapted yet. You need more rest."

Feeling the big hand on top of her head, Dimu Li's face was stunned. When she raised her head, Lu Li had turned around and walked inside.

Involuntarily touching the top of her head, Di Muli didn't know what she thought of, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

Just now The feeling of being rubbed on the head seemed not bad!

After more than a week, Lu Li still had three core coins of the evil organization on hand, and after more than a week, Lu Li finally made the remaining ones. All three core coins are made.

These three core coins are the GOD core coin, the Garanda core coin and the Dilza core coin.

The power of the remaining three purple core coins is integrated into these three. Among the core coins of the evil organization

At this point, all of Lu Li's purple core coins have been consumed, replaced by six core coins of the evil organization.

Just like the previous core coins of the evil organization, Lu Li integrated these three core coins of the evil organization. When all six evil organization core coins were integrated into Lu Li's body

, an extremely terrifying and evil force broke out.

This force even tried to control and subvert Lu Li's body and consciousness, and wanted to invade it. Lu Li's body.

But Lu Li, who had been prepared from the beginning, could not lose in the fight and finally succeeded in suppressing the power of the six core coins of the evil organization, allowing them to stay quietly. In the body.

After suppressing the power of these core coins, Lu Li was assured that these core coins were not born from self-consciousness, and no one wanted to have other consciousnesses in his body, otherwise it would cause unnecessary trouble. Trouble.

The six core coins of the evil organization have been produced. The next thing Lu Li needs to do is to use the six-link drive.

Now that some time has passed, the cosmic energy concentration in Tiangao has reached a certain threshold. There must be a lot of them. The students can already awaken the constellations.

Lu Li stopped for the time being.

At the same time, he was ready to put the power of the six evil organization core coins into his body.���You should take some time to make sure your body is fully adapted.

In more than a week, Dimuzo also visited Fengdu during this period. After all, he is now a member of the museum.

At the same time, through magic and other means used by Diemuzou, the Philosopher's Stone from Diemuli's body was successfully removed.

The current Philosopher's Stone does not have enough magic power. Not enough magic power means that there is no way to release powerful power.

Since Di Muzou was already a member of the museum, Lu Li directly assigned him a task.

This task is to let Di Muzou replenish the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone.

After replenishing the magic power inside the Philosopher's Stone to a sufficient level, give it to Lu Li.

Regarding this task, Di Muzou agreed without saying anything.

After regaining the Philosopher's Stone, Fueki Kanade returned to Tori/Uraizaka and continued to do what he had done before.

To replenish enough magic power to the Philosopher's Stone, a Sabbat still needs to be held.

But this time, he no longer had any worries in his heart and could do this with confidence and boldness.

As for Otome Koyomi, he will stay at Sonosaki's house for the time being.

The reason why Di Muzou did this was of course to hope that Lu Li could rest assured that he would do his best to do things for him.

Moreover, with the support of the museum, his daughter would not be bullied in any way. She was completely free here.

Returning to Tori/Uraizaka's Fuegi Kanou, he continued to give orders to Medusa and Phoenix/Uro to find the Phantom Gate and continue to make the Phantom Gate despair.

Due to being weak and sick in the past, Dimoli had little contact with the outside world. Taking advantage of this time, he followed Mezier to get in touch with the outside world.

With Mezier here, Lu Li didn't have to worry about Dimo Li's safety at all.

The sky is high.

Since the hole above Kyoto was closed more than a week ago, the concentration of cosmic energy in Tengao has increased a lot.

It was only now that it finally became stable and the concentration reached a stable value.

Singer Xianwu went to Kyoto before and finally understood what happened.

He learned from his father's former friend, Professor Teru Emoto, that the seals of the Four Saints in Kyoto had been destroyed.

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