"Mr. Lu, since he is the one who took the initiative to provoke you, then let this matter go.

I know what kind of guy he is. He is restless and can be regarded as an unstable factor. Once it is solved, it will be solved.

Anyway, all I need is the Cancer Star Disciple switch, and that's the end of it. but....Mr. Lu, I hope you can inform me before you take action next time. After all, you are still my subordinate, you say......Right?"

On the surface, he looks amiable, but inside I hope Guangming is still very unhappy.

After all, he is one of his own, and he was killed as soon as he said he was going to be killed. Lu Li did not give himself any face at all!

In his heart, he was more or less aware of it. A little unhappy, he is the master of all the twelve houses, and he can decide the life and death of the twelve houses.

Even if this happens once, he doesn't want it to happen again, even if the other party is a collaborator. The other party interferes too much in his own affairs.

Otherwise, where is his majesty as the head of the zodiac?

"No problem, but the premise is that they will not take the initiative to provoke me. I hope the chairman can understand this."

Lu Li himself didn't intend to take action against the people in the Twelve Palaces, but this guy Cancer took the initiative to attack him.

Since he took the initiative to provoke him, it's not an exorbitant price to pay.

Hearing this, I looked at the light and nodded, vowing

"No problem, I will remind all the Zodiacs and ask them not to cause any trouble to Mr. Lu."

Instead of dwelling on this matter, Lu Li changed the topic to the Star Disciples.

"Libra should soon be able to destroy all the seals of the Four Saints, and by then Tiangao will be the only place with holes.

The speed of awakening the Zodiac should be much faster. I just hope to collect all the Zodiac Disciple switches as soon as possible.

During this period, the sky-high cosmic energy should be increasing rapidly. I hope, Chairman, I am waiting for your good news.

There's nothing else to do for now, so I'll leave first.

Without even waiting for me to look into the light and speak, Lu Li casually snapped his fingers.


The next second, the whole person had disappeared on the sofa.

After he left, I looked at Guangming's face a little gloomy.

Even if Cancer has a problem, he still hopes that Cancer will be dealt with by himself instead of Lu Li.

There is something in his heart. I was unhappy, but I didn't show it just now.

But now that things have happened, there is no way to go back. For the time being, I still need to cooperate with Lu Li in order to find the Twelve Palaces faster.

After taking a look at where Lu Li was sitting just now, Li Shenhuo stood up and asked. road

"Sir, are you just letting this guy go?

Although there are things wrong with Cancer, it is still the twelfth house after all, and it should be dealt with by you."

Since he was severely abused by Lu Li once, he naturally did not dare to speak nonsense in front of Lu Li.

He is not an opponent, but that does not mean that I, the Sagittarius, Wang Guangming, am not an opponent.

From Lishenhou's point of view, as long as I hope Master Wang can use his best With all my strength, I will definitely be able to defeat Lu Li.

I turned my head slightly and glanced at Lishenhou. I looked at Guangming and leaned on the chair.

"Lishen, this matter ends here. I don’t want to continue to mention this matter. Do you understand?"

"This is!"

Li Shenhou nodded vigorously. He knew what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

He knew very well that he could not continue to touch his brows at this time. Even if he was the person I Wang trusted the most, he would still be punished.

The office fell into silence, and my eyes turned bright red. I didn't know what I was thinking. It took Libra some time to find all the stone monuments and destroy them all.

After this mission, he returned directly to the location where Lu Li was before, thinking that he could use Lu Li's powerful space transfer ability to go back, but he didn't expect that when he returned here again, except for the traces left by the battle, there was nothing. nothing


Libra's face is gloomy, and this rhythm seems to make him find a way to go back.

This is too much!

"hateful! That bastard! You just left me here!"

Libra, who was cursing, could only change back to his human form, go to the station alone, and take the car back.

He didn't know exactly what happened at the scene, but the traces left by the battle let him know that a fierce battle must have broken out at the scene.

As for He probably had a guess in his mind about who the two sides were fighting.

It was probably because Cancer was unbalanced in his heart, and he took Seqi's sure kill. Although he didn't die, the pain must have been real pain.

It was also reasonable. He had been unhappy with Lu Li's attitude before and was very likely to take action.

But he didn't know what the outcome of the battle would be. From Libra's point of view, Lu Li had a great chance of winning. After all, he was a man who had defeated Leo..

He did guess the result, but he didn't guess that Lu Li not only defeated Cancer, but also directly destroyed the Cancer star switch user, Onigao Xia'er.

It was only after he returned that Libra left me. Wang Guangming heard the news.

Night fell in a certain room in Sonosaki's house.

There was a girl lying on the bed, covered with a quilt.

Suddenly, the corner of the girl's eyes moved slightly. After a while, he opened his eyes with difficulty.

The girl lying on the bed was the completely resurrected Dimuli.

Her eyes were full of doubts and confusion.

His own home.

Now Dimuli has not only successfully resurrected, but also successfully obtained everything he had before his death.���Memories.

When the picture flashed through his mind, Dimoli obviously knew what happened when he died.

"Am I not dead?"

Muttering in her mouth, Dimuli didn't understand at all why she was still alive now. According to her memory, she should be dead, but she is still alive and well now. This is very strange. She hasn't figured it out yet.

Understanding why he was resurrected, Dimo Koyori propped up his body and sat up. The thin quilt on his body slipped off, and his petite and exquisite body was exposed to the air.....

When the quilt slipped, she could naturally feel it and noticed that she was not wearing clothes at this time.

There was a blush on Dimo Li's pale face.

At this time, she noticed that the person next to her noticed a set of clothes on the cabinet next to her, and hurriedly walked over to put them on.

After tidying up, Dimoli looked around and found that this was a completely unfamiliar environment.

She didn't know where this place was, and there was no memory related to it in her mind.

He opened the door carefully, poked his head out slightly, and found a long corridor outside.

The only conclusion I came to was that this was definitely not an ordinary person's home, and ordinary people couldn't afford such a luxurious place.

Walking along the corridor, you came to the corner of the stairs after a while.

At this time, she also heard a conversation coming from downstairs.

"Who is that little girl in the room upstairs? Why haven't you seen it before?"

"I think I heard what Lu Li said. It seems to be called Dimu Calendar."

"Like me, she was resurrected by Master Lu Li. Her father would pay any price to resurrect her."

"That's it. No wonder I said he looked a little pale.

Hearing these discussions, Dimoli vaguely knew what the situation was now.

That is, he should be dead, but now he should be resurrected.

As for why he was resurrected, it may have something to do with his father.

How on earth did you resurrect yourself?

There are a series of questions in his mind, and Dimo Li can't figure them out at all now.

Walking quietly downstairs, what came into view was a huge living room. A large table was placed in the center of the living room, and a bunch of beauties were sitting in front of the table discussing.

Among them, there is only one male.

When he saw Lu Li, Di Muli obviously felt a sense of déjà vu, and memories kept flashing in his mind.

Suddenly, she remembered that she seemed to have woken up once before.

But because my brain's memory was confused, I fainted at that time.

Before she fainted, she did see a figure.

This figure is none other than Lu Li now.

Although Dimuli's steps were very light, it didn't mean that no one noticed.

In this family, the physical fitness of everyone is no longer that of ordinary people, and their hearing and vision are very sharp.

No disturbance can escape their keen sense.

The latest person who discovered that Dimu Li invited over was naturally Lu Li. He already knew it when Di Muli walked out of the house.

The reason why I didn't call her was because I wanted her to get used to the environment here first.

Sonosaki Saeko and others all turned their attention to the Fueki Calendar upstairs.

Being stared at by so many people, a flash of shyness flashed across Dimoli's face, and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

He walked downstairs slightly timidly, came to the huge table, and bent down slightly.

"Hello everyone, my name is Dimuli. I would like to ask why I am here?"

She looked so soft and frail that people couldn't help but want to love her.

At this time, Mezier stood up, walked around Dimuli, and nodded thoughtfully.

"It turns out that, just like Yu, he should not be considered a human being now, but a special humanoid creature."

As a greedy person, Mezel can very clearly feel whether the target is a human or something.


Several big question marks popped up on Dimoli's head. She obviously didn't quite understand why she had become something other than a human being inexplicably.

He looked down at himself and found that he looked the same as in his memory.

I am obviously a human being, so why am I no longer a human being in the eyes of the other party?

His eyes couldn't help but focus on Lu Li. The first person Dimo Li saw after he woke up was Lu Li.

Thinking about why you can be resurrected? Why here? This man definitely knows the answer.

Lu Li, who had just finished his meal, wiped his mouth with a napkin and put it on the table.

"You woke up pretty quickly. I thought you wouldn't wake up until tomorrow."

Originally, Lu Li thought that Dimu Li would wake up tomorrow. After all, the memories in his mind were suddenly awakened, and there had to be an adaptation process.

But he didn't expect that Di Muli would recover so quickly, and he would wake up on the same day. After waking up, he raised his head slightly and looked at each other from the distance.

"Hello, Li. I am Lu Li. This is the Sonosaki family. The reason why you are here is because your father, Fueki Kanade, asked me to take care of you."

After learning that this matter had something to do with his father, Dimo Li's originally uneasy heart became calmer.

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