The aura on his body suddenly changed, and his murderous intent was even stronger than before.

Feeling the changes in the tiger undead creature, Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

Unexpectedly, this guy became serious.

I still remember the final battlefield in the War of Awakening.

The tiger undead challenged the King of Spades, and although they lost miserably in the end, it can be seen from this that the tiger undead has a strong fighting instinct.

Now, the Triceratops dopant made her take it seriously, and the next battle might not be that simple.

The previous tiger undead creatures may still be in a sleeping state, but now the tiger undead creatures have completely summoned, Wan Deng... Snow Attendant, Li Fengdu!

The oppression and gratitude are significantly enhanced, and even the Triceratops doped body can feel that the other party obviously wants to kill him.

"Are you ready? I'm... here"


A burst of afterimages suddenly appeared behind her, and the tiger undead creature moved much faster than before.

She really started to get serious.

"So fast!"

The Triceratops hybrid originally wanted to rely on the previous method to avoid the attack, but the opponent was too fast. She didn't even have time to make a move and was overturned in an instant.


Brilliant sparks bloomed on her left shoulder.

She was hit without even seeing the movements of the tiger undead creature clearly. She staggered back two steps, and the triceratops hybrid covered her left shoulder.

The severe pain made her feel Her mind was clearer than ever.

No joke, if she moved any slower, she would really die!

A feeling of fear suddenly arose in her heart, which only happened once after she gained the power of memory.

That was when she faced it. When Lu Li faced the extremely terrifying Lu Li, she felt fear in her heart at that time.

The same was true now, but it was slightly better than that.


During the cadre assessment here, on the other side.

Isaka Mikuruo has been searching for a memory that can help him become more powerful these days.

He didn't dare to make any big moves, mainly because he was worried that he might be discovered by Lu Li.

Once the other party really comes to your door, with your current strength, you will definitely die.

This is something he can't accept no matter what. Now, what he has to do is to become stronger as soon as possible.

He had not been able to get the reward for helping Sonosaki Ryubei before, the memory of the Fengshen Pterodactyl.

Not only did his work go in vain, but he also offended Lu Li, and now he had to hide everywhere.

After several days of searching, he finally found one of the"seven or seven" targets, the owner of the puppeteer's memory.

Although the Puppet Master is not a very powerful memory, it has a special function.

That is to be able to control the target.

Although I don't know if this power is useful to Lu Li, it can be useful to others.

For example, Sono Saki Saeko, or Sono Saki Wakana.

If he could gain the power of a puppeteer, he might be able to use it in the future.

On his way to find the puppeteer, unexpected changes suddenly occurred.

Wearing a black suit and holding a cane in his hand, Isaka Mikuru was walking on the street.

He lowered his head slightly, and the gentleman's hat on his head perfectly covered his appearance.

When he was passing by an alley, a sound suddenly came from the alley.


The other party was calling his name.

When I walked here, I suddenly heard a sound.

If there is no connection between them, it is simply impossible.

He was a little curious as to who was calling him.

As for the puppeteer's memory, he can put it aside for now. He is more concerned about who is calling him.

Turning around and walking towards the inside, Isaka Mikuru looked at the dark alley with no trace of fear in his eyes.

This dark environment was not enough to make him feel scared.

Walking towards the deepest part of the alley, the surrounding environment gradually became darker.

After a while, in the deepest part of the alleyway, Isaka Mikururo saw a looming figure standing in front of him.

Judging from the outline of the other person's figure, he has never seen him before and does not recognize him.

"Who are you?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Isaka Mingrou felt that the other party might not be simple.

Since he knew his name and induced himself to come to this place, there must be a purpose.

After hearing the voice, the person in the darkness slowly slowly Turning around , I saw him walking towards this side step by step.

When he saw his face, Isaka was sure that he was not.

Get to know the man in front of you.

However, the other person has the same habit of wearing a suit, but his suit is black, while the other person's suit is white with lavender pants.

His hair is spread casually around his back.

On the left side of his head, there is a bunch of colorful hair bound by a golden ring.

His handsome face and tall figure give him the first impression of being a gentleman and a handsome man.

Compared with the older Isaka Mikuruo, he had a younger face.

With a gentle smile on his face, the man in the shadow began to introduce himself.

"Hello, Mr. Isaka Mikuruo, this is the first time we meet. I am Manto... Yukishi."

When he heard the other party's self-introduction, Isaka Shenhonglang frowned slightly. He was sure that he did not know any Ten Thousand Lights Snow Attendant.

But since the other party knew him, he must have known him in detail. Maybe He also knew his true identity.

For some reason, Isaka Shenhong felt a sense of oppression from the other person.

He had also felt this sense of oppression from someone before...

That person was... Sonosaki Ryuhei. Wei.

Of course, Lu Li is not included in this. The pressure given by Lu Li is stronger, almost suffocating.

"Wan Deng Snow Attendant? Why do you...know my name? And why did you lead me to this place?"

Looking at the man in front of him calmly, Isaka Shenhong was very curious about what the other person's purpose was.

Hearing this, Wan Dengxueshi still had a calm smile on his face and slowly said

"Mr. Isaka, I want... to let you join me, so that I can help you fight against Lu Li."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he actually wanted to make Isaka Finkuro give in and join his command.

There was no angry expression on his face because of this. Instead, Isaka Fingerprint looked at Manden Xueshi with interest.

This man As soon as he opened his mouth, he actually wanted to surrender to him, and it didn't seem like he was joking with himself.

"Why do you... think that I need your help, just based on your few words?

Although I don’t know who you are, but you know so much, I’m afraid it has something to do with the memory."

Just by relying on some simple conversations, he can probably guess some simple information about the other party, but he can't tell the specific information.

Anyway, he can probably know that the man in front of him is definitely not simple.

Even if he didn't reject it directly, but Saying this, Isaka Mikururo, was no different from refusing.

Wan Dengxueshi put his hands behind his back and continued calmly.

"Mr. Isaka, I think you should know what your current situation is, right?

You are now on Lu Li's must-kill list. As time goes by, you will be found sooner or later.

I don’t need to say more about what will greet you when you are found, right?"

He is very confident that he has grasped Isaka's weakness.

It is Isaka who should be panicking now. After all, he is on Lu Li's must-kill list. If he is found, he will inevitably die.

The only way is to cooperate with him. , Isaka Fumirou has the possibility of survival.

Seeing the other party's confidence, Isaka Fumirou was not sure for a moment what means the other party could help him, but he could talk to him about cooperation with such confidence. There must be capital for cooperation

"Tell me first, how can you help me avoid pursuit? If I can really avoid Lu Li's pursuit, I wouldn't mind joining your side."

Isaka Shenhong is more concerned about his own safety now. If he joins the other party's team, he can ensure his own safety. It is not impossible to do so for the time being.

Seeing that Isaka Shenhong did not refuse his invitation again, Wan Dengxue The waiter smiled calmly

"Before that, follow me to a place first. When you get to that place, you will know why."

Before he finished speaking, in the deep alley of Ten Thousand Dengxueshi, which should have been a dead end, a circular passage suddenly appeared.

Seeing this sudden passage, Isaka Crimson Lang Dao was able to move quickly, and he secretly thought in his heart Thinking.

What's going on?

Why does this circular passage suddenly appear? Where does it lead to?

There are so many questions in Isaka's mind.

"Come on, Mr. Isaka, where we are going now is where we should be talking, and this place is not appropriate."

After saying that, Wan Dengxueshi entered the circular passage directly.

Seeing the white figure that had disappeared into the shadows, Isaka Shenhonglang hesitated for a moment and walked in with his cane.

If the other party can really help There seemed to be no harm in getting rid of Lu Li and joining the other party.

Now he wanted to see where the other party was taking him.

There was a long passage inside, and it felt very strange.

A bright light appeared in front of the passage. He walked towards the direction of the light.

Not long after, Isaka Mikuru finally walked out of the dark passage.

When he opened his eyes again, he was surprised by what he saw.

What he saw was a strange space.

There were all kinds of houses here. The most important thing was that compared to the place where he came in just now, wasn't it the same?

It's just that the sky here seemed different. It's different outside, it feels eerie and dark, and the buildings here look strange.

"here it is……?!"

Even the well-informed Mikuru Isaka was very surprised at this moment.

Wan Dengxue, who was standing in front, turned slightly sideways and said with a smile.

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