After arriving at the company, she met Sonosaki Saeko again

"Now that you are here, come with me."

For the woman Kujo Aya, Sonosaki Saeko doesn't particularly like her.

Especially before, this woman boldly broke into her office.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko who treated her very coldly, Kujo Aya naturally knew The reason is that there is no need to continue to struggle with this issue.

This kind of thing did not exist before, at least in the time of Sonosaki Ryuhei, only Sonosaki Ryuhei. Only those who are favored are eligible to obtain advanced memory and become cadres.

Other than that, it is different now.

As long as you are capable and pass the cadre assessment, you can become a new cadre.

The two of them took a car together and headed to the location where the cadre assessment was to take place.

On the way, Sonosaki Saeko informed Lu Li that Kujo Aya was about to undergo the assessment.

After receiving the news, Lu Li also went to the assessment location. Location.

Not long after, the car gradually stopped.

When Kujo Ling got out of the car, she found that this was an abandoned factory.

Could this be the location of the assessment?

At this time, an abandoned factory walked out. people

"You are here, then come in."

This person is naturally Lu Li.

The cadre assessment was jointly discussed by Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko. Lu Li is responsible for all assessments.

The three of them came to the abandoned factory and looked around the dilapidated factory. Kujo Aya did not look at it. Lu Li, who was walking in front , stopped and suddenly turned around and asked.

"Kujo, you're ready for the test, right?"

Hearing this, Kujo Ling nodded seriously.

"That's right, I want to become a cadre of the organization. Since there is an assessment, come on, I'm ready!"

She didn't know what this test was like, but she could guess that it was definitely not easy.

Seeing that Jiu Jiao Ling was ready, Lu Li casually threw the Triceratops memory in his hand to her

"Now that you are ready, then... the assessment is about to begin."

Although Lu Li is responsible for the cadre assessment, he will not do it personally. If he does it personally, Jiu Tiao Ling will pass this assessment.

Then it will be left to other people. Lu Li casually pulled out two awakening cards.

One of them The awakening card is no stranger, it is the remote tapir of the 10 of clubs.

As for the other awakening card, it is the tiger of the queen of clubs.

The awakening device appears on the waist, and he throws the queen of clubs in his hand and quickly throws the 10 of clubs. Flash the Awakener component

"Remote (tapir)!"

The power of the long-range tapir instantly liberated the tiger undead creature.

A terrifying tiger undead creature jumped out from the card and landed steadily in front of Lu Li.

Among the advanced undead creatures, the Queen's power is relatively weak, but It is also at the cadre level.

It is just right for testing Kujo Ling.

The tiger undead creature has a black mask on its face, a pale face, and a long black claw on its right hand.

The tail behind it is also not a decoration. Very aggressive.

As soon as the undead tiger came out, Sono Saki and Aya Kujo felt a strong sense of oppression. The first thing they felt was that the undead tiger in front of them was very strong. Ling originally thought that the cadre assessment would not be too difficult for her, but when she saw the tiger undead creature, she realized that her thoughts were a bit too simple. But if she wants to become a cadre, she must go through this step. Okay. She must pass the cadre assessment.


Immediately press the Triceratops memory in her hand and insert it into the interface of the thigh.

The Triceratops memory is integrated into the interface, and a force instantly wraps her up.

This powerful force has returned.

In the past two days Kujo Aya felt very uncomfortable without the memory by her side.

After successfully transforming into a triceratops hybrid, the pressure she felt from the undead tiger was slightly weakened.

Upon seeing this, Sonosaki Saeko took the initiative. Move back.

There is going to be a battle, and it will be very dangerous for her to stay here.

This is a cadre assessment, and she cannot interfere in it randomly, otherwise it will be unfair.

Lu Li stepped forward and patted the tiger undead creature. Shoulder

"Please, please test her power a little."

Hearing this, the tiger undead creature nodded slightly, and then turned its attention back to the triceratops hybrid body.

Although the opponent had completed the transformation, the tiger undead creature did not feel much threat.

The opponent's strength was good, but I can’t say how strong it is

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

Walking towards Sonosaki Saeko, Lu Li raised his right hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


"Then, the assessment... begins!"

As he gave the order, the undead tiger creature took action instantly.



The tiger undead creature is very fast!

Before the Triceratops dopant even reacted, the tiger undead creature had already appeared in front of her.


The Triceratops hybrid has powerful defense and attack power, but it does not have flexible speed.

Facing the faster tiger undead creature, she can't even defend in time.


The Hun's iron claw on her right hand instantly scratched her chest.


Although the injury has healed, the dull feeling of pain suddenly started to hurt again after this blow.

Seeing the sudden outbreak of tiger undead, Sonosaki Saeko was very surprised.

Even if it was her. The body's forbidden doped body probably couldn't react immediately.

The action was too fast, and without any hesitation

, the Triceratops doped body was carried away by a powerful force. , fell to the ground.

The tiger undead creature suddenly stopped in the distance. At this time, the triceratops hybrid knew that she didn't have time to think so much, so she didn't stand up immediately.

Time hesitated, the attack rhythm of the tiger undead creature was too fast, and it would be bad if the reaction was a little slow.

The triceratops hybrid body didn't even have time to look carefully at the dull pain in the chest, but it could be guessed that it must have appeared in the chest. scratches


Yes, there are obvious scratches on the chest of the Triceratops hybrid body.

Sonosaki Saeko was secretly surprised

【What a terrifying attack power! 】

The Triceratops doped body itself has a strong defensive power, but it still cannot take any advantage against the tiger undead.

There was no surprised expression on Lu Li's face, everything was as expected.

The reason why he chose to release the tiger undead was not the elephant undead from Jack of Clubs.

It was because the elephant undead creature was too powerful, and Lu Li was worried that the triceratops hybrid would be killed in a fight.

Even a Triceratops hybrid is not qualified to face an elephant undead creature.

And since it is an assessment, it is natural to target Kujo Ling's weaknesses.

Speed and flexibility.

If the Triceratops doped body can withstand the attack of the tiger undead creature, she does not need to defeat the tiger undead creature, she only needs to resist it.

If she can't even resist, it can only be said that she is not strong enough to be a cadre.

Turning around and seeing the alert Triceratops dopant, the undead tiger sneered.


The opponent's defense is meaningless in her eyes.

The tiger undead creature not only has a sensitive body, but also has extremely terrifying attack power.

The terrifying iron claw on its right hand can easily tear apart the target.


With a flash of body, the tiger undead creature pounced forward again.

The sharp claws flashing with cold light struck again.

But this time it was not the chest of the triceratops doped body, but pointed directly at her head.

Itself. Possessing excellent physical fitness and powerful fighting skills, the Triceratops hybrid has already thought of a way to deal with the direct attack of the tiger undead creature.

Lying on its back, the Triceratops hybrid quickly lowered its body..

And the undead tiger creature just passed by her.

She could even see the sharp claws flashing in front of her.

The cold killing intent made the hair on her body stand up.

I thought I could defeat the opponent with this blow, but I didn't expect it to be dodged.

A flash of surprise appeared in the eyes of the undead tiger

, but the surprise was just for a moment. The undead tiger creature that landed smoothly on the ground had a smile on its lips.

"hehe! interesting."

Book���Thought he was just an opponent that could be easily dealt with, unexpectedly something unexpected happened.

But precisely because of this, Cha Cha is interesting.

The tiger undead enjoys the fun of fighting very much. It is an interesting opponent, and it is naturally worth taking her seriously.

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