Yongqi's roar came from the sky.

Lu Li, whose right fist was filled with golden energy, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Sure enough, he is worthy of the path of self-denial!

Even though he knew it was a battle with no chance of winning, he still tried his best for it.

Taking a step back with his right foot, Lu Li squatted down slightly, waiting for Yong Qi's arrival.

The next second, the bright blue light and the dazzling golden light collided together


Ga Toushun and Prospect, who were standing not far away, opened their eyes wide with shock.

"What a strong impact!"

"What a powerful burst of power!"

As the two people who watched the battle at close range, the two of them had the most say.

Katoushun reluctantly dragged his body and hid behind a big tree.

He didn't feel that his body could withstand such a terrifying energy impact.

You have to hide when you need to, you have to be cool and so on, you have a chance to pretend! With the same idea as

Gatou Shun, Prospect hid behind the tree without hesitation.

That's the most important thing. He can't afford to lose face.

The ground trembled under this terrifying force.

Not only the fallen leaves on the ground were blown away, but also the leaves on the thick trees. It started to fall down.

PS: Thank you.————A monthly pass!.Chapter

119 One punch! cooperate? Utopia strikes back!

Whether they are old leaves or new leaves, there are no exceptions under the influence of this burst of power.

The dazzling light collided, and the terrifying energy poured towards the ground crazily.

The ground beneath Lu Li's feet was rapidly collapsing, and the flying stones were instantly crushed into pieces by this terrifying force.


Yong Qi used all his strength.

He wanted to use all the power he unleashed to hurt Lu Li.

He didn't ask for more, even just a little, and he was already satisfied.

As for defeating Lu Li, he learned from the previous battle Zhong has already realized something.

Facing this golden warrior who brings him great pressure, he...cannot be his opponent!

Even though he is very unconvinced, he knows that he cannot win. , he admitted this in his heart.

Standing on the ground, Lu Li noticed that the ground beneath his feet was collapsing.

At the same time, Yong Qi above was still frantically pouring out all his strength, just to try to hurt himself.

"You... are a good opponent."

In Lu Li's eyes, Yong Qi is indeed a good opponent, but it's a pity that he is currently using only the experimental eternal memory.

He is looking forward to the next time the two of them meet again, and the next time Yong Qi masters the most powerful power. At that moment, the two of them would naturally have a fight.

At the next moment, Lu Li suddenly removed all the strength in his hands.


However, before he could fall to the ground, a huge golden fist slammed into his chest.

It turned out to be Lu Li! Just now, Lu Li suddenly released all the power he had unleashed, but he did not give up the attack.

He quickly turned around and punched him in reverse.

It was precisely because of this sudden turn that the punch was even more powerful.

Before Yong Qi could react, he punched him directly in the chest.


Feeling a huge amount of energy pouring into his body, even the undead who could hardly feel the pain screamed in pain.


The fist with unparalleled power directly knocked the white knight in black cloak away with one punch.

The unparalleled power knocked him far away.

Yong Qi could only see that the surrounding scenery was retreating rapidly. At this moment, he Like a cannonball being launched, under this extremely powerful force, wherever Yongqi passed, it swept past like a tornado parallel to the ground, leaving a long trail on the ground. Lu

Li still doesn't know how far this punch will send Yong Qi flying.

It depends on his luck. It may be tens of meters or hundreds of meters away.

The battle has come to an end for the time being.

After Lu Li completed the blow, white smoke was still coming from his golden fist.

After confirming that the battle was over and everything had returned to calm, Jiantou Shun stepped out of the tree. He carefully poked his head out from behind.

The scene was in a mess, with fallen leaves and countless flying sand and stones.

It was clearly a quiet castle villa just now, but now, it can be seen with the naked eye that almost all the surrounding trees are bare. , no leaves could be seen at all.

Where Lu Li was, the entire ground seemed to be cracked, and even under the explosion of power, a clear depression could be seen at the center of Lu Li.

Although Gatoushun feels that Utopia Memory is already very powerful, it may not be as powerful as the more powerful King of Memory Eternal Memory, but it is definitely one of the most powerful.

But under the powerful power of the golden warrior , The power of the two memories seems to be far inferior.

How could such a powerful force not be coveted by him?

Since Eternity is no longer here, the previous memory failure caused by the Eternal Ultimate Drive has been successfully eliminated. Tou Shun endured the pain from the previous battle, holding the Utopia memory in his hand, and walked towards Lu Li.

His body was injured, making his walking staggering, and he walked to Lu Li's side. Shun said impatiently

"Land from! I... want to cooperate with you!"

Lu Li naturally knew about Ji Tou Shun's arrival.

But he didn't expect that Ji Tou Shun would actually want to cooperate with him when he opened his mouth.

While he felt surprised, he also roughly understood why.

It was just a matter of watching. With the power that he had nearly crushed the eternal memory, Ga Tou Shun saw an even more terrifying power. Is n't it that Consortium X invested in various projects to create powerful biological weapons?

How could Tou Shun not be tempted?

Lu Li already knew almost everything about the awakening device and the awakening card, and there was no need for any cooperation at all.

But this did not prevent him from talking about Ji Tou Shun in detail. After all, Ji Tou Shun was also a bad person. The guy.

Turning around, Lu Li looked at Jiatoushun calmly with his purple eyes and said lightly.

"Cooperation, plus head, what can you give me? If you can't come up with the conditions I want, you are not qualified to cooperate with me."

Just facing the direct gaze of those purple eyes, Jiatoushun felt a great sense of oppression.

He actually felt like kneeling in front of Lu Li, and his body was afraid of him. Shivering.

But after all, he is also the person in charge of many projects of the Consortium, and he has seen a lot.

He tried to control his body and not kneel down.

His body was obviously in a state of embarrassment. Trembling, but gritting his teeth and persisting, he tried hard to suppress the fear in his heart. He held his trouser legs tightly with both hands and said reluctantly.

"what would you like? No matter what you want, as long as our consortium x can get it, we will support you unconditionally!

My request is simple, I need...to study your power!"

Studying the opponent's power is a taboo in itself.

But in Consortium Consortium He could only see the purple compound eyes, but Ga Toushun had a strange feeling in his heart, that is, Lu Li was looking at him with disdain, but he couldn't see the real look in his eyes.

He can feel it in his heart.

He is a big figure in the consortium.

When has he been so despised? But now, the other party is standing in front of him and despises him at all.

There is nothing he can do but watch.

Even if he is unwilling, he can only endure it silently.

He can also understand that who is not a little arrogant? Even he felt the same in his heart.

Jia Toushun put forward the conditions and requirements, but asked rhetorically

"Jiantou, do you know...why I came to you?"

Hearing this, Jiatoushun was slightly stunned.

Then he thought of what Lu Li said when he just came here. He immediately took out the Utopia memory, and Jiatoushun couldn't wait to say

"This is a utopian memory, a powerful golden memory that best matches me.

I can give it to you for free. This is also proof of our cooperation. What do you think?"

In order to get the opportunity to study Lu Li's powerful power, Jiatoushun even joined forces with his most suitable Utopia memory to donate it.

But when he thought that as long as he could study that incomparably powerful power, he felt that everything was worth it. After researching it

, he obtained this extremely terrifying power, even more powerful than the current Utopia memory. He knew this very well as long as he handed over the Utopia memory. Maybe a fierce battle could be avoided. However, Jiatoushun's answer obviously did not satisfy Lu Li.

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