The next second, he was instantly blown away by this powerful force.

Yong Qi, who flew several meters away, lay on the ground and covered his broken arm, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Just one blow can break his arm, this guy...!

He thought that his strength could withstand Lu Li's attack, but he didn't expect that the final result would be just a blow.

In just one move, his hand was crippled.

Even if you are an immortal, broken bones will affect your body's movements.

Yong Qi reluctantly stood up, and the eternal dagger in his hand had already fallen aside.

He no longer has enough enzymes in his body. There is no way to cure an injury like this broken arm.

"hehe! Really strong! The power is unimaginable.‖"

At this time, Yong Qi can still laugh.

It was entirely because he was an immortal that the pain in his body had been reduced to a minimum.

Only the sharp pain may make him feel a little bit, but only a little bit.

For the moment when the fracture occurred, he could indeed feel the severe pain, but then he would act as if nothing had happened.


With a long breath, Yong Qi looked at the eternal dagger that fell next to him, walked over directly, and held it again with his other hand.

He...has not lost yet!

It's just that one arm is broken, and the other arm is broken. It was still intact.

As long as the immortal was still alive and moving, he would continue to fight.

Seeing Yong Qi holding the eternal dagger again, Lu Li naturally understood what he wanted to do since the opponent was determined to continue fighting.

If he wanted to continue fighting, Lu Li would naturally not show mercy.

However, forget about the power of the awakening card. He was worried that using the power of the awakening card would directly knock Yong Qi's body to pieces.

Lu Li didn't want to deal with Yong Qi now. The opponent was a man. A good opponent.

The opponent is not yet a complete Yongqi, and Lu Li has not obtained the twenty-six memory awakening cards of Yongqi's strongest form.

The battle between the two sides should not end this time, but should be reserved for the next time.

Next time, Lu Li should have mastered the twenty-six memory awakening cards corresponding to Yong Qi. By then, he expected to fight against Yong Qi , the strongest form transformed by Dao Keji.

Of course, Lu Li couldn't just give up. He strode over, not giving Yong Qi any chance to fight back. Yong Qi was already affected by his broken arm. Facing Lu Li in his imperial form, he didn't even have the strength to resist..

With the eternal dagger in his hand, Lu Li's next attack came directly.

Yong Qi didn't even have time to react, and he immediately felt a powerful force hitting his chest, but he took several steps back. He stood firm, and Lu Li's next attack was approaching again.

The battle was almost crushing, and both Gatou Shun and Prospect could clearly see it.

"Eternity...the King of Memory, in the face of such powerful power, is simply a joke."

Jia Tou Shun stared at Lu Li with fiery eyes.

That perfect figure, powerful strength, and terrifying defense all showed terror.

Such an extremely powerful power naturally makes people yearn for it, and Ji Tou Shun can't wait. I want Lu Li to discuss what conditions he should have to be qualified to study this powerful force, but Consortium X would have to pay a high price.

, but possesses extremely terrifying and astonishing financial resources, there is no need to worry about the other party. However, the only thing Jiatoushun is worried about is that Lu Li will put forward some other conditions, which even Consortium X may not be able to meet.

, how should he solve this problem?

Before negotiating, he must think about this problem well.

If there is no way to meet Lu Li's request, it may cause Jiatou Shunhe Consortium to lose the opportunity to study this powerful force.

"anyway! No matter what kind of request you make, I have to agree to it! Even if you try your best, you won’t hesitate!"

Jia Toushun's eyes were very firm. He must succeed in cooperating with Lu Li.

Prospect, on the side, also fell into hesitation after seeing Lu Li's terrifying power.

Is it possible for him to defeat Lu Li in the end ? The conclusion he came to was that it was impossible!

This was the first time he felt like this.

Since he obtained the eye memory, he could easily see the target's movements and respond accordingly.

Can be invincible.

But now, he has self-doubt in his heart.

Facing such a terrifying Lu Li, is his so-called prediction really useful?

Even if he predicts it in advance, can he defend himself against the opponent's attack? ?


He thought about various methods, but found that he had no way to deal with this unparalleled power.

Power is the most powerful suppression, and it cannot be resisted by Prospect's so-called skills.

As long as he couldn't cope with this power, it meant that he had no chance of winning.

Lu Li knocked Yong Qi to the ground again with one punch.


After this punch, you can clearly hear the sound of the chest bones cracking.


After being knocked to the ground again, Yongqi stood up again with difficulty after a while.

"it's useless! I am an immortal! Even if your attack power is very powerful, you can't kill me!

As long as you can't kill me, I...will still have a chance to continue fighting with you!"

He still doesn't want to give up this fight. As long as he can still stand up, he has not lost.

"There is no other way, it seems... I can only send you away first."

Lu Li didn't have much interest in the current battle with Yong Qi.

The real battle should be reserved for the strongest form. Then we can see whether the power of the memory is stronger or the power of the memory awakening card. Strong.

Lu Li tapped a golden embossment on his leg, and a golden awakening card automatically appeared in Lu Li's hand. He transformed into an emperor's form, and all the awakening cards in the corresponding series transformed into gold.

, is the golden plum blossom 3. Tighten the mole and throw it away, and the golden plum blossom 3 instantly enters the awakening staff.


The power of Golden Plum Blossom 3 was instantly activated, and Lu Li inserted the Awakening Staff in his hand into the ground.

A bright golden light emitted from his right hand, and a terrifying force was gathering.

With his left hand, he pulled the black cloak behind him and waved it. , Lu Li strode towards Yong Qi.

The battle... was over. If he continued to fight, Lu Li was really worried that he would kill Yong Qi directly.

It really doesn't exist anymore. The power of Plum Blossom 3 can enhance the power of turning punch.

The reason why Lu Li chose to use Plum Blossom 3 was to beat Yong Qi to death.

As an undead person, even if he falls badly from a high place, he will not die. At most, he will be injured and fall into a coma.

What's more, Yong Qi is still in a state of transformation, even if he falls from a high place. Falling down can also slow down the impact.

It's no problem at all!

Yong Qi dragged his bruised body and barely managed to keep himself from falling.

When he noticed Lu Li walking towards him, he especially saw the crazy concentration of terror on Lu Li's right hand. Energy.

For a moment, Yong Qi thought he would die.

【This time... will he really die? 】

Such questions popped up in his mind.

Since becoming undead, he has found new companions and joined the mercenary battlefield.

He felt absolutely no threat of death.

Because on the mercenary battlefield, the most weapons used by those people are guns and cannons.

Even if it hurts him, it won't really kill him.

But this time, he really felt the threat of death approaching.

Maybe... I will really die this time.

This...can be considered a relief.

However, before dying, he still wanted to try to see if there was really no way he could cause any harm to Lu Li.

Since his right arm was broken, Yong Qi struggled to extract the eternal memory from the lost drive with his left hand.

Since the eternal dagger has been blown away to nowhere, he must insert the memory into the memory slot on his waist if he wants to use his special move.

With his left hand, he reluctantly inserted the memory into the memory slot on the right side.

I took a hard photo of the button on the memory slot.

"` ˇYou are really a very good opponent! Let me see if you are... really indestructible!"


As if responding to Yong Qi's heartfelt wishes, the eternal memory bloom (Wang Qian Zhao) emits a dazzling blue light.

The blue energy rushes to his right leg crazily, and the blue flame on the leg burns blazingly.

At this moment, and before Compared with the eternal ultimate drive, the flames burned more intensely.

Yong Qi crouched down slightly as he shrugged his right arm.


Shout loudly.

Yong Qi's legs suddenly exerted force, and his body instantly rose into the air.

The white body quickly jumped into the air.

The blazing blue flames shrank sharply as he leaped into the sky.

The flaming blue energy was completely concentrated on his right foot.

When he reached the commanding heights, Yong Qi suddenly exerted force and his body quickly fell to the ground.

The target was clearly Lu Li who was looking at him

"Go to hell——!!"

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