"Missing? What's missing?"

Obviously, Zuo Shotaro didn't understand what this matter was about.

Narumi Asukiko on the side was also rummaging through the cabinets, trying to find traces of the fang memory.

Unfortunately, the two of them destroyed the entire detective agency I looked around and found nothing.

"What else could it be, of course fang memory.

From morning until now, I haven't found it."

Phillip scratched his hair so hard that his scalp almost fell off.

He couldn't find the fang memory after searching for so long. It was a headache.

Shotaro Zuo shrugged helplessly.

"Sorry, there's nothing we can do about it. Just make do with it."




Seeing that what appeared in front of him was still W in the form of Swift Wind Ace, Nazca Dopant shook his head with regret.

"Is it the original form? What a shame, you will definitely lose."

Clicking the blade of the sword with his hand, Nazca Dopant was completely unaware that he had learned the special moves of a passing knight.

Nazca Dopant's strength was far beyond what it used to be, but he didn't think he would lose to W.

Maybe the other party's so-called new form of Fang Ace can fight with me, but I still have a great chance of winning!

"You can't tell! Sarah, come and count your sins!"W doesn't think he will lose.


With a cold snort, Nazca Dopant pounced directly with his physical strength.

However, after several fights, what W didn't expect was that Nazca Dopant's offensive power and attack speed were much higher than before. Come quickly

"So fast! The strength is also very strong. How come this guy has become so much stronger!"

W had just finished speaking when the Nazca sword blade quickly passed across W's chest.


A large number of sparks flew out of the chest.

After being hit, W rolled on the ground with the help of this force and got out of the attack range of the Nazca dopant.

After widening the attack distance, W immediately used the double driver to push the left Ace memory switched to metal memory



W Gale metal form.

The synchronization rate between Gale memory and metal memory is actually not high. The lightness of the Gale side and the weight of the metal side will create a conflict.

But it can use the characteristics of wind and metal to exert high defense..

He had tasted the powerful power of Nazca's doped body just now, and wanted to use the metal form of the wind to defend against the opponent's attack as much as possible, and then find an opportunity to counterattack.


The Nazca sword blade collided with the metal iron rod, and the strong force allowed the Nazca dopant to suppress W.

After replacing the metal memory, W's movements were obviously much slower, and he was already attacking. The sensitive Nazca dopant almost completely had the upper hand.

Facing the full attack of the Nazca dopant, W was indeed unable to stand and could only be passively beaten.

"Shotaro! Be careful, he's become more powerful than before."

Another sword slashed across W's chest, knocking him back.

Nazca Dopant said in a calm tone

"Yes, although you are not able to transform into your strongest form, which makes me a little unhappy, I will still try my best to defeat you."

Although his tone was very calm, he was indeed very happy in his heart.

He has indeed become stronger than before.

It can be seen in the battle just now that W can only passively defend against his own attack.

"We won't lose!"

W also knew that there was no point in continuing to defend, and immediately switched the blast memory on the right to the blazing memory.



W's fiery metal form!

Wielding the metal iron rod in his hand, W's speed slows down, but it has more powerful attack and defense power.

Since the speed can't catch up, then find a way to block the opponent's attack and counterattack.

640 Blazing and Metal are the memories with the highest synchronization rate, and can fully exert the power of the two memories. The top of the metal iron rod is wrapped with flames, and W is swung quickly to attack the Nazca dopant.

The Nazca Dopant really has no way to gain an advantage in terms of strength. Perhaps due to Sudō Kirihiko's personal reasons, the Nazca Dopant will try its best to maintain its graceful attack during the battle.

It was defense, and the same was true.

Seeing the flaming metal iron rod coming down again, Nazca Dopant immediately exerted its Lv2 ability.

"Ultrahigh speed!"

The body turned into a blue afterimage, instantly dodging the attack of the metal iron rod.


W's tone was full of shock. He didn't even see clearly the trajectory of the Nazca dopant just now.

The other party seemed to suddenly move to the side, the speed was too fast, even after the transformation W didn't react.

He grabbed the end of the metal iron rod and was already aiming at W's neck, but for some reason, he felt very frightened.

The sudden feeling almost made him lose his balance.

Just then, a call came.

"Xiao Xiang! Xiao Xiang! Hello!……"

It turned out to be the owner of the Wind Barber Shop just now, who was looking for Shotaro Zuo at this time.

I also feel that I am very uncomfortable with the Nazca dopant, and I have no intention of continuing to fight.

"I will spare your life this time."

The Nazca doping body didn't want to involve ordinary people, so he happened to feel unwell, so he took the initiative to retreat.

Looking at the Nazca doping body gradually leaving, W had no intention of continuing to fight.

"We really can’t involve the boss."

After releasing the transformation, he immediately ran towards the barber shop owner.


After leaving, Nazca Dopant transformed back into Kirihiko Sudou.

Leaning on the stone sculpture nearby, Sudou Kirihiko tightly clutched the clothes on his chest.

He didn't know why he suddenly felt this palpitation.

It's like the power is about to break out of your control and explode.

I had never felt this way before, why did it suddenly appear now?

For a moment, he didn't understand what the situation was. Logically speaking, such a situation shouldn't happen.

Is it because it is about to break through Level 3?

But when I broke through Level 2 before, I didn't feel like this.

Moreover, after the battle just now, Sudou Kirihiko felt that his physical exhaustion seemed to be more serious than before.

Is it my own illusion?

With multiple doubts, Sudo Kirihiko turned and left


After Sudou Kirihiko left, a person suddenly walked out from somewhere in the shrine.

He is Lu Li.

I happened to pass by just now and saw the fighting here.

So I used Diamond 10 to steal the chameleon's power, hide myself in the surrounding environment, and quietly observe the war.

PS: thanks————Leng Miao’s monthly ticket!.Chapter 103: The

Arrival of Consortium Moreover, Lu Li was keenly aware that something was slightly wrong with Sudou Kirihiko.

Although after evolving to Level 2, his body will gradually be unable to adapt to the powerful power of Nazca Memory.

But there is a process, and it won't be like what it was just now.

The situation...

is very wrong.

Frowning slightly, Lu Li felt that something was not quite right this time.

But he didn't find out what was wrong for a while.

The abilities acquired by Nazca Memory Level 2 should be high-speed movement and the use of energy balls to attack.

The strength and speed should increase a bit, but not like before.

Lu Li, who had just fought against Nazca's dopant two days ago, naturally knew exactly how powerful Nazca's dopant was.

He shouldn't be that strong, it's like he suddenly became stronger.

Lu Li wanted to get the Nazca memory, so he naturally didn't want any unnecessary surprises to happen.

Therefore, Lu Li felt it necessary to observe in secret.

What did Kirihiko Sudou do to cause this situation to occur?


The company's side.

Today, the company welcomed a guest, a very special guest.

Wearing white clothes, with a slicked back hair, and a cold expression on his face, he looked as if someone owed him 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan.

When Sonosaki Saeko learned that such a guest was coming, she already knew the other person's identity.

The person in charge of the Gaia memory research project sent by Consortium X.

The other party is the sponsor of the Gaia memory research project, so Sonosaki Yueko will naturally not leave the other party alone.

The museum still needs each other's research funding support, and we don't want any surprises at this time.

Later, Sonosaki Saeko received the other party in the reception room.

This is also the first official meeting between the two.

Ga TouShun sat on the sofa with an expressionless face and introduced himself.

"Hello, Ms. Sonosaki Saeko, I am Jun Katou, the representative of Consortium X in charge of the Gaia memory research project plan."He still looks expressionless. This is because the people in Consortium X are cold and cold.

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