"Dear, you said...what should we do now?"

She really doesn't know how to deal with Consortium X. In the past, this kind of thing was left to her father.

Without any experience, she doesn't know what will happen if she faces Consortium X at this time. The other party wants to make further research progress, but if the museum cannot produce further research materials, it is possible that

Consortium Sonosaki Ryuhei suddenly handed over this matter to her.

To put it bluntly, Sonosaki Ryuhei just wanted to make Sonosaki Saeko so anxious that he had no time to care about other things.

On the other side was Lu Li's plan, and Sonosaki Saeko didn't know what to do for a while.

It was impossible for everything to return to its original state after she took control of the museum, right? Without financial support, it would be difficult for even the museum to continue research.

Go down.

Seeing that Sono Saki Yueko felt a little unhappy, Lu Li calmly patted her shoulder.

"Seiko, don’t worry so much. Consortium

They have invested so much money, and now the museum has mature enough research technology, do you think they might withdraw without permission? impossible! So relax and do your own thing. Consortium X will not easily withdraw the museum's research funds." Unless the upper echelons of Consortium


Sonosaki Saeko was slightly startled. Just now she was concerned.

PS: Thank you.————Monthly ticket for revolution not yet successful!.Chapter

102 King.form completed, fusion conjecture, anomaly

It seems to be the same reason, so much money has been invested, and more than half of the research results have been obtained.

The remaining part of the research results have not been obtained. If you choose to give up at this time, you must be a fool.

At this moment, Sonosaki Saeko has completely calmed down.

"I understand. If they want to come, I will explain the current situation to them clearly."

If the other party wants to come, he will come. She can just deal with it depending on the situation."


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

After saying goodbye to Sonosaki Saeko in the morning, Lu Li went directly to his research room.

A few days have passed, and I don't know if the adjustments to Xingjian have been completed, so Lu Li naturally wanted to take a look.

Arriving at the research room, Lu Li found three weapons including the Awakening Sword, and found that the calibration had been completed.

This also means that Lu Li can now use three forms of King.form.

And there is no need to deliberately control one's own power like before when facing new life forms.

After adjustments, the three awakening weapons including the Awakening Sword can fully unleash the full power of King.form.

Don't worry about being too powerful and causing yourself to exit the transformation.

The equipment for making memories is still in operation, and the newly made memories have not yet been completed.

It seems that we still need to wait a little longer. The production of this memory is longer than the previous one.

Ever since he last used Garren's King.form, Lu Li felt some kind of power throbbing in his body.

He had felt before that once he completed the three King.forms, it might bring about different changes.

But currently, Lu Li only had that throbbing feeling in his body, and nothing else was wrong.

Regarding this situation, Lu Li still didn't know what was going on.

But you can clearly know that it is not a bad thing.

Lu Li actually already had a suspicion in his mind.

Whether using wild form or King.form, the corresponding thirteen undead creatures need to be integrated into the body.

Thereby controlling it and using the corresponding awakening card as you wish.

Currently, Lu Li has integrated the Awakening Cards from the Heart Series and the Awakening Cards from the Diamond Series, leaving the Spades Series and Club Series that have not yet been integrated.

After completing the fusion of the other two series of awakening card 06 pieces, we will know what the situation is.

Perhaps, after completing the fusion of the awakening cards from the spades series and the club series, Lu Li might be able to develop a new form.

Fusion of fifty-two awakening cards?

This is just a guess made by Lu Li at the moment. Only what happened will be known later.

After recovering the three awakening weapons, Lu Li left the research room directly.


After recovering from his injury two days ago, Sudo Kirihiko's body has recovered a lot.

Fortunately, most of them were skin injuries, otherwise he would have needed to rest for a few more days.

I don't know why, but after he came back from the hospital that night, he always had an indescribable feeling.

Looking at the Nazca memory in his hand, he always felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

He didn't think much about it, he just thought that he was getting stronger again and Nazca Memory might be about to reach the next level.

In his opinion, this is a good thing. As long as he can enter Level 3, his strength will definitely change further.

He believes that even his current self can handle W.

In order to put himself in a better mood, and to allow himself to focus more on dealing with W next time, Sudo Kirihiko planned to get a haircut.

He usually runs to that place when he is in a bad mood.

Wind Barber Shop!

Sudo Kirihiko, who grew up here, is very familiar with everything about Fengdu.

While he was getting a haircut, Fengzhi Barber Shop welcomed another customer.

Shotaro Zuo!

The two met inexplicably, and they had a very friendly conversation.

It was only when the two discovered each other that they realized that the other party was actually an enemy!

The two of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"It's you?!"Sudo Kirihiko gritted his teeth.

"You guy!"Zuo Xiangtaro's face was full of vigilance.

"Go out and settle the score!"The two said in unison.

Seeing the agreement between the two, the owner of the barber shop also widened his eyes and didn't quite understand what was going on.

Then, the two left the Fengzhi Barber Shop and came to a place not far away.

There had been a light rain just now, and the ground was covered with fallen leaves. Sudo Kirihiko was walking in front, with his hands behind his back and his face calm.

I'm afraid it will be better if the scars disappear

"I really didn't expect that I would often meet you in a place like this, Kamen Rider."

He already knows Zuo Xiangtaro's identity.

This time is a good opportunity to avenge his shame.

As long as he solves W here, he can completely wash away all his grievances.

As for Zuo Xiangtaro, although he has met Xu However, I am not very familiar with him, and I have never seen Sudou Kirihiko before his transformation.

I only know that the man in front of me has a complicated relationship with Gaia memory.

"Who are you?"

Slowly turning around, Sudou Kirihiko did not deny his identity and said straightforwardly.

"My name is Kirihiko Sudou. Of course, my other appearance should be familiar to you."

Before he finished speaking, Sudou Kirihiko took out the Gaia drive.

When he saw the Gaia drive, Shotaro Zuo had already determined that the identity of the person in front of him was not an ordinary dopant, but a... cadre of the organization.!


He originally thought that the other party was just a salesperson of the organization or something like that, because there was a pool of red and white scarf that looked like blood stains. He had heard people say it before.

It was carried by a certain Gaia memory salesman, but it turned out that Unexpectedly, the opponent turned out to be a cadre of the organization!

He carried the Gaia Drive on his waist and took out the Nazca Memory at the same time.


With a confident smile on his face, Sudo Kirihiko inserted the Nazca memory in his hand into the Gaia drive.

When the Nazca dopant appeared in front of his eyes, Shotaro Zuo finally understood everything.

What he had done before Isn't this the guy we met?

"So it turned out to be you."

Finally solved the doubts in his heart, but there was not much joy in Zuo Shotaro's tone.

Sudou Kirihiko said seriously

"Gaia memories can make human evolution more perfect. It is my duty and my honor to make them available in the market."

But after hearing these words, Zuo Xiangtaro was furious.

"Do not make jokes! What you are spreading are demonic tools that bring pain to this city!"

How many people have been injured and shed tears by the Gaia memory so far, Shotaro Zuo has not forgotten it at all.

He cannot forget it either.

With the dual drive on his waist, Shotaro Zuo took out the ace memory and was about to transform.

At this time, Nazca dopant suddenly said

"This is a rare opportunity. I've already transformed anyway. Can you please use the fang ace form?"

Just two days ago, he heard someone from the company mention W's fang ace form, which is said to be the most powerful form currently.

He is already very strong now and will soon be able to break through to Nazca's Lv3.

Fighting W again, he wanted to try to see whether he was stronger or W's current strongest form.

If he defeated W's strongest form head-on, there was no doubt that he was indeed Issue. Shameful.

Hearing that the other party still had such a request, Zuo Shotaro was slightly startled.


What the hell kind of request is this? If he doesn't transform into his strongest form, can't he still fight?

However, since the other party has such a request, he doesn't mind letting the other party try the power of the fang ace form.

"Did you hear that? Philip, what do you think?"

At this moment, in the Narumi Detective Agency,

Philip is carrying a dual drive on his waist and looking for Fang memory everywhere.

He also wants to find Fang memory, but Fang memory is different from other memories.

Fang memory The memory has its own mechanism and will not stay alone in one place.

Philip crawled out from under the bed and said helplessly.

"I also want to fight right away, but it's gone"

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