Dark Taro, in the sight of everyone, exploded from top to bottom, and then turned into black particles all over the sky, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Chapter 318 The face of Ultra Holy Sword? ? ?

Everyone's eyes flickered violently, and even widened, and the pupils of their eyes shrank into needles.

Dark Ultra Father, unexpectedly fired a light bomb and solved Dark Taro.

"Hiss!" Seven saw this scene and took a breath.

Ace, Jack, and the first generation were also shocked.

"Dark Ultra Father, his strength is too terrible-."

"Dark Taro was solved in an instant."

"This Dark Ultra Father, his strength is much greater than that of the captain."

After solving Dark Taro, Dark Ultra Father did not feel a little surprised, but turned his eyes to look at Dark Ace and Dark First Generation who were blown away at the beginning.

At this time, the two Dark Ultra Warriors had reacted from the state of being blown away by Lufa just now.

They noticed that Dark Ultra Father's sight fell on them, and Dark Ultra Father had just solved Dark Taro in an instant.

The two Ultras couldn't help but tense up.

Seeing this, Dark Ultra Father sneered: "Are you scared? The good show has just begun!"

After Dark Ultra Father said this, he saw that Dark First Generation and Dark Ace did not take action, so he took the initiative to attack.

Dark Ultra Father rushed towards the two Ultras, and the next moment he grabbed forward with both hands.

Accompanied by a flash of dark silver light, a long sword appeared in the hands of Dark Ultra Father.

Dark Ultra Holy Sword!

Inheriting all the abilities and things of Ultra Father, and then falling into Dark Ultra Father, then the Ultra Father transformed by Lufa naturally holds the Dark Ultra Holy Sword.

This is the important weapon that Ultra Father used to defeat the Anpera Starman before the founding of the Kingdom of Light.

It can be said.

If there was no Ultra Holy Sword, Ultra Father would never be able to defeat the Anpera Starman.

It can be seen how powerful the Dark Holy Sword is.

Seeing Dark Ultra Father take out Dark Ultra Sword, Mebius couldn't hold back.

Mebius said in a lost voice: "He even has Ultra Sword!"

In the sky.

Seven, the first generation, Jack, and Ace were also unbelievable.

"Ultra Sword!"

"This guy, he even has Ultra Sword?"

"The real Ultra Father!"

"Ultra Father who fell into darkness..."

The guys didn't know the status of Ultra Sword in the Kingdom of Light.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

At this time, they saw that Dark Ultra Father could easily solve Dark Taro, the powerful Dark Ultra Warrior, and they were already shocked.

Even more, now he began to crush the six Dark Ultra Brothers.

Don't say they were shocked.

"As expected of the existence summoned by Ultraman Lufa, too powerful!"

"Yeah, one person against six, and completely crushed them, my God!"

.... .. ...

"Just now, with a casual attack, he actually solved a dark Ultraman warrior directly, it's so scary."

"Although I don't know who he is, but come on!"

The guys shouted to the Dark Ultraman Father.

At this time.

Dark Ultraman Father had already rushed to Dark Ace and Dark First with the Dark Ultraman Holy Sword.

The two Ultramen saw that Dark Ultraman Father rushed to them, still holding the Ultraman Holy Sword, and the previous move solved Dark Taro, but they did not choose to confront Dark Ultraman Father head-on, but chose to defend.

When Dark Ultraman Father saw this, he chuckled and swung the Ultraman Holy Sword in his hand, directly waving two silver lights.

"Swish!" Er.

Chapter 319 Crazy crush! !

Accompanied by two sounds like cutting tofu, echoing in the void, and then in the wide eyes of Mebius, Seven and other four Ultra Brothers, as well as the guys.

The Dark Ultra Holy Sword of Dark Ultra Father directly cut the energy barrier released by Dark Ace and Dark First Generation like cutting vegetables.

And the sharp blade of Dark Ultra Holy Sword fell fiercely on the two Ultras.


"Seven two three" accompanied by terrible sparks.

Dark Ace and Dark First Generation were directly chopped and flew out by the terrible Dark Ultra Holy Sword of Dark Ultra Father.


Two terrifying roars exploded.

Dark Ace and Dark First Generation slid on the ground, and after knocking down countless buildings and hundreds of meters, they stopped fiercely.

At the same time, the dark red energy cores on the chests of the two Dark Ultra Warriors also began to flicker.

Seeing that the Dark Ultra Father caused such terrible damage to Dark Ace and Dark First with one sword, the guys couldn't help but gasp.

"So strong, so strong, one sword directly caused the two Dark Ultra Warriors to fall into the state where the energy core began to turn red." Marina exclaimed.

"Yes, when Mebius appeared in this state before, it meant that it was very dangerous." Aihara Ryu nodded heavily.

Kinomi was also surprised and covered her mouth: "This Dark Ultra Warrior was very strong before, and it feels even more terrifying after having that sword."

George also nodded: "It seems that the weapon should be a treasure. The opponent's defense barrier is as good as paper!!"

In the base.

Sakumi Shingo and Teppei were very happy to see the performance of Dark Ultra Father.

And Mebius saw Dark Ultra Father holding the Dark Ultra Holy Sword and easily crushing Dark Ace and the defense of the Dark First Generation, and his eyes flashed violently.

Mebius was surprised and said: "Not only is that power real, but even the Ultra Holy Sword is real!?"

In the sky.

Seven Four Ultramen was also unable to calm down.

"When I saw this scene before, I couldn't believe that the Dark Ultra Father took out the real Ultra Holy Sword, but judging from the attack just now, there is probably no accident!!" Seven said with difficulty...

"It directly broke our last guess." Ace nodded.

First Generation, Jack said.

"After the battle below is over, we must go down and ask clearly, at least we can't let this Dark Ultra Father leave so easily."

"That's right, after all, the Ultra Holy Sword is the ultimate weapon of our Kingdom of Light, and we must also find out the identity of Dark Ultra Father."


Dark Ultra Father doesn't know yet that after the battle is over, Seven and the others will come down to surround him.

After splitting Dark Ace and Dark First Generation.

Dark Ultra Father looked at the two fallen Ultras and directly fired two crescent light bullets.

"1.8 Boom Boom"

Accompanied by two huge explosions, Dark Ultra Father directly sent Dark Ace and Dark First Generation back home.

After solving the two Ultras, three of the six Dark Ultra brothers have been eliminated by Dark Ultra Father.

And the whole process did not exceed two minutes.

This terrifying combat power crushing, this terrible combat skill, directly made the remaining Dark Seven, Dark Jack, and Dark Zoffy's eyes dazed.

Chapter 320 Come on, taste the father's ray!


Putting the Dark Ultra Sword on the ground, Father of Dark Ultra turned around and looked at the remaining Dark Seven and the other three Dark Ultras, hooked his fingers and said: "Are you scared now? That's all you were showing off just now?"

The voice of Lufa's Ultra telekinesis was transmitted to the ears of the remaining Dark Seven and the three Dark Ultras.

Hearing what Lufa said, Dark Seven, Dark Jack, and Dark Zoffy could not help but get angry.

The next moment.

The three Ultras began to gather energy at the same time, and then launched a special move light attack at Lufa.

Dark Concentrated Light!

Dark M78 Light!

Dark Specium Light!


Three dark black lights merged together in an instant and attacked Father of Dark Ultra. 26

However, facing the joint attack of the three Dark Ultra Warriors, Father of Dark Ultra was not panicked at all, and just held up with one hand! !


A huge dark green light curtain blocked Father of Dark Ultra.

Dark Seven, Dark Zoffy, and Dark Jack's special moves bombarded the dark green light curtain condensed by Dark Ultra Father, only exploding a huge spark and smoke.

Other than that.

The special moves of the three Ultramen did not cause any effect on Dark Ultra Father.


A huge mushroom cloud rose.

And Dark Ultra Father, holding the Dark Ultra Holy Sword, walked out bathed in flames like an undefeated god of war.

Seeing this scene, the guys admired it very much.

"My God, it's okay like this, too strong, this kind of impact!!" Marina exclaimed.

"It's hard to believe!"

"Yes, the joint light attack of the three Dark Ultra Warriors actually came out like this."

"No harm at all!"

Kinomi, Aihara Ryu, and George all whispered in the same voice.

Mebius didn't know how to describe the feeling in his heart. If Dark Ultra Father was not still fighting, Mebius would have been unable to resist and wanted to ask if Dark Ultra Father was summoned by Lufa or transformed by Lufa.

In the sky.

When Seven and the others saw this scene, they thought that if Dark Ultra Father didn't cooperate, they would force him to stay and ask.

But now seeing this scene, Seven and the Four Ultramen turned off.

Seven said: "For a while, we will try not to conflict with him, just ask him."

"This kind of power is far beyond the captain... Just like the previous Dark Seven, are they all perfect versions?"

"After falling into darkness, is it our perfect version?"

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