They were shocked!

So scary!! .

Chapter 315 The Power of Dark Ultraman

Seven looked down at Dark Ultraman, who was condensing the true power of darkness, and said to Ace, the first generation, and Jack beside him: "This should be correct, it is the captain's true power."

"It seems that it is not our perception that is wrong, but this guy really has the captain's true power." Ace nodded and said seriously.

"Impossible, the true power is unique to the captain, could this guy who suddenly appeared really be the captain's dark form?" Jack said with incredible feeling.

The first generation was also extremely shocked: "How could such a thing happen, and in addition to Dark Ultraman, did you also feel that the other dark Ultraman brothers were different from the dark existences that appeared before?"

Seven nodded and said solemnly: "They are just like the real us, fallen into darkness!"

When Seven said this, Ace, the first generation, and Jack all fell silent.

The sky was dead silent.

If this is true, then the guy hiding behind the scenes is too terrifying.

He even let the real them fall, and even the strongest Ultra Father in the Kingdom of Light fell, which simply refreshed Seven's cognition.


No matter how shocked Seven was, Lufa released the dark true power of Dark Ultra Father, and the different energy feeling made him feel very good.

"Dark true power, this energy is really powerful." Dark Ultra Father's eyes flashed, and the next moment he faced Dark Ace and the Dark First Generation's cutting ultimate move, and directly waved the dark true power to meet it.


Under the gaze of everyone.

Dark Ultra Father waved his dark green fist and instantly hit the dark eight-point light wheel and dark guillotine that were cut.

Accompanied by a roaring explosion.

The figure of Dark Ultra Father was submerged in the flames of the explosion.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the guys couldn't help but tighten. After all, Dark Ultra Father now represents the existence of Lufa Ultraman.

However, when they were nervous, the next second, Dark Ultra Father completely dispelled their nervousness.

Because Dark Ultra Father walked out of the flames of the explosion directly.

At this moment.

Dark Ultra Father descended like a dark god bathed in flames.

Seeing this scene, all the guys breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, it seems that this Dark Ultra Warrior is really as powerful as Teppei said." Aihara Ryu said in surprise.

"Yes, in this case, it should be no problem to defeat these six Dark Ultra Warriors."

"Come on, defeat all these guys."

720 Marina and George also spoke.

Mu Zhimei looked at Dark Ultra Father and murmured: "I hope everything goes well, but don't let anything unexpected happen."

If Lufa mentioned what Mu Zhimei said now, he would probably give a thumbs up directly.


This flag is set too well.

It's simply a death-level flag!

But Lufa is confident that no matter what accidents occur, he can easily solve them and face everything.

Because he has this ability now.

Dong, Dong, Dong.

The huge body of Dark Ultra Father stood calmly in front of the six Dark Ultra Brothers without any hurry.

Chapter 316 No need for defense at all!

Seeing this, the six Dark Ultra Brothers couldn't help but burst out with cold shouts.

Even though they were the embodiment of the power of darkness, they also felt the strong ridicule from Dark Ultra Father at this moment.


From the state of Dark Ultra Father, they felt an unparalleled contempt.



The first generation of darkness, Dark Ace shouted even more, and directly jumped into the air. The next moment, he landed in front of Dark Ultra Father and punched out.

Seeing this, Dark Ultra Father snorted and started working with both hands.

In the first generation of darkness, before Dark Ace's fist hit him, Dark Ultra Father had already hit the two dark Aces.

"Bang Bang..."

Accompanied by two muffled sounds.

Dark Ace and Dark First Generation were blown away, and then there was a deafening sound of falling. The powerful force of Dark Ultra Father's fist made the two Ultras slide and fly backwards on the ground.

In the blink of an eye.

Two trenches of hundreds of meters were formed.

Seeing this scene, the guys took a breath.

Ace and others in the sky, and Mebius, who was swaying on the ground and could already stand up, also saw this. The light flashed violently.

Obviously, the performance of Dark Ultra Father also greatly shocked them.

Dark Jack, Dark Taro, Dark Zoffy, and Dark Seven saw this scene, and the four Ultras attacked Dark Ultra Father in unison.

With the sound of different voices and colors, it exploded! ! !

Taro directly fired the Dark Specium Ray, Zoffy and Seven faced the light and rushed towards Dark Ultra Father.

Jack on the side rushed into the air and performed a flying kick directly.

Ray, rush, kick! ! !

Trinity Strike.

However, the father of Dark Ultra did not take any defensive measures when faced with this scene.

"careful!!!!!." ! "Marina couldn't help but shouted worriedly when she saw the six Dark Ultra brothers attacking the father of Dark Ultra.

"Hurry and hide." Aihara Ryuya said loudly.

George and Mu Zhimei on the side said with wide eyes.

"Get defensive."

“Isn’t this too much of a big deal?!”

Amid the exclamations of the guys, Taro's Dark Specium Light instantly hit the father of Dark Ultra.

Following the Dark Specium Light, Severn and Zoffie were also hit.

Jack in the sky also looked like he had hit the father of Dark Ultra for an instant.


A huge mushroom cloud exploded in the middle of the city.

Terrible energy penetrated the entire sky in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the sky that was originally full of clouds turned into a cloudless sky. The sky was still blue except for the blue sky.

Chong (Zhao's) shock wave spreads.

All buildings within a radius of dozens of kilometers collapsed.

The guys were even hit by the shock wave and were almost thrown away.

This made everyone feel extremely shocked.

The four Ultra Brothers including Severn in the sky, plus Mebius, couldn't help but their eyes flickered at this time, nervously looking at the explosion judgment.

Finally, after waiting for more than ten seconds, the flames that exploded in the city slowly dissipated! ! ! .

Chapter 317 Dark Taylor? Seconds!

The next second, the figures of the father of Dark Ultra and the Dark Ultra brothers who had just attacked the father of Dark Ultra appeared in everyone's sight.

When they saw clearly what happened in the explosion, guys Aihara Ryuu and the others' eyes widened instantly, and Menbius couldn't help but take a step forward, extremely shocked.

The four Ultra Brothers of Severn in the sky had incredible eyes flashing fiercely and they were speechless.

I saw that the father of Dark Ultra at the center of the explosion was not knocked down by Dark Zofi, Dark Seven, and Dark Jack. Even Dark Taylor's special attack did not cause any damage to the Father of Dark Ultra. .

At this time, the father of Dark Ultra was stepping on Dark Dark Jack, with his two hands holding Dark Zoffie, who was attacking him, and Dark Saivin 723 respectively.

at the same time.

After resisting Dark Taylor's Dark Specium Light just now, the father of Dark Ultra didn't even feel hurt at all.

It looks like a completely one-sided crushing.

"This... my God!" Jinna looked at the father of Dark Ultra at the center of the explosion and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"Okay, so strong!" Aihara Ryuu's eyes widened, his tone full of shock.

George was surprised and said: "The crushing is completely unilateral. This is simply unbelievable."

Mu Zhimei covered her mouth and said in surprise: "Incredible!"

Membius took a step forward, looked at the father of Dark Ultra and said, "Do I really exist? But why did I become the father of Dark Ultra!!"

In the sky.

Seven and the other four Ultra brothers let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Then the four Ultra brothers looked at each other.

No matter what, this matter must be reported back to the Kingdom of Light. Not only the six Dark Ultra brothers, but also the father of Dark Ultra exists.

It's beyond recognition.


The strength of the father of Dark Ultra is far beyond Seven's imagination.

To be able to crush the six dark Ultra brothers so easily, even the real father of Ultra would probably have difficulty doing this.

After all, it's not like they haven't fought Ultra's father before.

Grasping (cgbi) Dark Seven and Dark Zoffie's fists with both hands, the father of Dark Ultra looked down at Dark Jack at his feet, then looked at Dark Tyro and smiled: "Is this all you have? It seems like you can't do anything else. ah!?"

The voice of the father of Dark Ultra who appeared through Ultra telepathy had just echoed in the ears of the six Dark Ultra brothers before they could react.

Boom boom!

Dark Zoffie and Dark Seven were directly flipped and fell down by the father of Dark Ultra, leading the fist.

The Dark Jack at his feet was also thrown away directly under the kick of the father of Dark Ultra.

When Dark Tyro saw this, he was angry and wanted to attack, but the next second the father of Dark Ultra flicked his hand, and a black crescent light bullet flew out of his hand.

Dark Taylor had just taken two steps forward when the black crescent light bullet came towards him.



A ball of terrifying and violent sparks exploded from Dark Taylor's chest.

In just this moment, Dark Taylor's body froze in place, and everyone in the audience widened their eyes when they saw this scene.

Immediately afterwards.

"Boom boom boom boom"

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