
Accompanied by a burst of white light.

I saw a huge machete condensed in Lufa's hand.

It was about thirty or forty times the size of the Knight Beam Blade condensed by the Hunter Knight just now.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

Lufa carried it on his back, which was really like a human carrying a 40-meter machete.

A terrifying aura emerged from the huge machete in Lufa's hand.

The Hunter Knight saw Lufa condense such a large lightsaber machete, and couldn't help but retreat repeatedly, and then said: "Stop, let's stop for now!"

The Hunter Knight felt that he couldn't hold on.

... ... ...

I began to feel that what Mebius said made some sense.

Until now.

The Hunter Knight felt that he really regretted it a little.

This guy is simply a pervert, a guy who doesn't play cards according to common sense.


"What do you think you're doing? You can stop just because you say so?" Lufa laughed, raised the lightsaber in his hand, and then slashed at the hunter knight fiercely.


The air wave visible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

Yunwu Mountain felt a little small in Lufa's hand, as if it was about to be chopped apart.

The hunter knight saw that Lufa really continued to attack him, and had no choice but to grit his teeth and condense the hunter knight beam blade again to block.

Chapter 209 Is Lufa Ultraman going to summon Ultraman again? ?


The knight beam blade condensed by the hunter knight once again endured the terrible attack that he should not have endured.


The terrible particle sparks continued to burst in the void.

The hunter knight was directly hit hard by Lufa's huge lightsaber machete, and then his body softened and his knees knelt directly on the ground.

"Boom boom"

The terrifying air wave ripples spread in all directions "six six seven".

Even the guys loading number in the sky was shaken by the air wave.

And the ground under the feet of the hunter knight was even more terrifying.

As the hunter knight knelt heavily, the whole ground suddenly banged and sank several meters, and even a pit of nearly one kilometer appeared.

Mebius, who was standing by, saw this scene, and his eyes flashed violently.

"My God, it's too scary!" Mebius exclaimed in his heart, looking at the machete in the hands of Ultraman Rufa, his eyes were fanatical.

When Rufa condensed the lightsaber machete before, the scene was really not good.

But now when he chopped the hunter knight, I have to say that this visual sense is really cool.

The guys loading number in the sky.

Kinomi, Aihara Ryu and George, the loading number finally stabilized amid their screams, and at the same time they also saw the ultimate machete that Rufa chopped on the hunter knight below.

"Oh my god!" Kimi covered her mouth in shock.

Aihara Ryu and George on the side could not help but be surprised.

"It is indeed Ultraman Lufa, so strong."

"This lightsaber machete is simply too strong!"

In the guys base.

Sakumi Shingo, Kimi and the others also widened their eyes.

How to describe this scene?

It is like an adult with absolute power, crushing a child.

You know.

The Hunter Knight defeated two Sadras earlier, and they were defeated by a single beam of light. Now it is Lufa's turn to attack, and the Hunter Knight has no ability to resist, and is directly beaten from all sides.

Too strong!

Mebius and the others were shocked, and the Hunter Knight was in extreme pain.

Hunter Knight felt as if his body was shattered. If he hadn't been able to feel the terrifying power of the ultimate machete above his head, Hunter Knight would have thought he had been killed...

The lightsaber machete fell on Hunter Knight. Seeing that Hunter Knight was already kneeling on the ground and unable to resist, Ultraman Lufa nodded, and then said to Hunter Knight: "Okay, your strength is still good, but it's not that easy to complete the revenge in your heart. I personally take action, which puts too much pressure on you. It's not fun. Let's change a guy to play with you."

What Ultraman Lufa said made Hunter Knight stunned.

Lufa actually knew about him?

Who is he! ?

However, before Hunter Knight asked, Hunter Knight felt his body lighten.

It turned out that Lufa moved the lightsaber machete away.

Hunter Knight wanted to thank him and ask Lufa why he seemed to know about his 1.8.

But the next second, the extremely evil aura attracted his attention.

What Lufa said just now was heard by Mebius and the guys.

"Is Senior Lufa going to summon an Ultra Warrior or a monster?" Seeing this, Mebius couldn't help but look at Lufa curiously.

In the sky.

Mu Zhimei and the others also said.

Chapter 210 Lufa summoned Belia? !!! The whole audience was boiling!

"It seems that he is going to summon other guys to deal with this blue giant."

"It's always Lufa's style."

"I don't know what Ultra Warrior or monster Lufa Ultraman will summon this time. Every guy he summoned before was very strong."


The ultimate evil was born from the void.

The next moment, a ball of black fog appeared in the void, and then a huge body with black and red body and two pairs of eyes like blood moons came out of the black fog.

"Ka Ka Ka"

Beria moved his neck and locked his sight directly on the hunter knight.

When he was summoned by Lufa, Belia already knew who he was going to kill this time.

"Hehe!" Belia sneered, and walked slowly towards the hunter knight with a terrible sense of oppression.

Mebius, who was curious about Ultraman Lufa and was ready to summon some helpers, couldn't help but lose his voice in horror when he saw Belia.

"Beria! It's Belia!" Mebius exclaimed: "Isn't Belia sealed in the space prison? Why can Ultraman Lufa be summoned?"

As an Ultraman brother of the Kingdom of Light, Mebius naturally knew the terrible things that happened in the Kingdom of Light tens of thousands of years ago.

That was a taboo event that almost subverted the Kingdom of Light.

In the end, if it weren't for the King of Ultraman's action, it is very likely that the Kingdom of Light would no longer exist.

Mebius knew how terrifying Belia was. Although the guys in the sky didn't know Belia, from the terrifying aura Belia exuded at this moment, plus his extremely ferocious appearance.

It goes without saying that Belia is definitely a terrifying existence.

"My God, Ultraman Lufa actually summoned such a terrifying guy."

"Fortunately, this guy didn't appear on our earth, and he was controlled by Ultraman Lufa, so there should be no problem."

"So scary, so evil, I feel like this guy is like a demon who is born to control evil!"

Marina and the others were terrified.

The Hunter Knight looked at Belia in front of him, extremely vigilant, and then looked at Lufa and said: "So far, I don't need you to help me become stronger, this time I lost."

The Hunter Knight asked Lufa to stop.

However, at this time, how could Lufa let the Hunter Knight go?

After all, the Hunter Knight will become Hikari in the future.

In order to leave a deep impression on the Hunter Knight, Lufa felt that his actions were very necessary.

"Go ahead, Belia!" Lufa chuckled, ignoring the words of the Hunter Knight, and asked Belia to attack the Hunter Knight.

"Hehe." Belia moved his body, and then his huge claws grabbed the Hunter Knight directly.

The terrifying claws 667 red light passed through the void.

The sharp breath made the Hunter Knight feel numb.

The Hunter Knight quickly retreated, and then watched Belia helplessly attack.

There was no way!

Since I can't apply for a stop, I can only bite the bullet and fight!

If I defeat this guy later, I will directly cancel the transformation. Damn, I was too impulsive this time.

The Hunter Knight thought so, and waved the Knight Beam Blade in his hand towards Belia.

But the Hunter Knight was stunned again the next second!


A light sound.

Under the confused gaze of the audience, Belia bit the Knight Beam Blade.

Chapter 211 Hunter Knight Sword twitched at the corner of his mouth: What the hell is this fighting method! ?

Hunter Knight looked at the Knight Beam Blade in his hand that was bitten by Belia, and couldn't help but twitch in his heart!

It really deserves to be summoned by that guy.

Is even the way of fighting so strange?

Mebius, who was standing by, was also a little confused when he saw Belia biting the Knight Beam Blade of Hunter Knight.

"Is this really Belia? It should be a fake summoned by Senior Lufa, right?" Mebius' eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but muttered in confusion.

In the sky.

Guys on the loading number, Marina, Aihara Ryu, George and others were also dumbfounded.

Originally, seeing Belia's domineering look, they thought that Belia's fighting style should be more violent and serious than Lufa, but they were confused by one bite.

"No, this guy looks like he seems to fight like Ultraman Lufa!" Aihara Ryu couldn't help but complain.

"I thought he was a handsome and domineering guy. After all, when he appeared, he looked so oppressive. Well, it turned out that I thought too much." 。 ”

“The image of Ultraman Rufa has gradually collapsed in my heart. I felt it was very handsome at first, but it seems to have become a bit nonsensical recently…”

Marina and Aihara Ryu also expressed their opinions, but what they thought was none of Rufa’s business. Rufa just wanted to act according to his own will.

“Bite it, and the rest is up to you, Belia!” Rufa Ultraman folded his arms, watched Belia attack the Hunter Knight, and then said to him with a smile.

“Hehehe.” Belia heard Rufa’s order and suddenly laughed evilly. The next moment, under the shocked gaze of the Hunter Knight, his huge and ferocious mouth closed directly.

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