"I can do this trick too!"

Ultraman Rufa said, and under the confused gazes of Hunter Knight, Membius and Marina on the loader, he crossed his hands and raised them down to both sides.

660 Buzz!

Blue and yellow light spread from Ultraman Lufa's hands.

Immediately afterwards.

Only a yellow lightsaber and a blue lightsaber exactly like the Hunter Knight appeared in his hand.

When Hunter Knight saw Ultraman Lufa, he instantly gathered two lightsabers and prepared to attack Ultraman Lufa. He couldn't help but stand there blankly.

The hunter knight felt the same aura from the blue lightsaber in Lufa's hand as the lightsaber in his own hand.

simply put.

Lufa may have used the same skills as him.

And this skill is called Knight Beam Blade!

Mebius on the side was also a little confused.

Chapter 206 Stop Lufa! That's a lightsaber, not a kitchen knife! ! !

"Is this my Mambius lightsaber?" Mambius said to Lufa in shock, his tone full of shock, confusion, and confusion.

When did Senior Lufa know his own skills?

The hunter knight also said in disbelief: "My knight's beam blade!"

Hearing the confused tone of Mebius and the Hunter Knight, Lufa laughed heartily.


That's what he wanted.

Otherwise, there's no point in this.

But are they shocked by this? The fun is yet to come.

Lufa raised two lightsabers, then gestured casually, and smiled at Membius and the confused Hunter Knight: "Are you shocked by this? Then I will show you something fun."

After Lufa said this, he performed directly in front of Mebius and the hunter knight.

I saw that along with his powerful mental control, the lightsaber in his hand, which was originally in the shape of a long sword, began to change its path.

One moment it's a stick, the next it's a rake, and there's even an appearance of the Ultra Brothers.


In Membius, the hunter knight's completely dull eyes turned into two kitchen knives.

Lufa nodded: "Well, let's take advantage of it."! "

Hunter Knight: "..."

Mebius: "..."

When the guys loaded up in the sky, Mariina, Ryu Aihara, and George saw this scene, they wanted to cover their foreheads with their hands if they could.

Sure enough, this is very Ultraman Lufa's style.

Although he is powerful and looks very handsome, he sometimes does things that are beyond common sense.

But as luck would have it, the road method was created, and it was extremely lethal and very effective.

"Damn it!" The hunter knight came back to his senses and saw that his knight's beam blade turned into a kitchen knife in Lufa's hand. He thought Lufa was looking down on him, so he snorted coldly.


Hunter Knight attacks Lufa again.

The knight's beam blade was raised high, and with terrifying cutting power, it struck hard at Lufa.

However, Lufa did not panic at all when faced with the Hunter Knight's attack. He raised his lightsaber and kitchen knife and easily blocked the Hunter Knight's Knight Beam Blade attack.


The lightsaber, lightsaber and kitchen knife collided together, making a constant sizzling sound.

Lufa smiled and said: "Weak, too weak, no strength at all."

After Lufa finished speaking, before the hunter knight could speak, he exerted force on the kitchen knife in his hand. The hunter knight was directly shaken by the powerful force and took more than ten steps back.

The hunter knight was secretly shocked.

Lufa's strength was truly beyond his imagination.

But Lufa's attack did not end there.

After knocking the hunter knight away, Lufa held two kitchen knives and rushed directly to the hunter knight: "Come on, don't be in a daze, the fun is still going on (Hello, Wang Wang), start fighting."

After Lufa finished speaking, he swung his two kitchen knives like windmills and slashed at the hunter knight.

Lufa was very fast, and by the time the Hunter Knight reacted, Lufa was already in his face.

See this.

The hunter knight hurriedly raised the knight's beam blade in his hand, and then blocked it.

"Bang, sizzle!"

The lightsaber kitchen knife hit the knight's beam blade again, making a scalp-numbing sizzling sound.

Chapter 207: Hunter Knight Sword: Am I going to be killed? !

The lightsaber and kitchen knife that changed its path hit the knight's beam blade, making a harsh sizzling sound.

But it’s not over yet!

Lufa knew that his lightsaber and kitchen knife would definitely be blocked by the hunter knight, so he didn't hesitate at all. Another kitchen knife, with terrifying power, swung down at the knight's beam blade in front of him again.

Immediately afterwards.

In Mebius, the Guys loading number, and the Guys base, Shingo Oshui and the others were looking at each other in confusion.

Ultraman Lufa directly started his sexy operation.

With the Hunter Knight blocking the situation, the two kitchen knives in his hands continued to chop at the Hunter Knight's Knight Beam Blade, as if without interruption, and sparks kept shooting out!

Hunter Knight wanted to stop Ultraman Lufa's continuous attacks, but Ultraman Lufa's attacks had no gaps at all, which gave Hunter Knight no chance to find 663 and escape.

If you put down the knight beam blade in your hand now, it is very likely that Lufa will keep slashing him until he disappears!

"Damn it!" The hunter knight never expected that the situation would turn out like this.

Not to mention the Hunter Knight, Mebius and Guys also didn't expect that after Ultraman Lufa turned the lightsaber into two kitchen knives, the battle not only didn't seem to decrease, but actually increased?

The hunter knight had no chance to resist and was suppressed directly.

"Ultraman Lufa is still the same as before... not consistent with common sense." Jinna thought about the adjectives in her heart, and then said this about Ultraman Lufa.

"Uh, sure!"

George also agreed very much with what Zhenna said.

Aihara Ryu was dumbfounded and said, "Originally I thought I knew enough about the Rufa Ultra warriors, but now it seems like I only understand the tip of the iceberg?"

guys base.

Kizumi looked at Ultraman Lufa who was constantly attacking the Hunter Knight on the screen, and said with a smile: "Ultraman Lufa is good or bad, it feels like he did this on purpose."

Shingo and the others also smiled and nodded, obviously agreeing with Mu Zhimei's statement.

When Menbius on the side saw this, his eyes flickered.

He seemed to feel that he had discovered another way to quickly improve his combat effectiveness?

Ultra warrior!

It turns out that (cgbi) can still fight like this.

Mebius felt a sense of déjà vu.


Finally, under continuous slashing, the Hunter Knight's Knight Beam Blade could not withstand Ultraman Lufa's continuous kitchen knife attacks, and exploded into countless particles and dissipated directly in the Hunter Knight's hand.

The hunter knight was horrified when he saw that the knight's beam blade in his hand was chopped into pieces.

If there is no knight beam blade, then he! ! !

However, the imagined storm slash from Ultraman Lufa did not appear.

In the confused gaze of the hunter knight, Lufa retracted his hands, and then kicked the hunter knight hard in the chest.


The hunter knight fell hard to the ground.

But there was also this opportunity, and the hunter knight was out of Lufa's attack range.

The hunter knight was overjoyed. As long as he kept the distance, he would still have a chance.

However, before the hunter knight could stand up, Lufa had already begun to pose to release light, and terrifying energy was gathering towards Lufa.

next moment.

Ultraman Lufa folded his hands in a short cross shape.

The hunter knight felt that he was locked by Lufa, and his body suddenly became cold, and he felt like he was about to be killed.

Chapter 208: Hunter Knight Kento is paralyzed! Is he more cruel than me? ?

"Not good!" The hunter knight exclaimed in his heart, but according to the speed at which he stood up, it was impossible to avoid Lufa's special attack beam. In addition, Ultraman Lufa was very powerful. With this move, he I'm afraid it's gone.

Just when the hunter knight was thinking this, until he stood there, the hunter knight did not receive Lufa's attack.

This made the hunter knight confused and looked at Lufa!

Mebius on the side could no longer hold back any longer, and the guys in the sky, including Shina and others, also had black streaks all over their heads.

I saw Ultraman Rufa posing to release Specium's light, but he did not emit the light immediately, but under the gaze of Mebius, Hunter Knight, and guys.

The Specium light emitted by his right hand stiffened in the void.

That's right!

It just straightens and then stays in mid-air.

"Think I'm going to attack you?" Lufa couldn't help but laugh and joke when he saw the hunter knight's shocked and confused gaze.

When the hunter knight heard this, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Are you kidding me?"

"Tricking you?"

Lufa shook his head: "If I'm trying to trick you, do I need to spend so much effort? I'm doing scientific research on how to maximize the power of the lightsaber!!"


Lufa talked nonsense seriously.

However, at the scene, there was also a naive Ultra Warrior who believed it.

That is Membius.

When Membius heard what Lufa said, he couldn't help but sigh and said: "As expected of senior Lufa, he is actually studying ways to make the lightsaber more terrifying!!"

When the hunter knight heard what Mumbius said, if it weren't for maintaining his own personality, he would have wanted to complain about Mumbius.

Do you believe what he said?

Why don't you believe that I have solved Bogaru?

"Then what exactly do you want to do?" Hunter Knight looked at Lufa warily and said.

"I will defeat you, but in a way that I think is good!" Ultraman Lufa replied to the Hunter Knight lightly, and then directly grabbed the Hunter Knight's beam blade in front of him with one hand!

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