"This time, this red Ultra Warrior seems a little different." Shingo Osami said in surprise.

"Getting a little stronger!"

Marina said.

"Roar" Kagachi saw that his attack was not going in the right direction, and the other claw also attacked Mebius directly.

Seeing this, Membius leaned back and got out of Kagachi's attack range.

Immediately afterwards.

Taking advantage of the gap between Kagachi's two claws to attack stiffly, Membius fired a Membius cutting light bullet directly at Kagachi.

"call out"

The light bullet hit Kagachi, and the explosion sparks exploded directly from his chest.

The pain and impact made Kagachi take a few steps back.


The three people aboard the loading ship, Shingo Shimizu, were pleasantly surprised when they saw that Mebius had defeated Kagachi.

Because this means that Mebius has the possibility of defeating Kagachi.

Next, in the expectant eyes of the three people.

Mebius really started to suppress Kagachi little by little, and until the end, Kagachi even fell into a slightly weak state.

Seeing this, Menbius quickly stepped up his attack.

Until the end.

Kagachi staggered weakly.

Seeing the scene of 633, Mumbius's heart moved, and he was ready to release the Mumbium ray to give Kagachi a one-hit kill!

However, below, after seeing that Mebius suppressed his own Kagachi, and finally defeated Kagachi, Professor Hengfeng said angrily: "Damn Ultra Warrior, if you want to stop me just like this, Then you have no chance."

Say it.

Professor Hengfeng directly raised the rainbow bracelet in his hand again.


A colorful light rose into the sky.

Professor Hengfeng shouted to Rainbow Kagachi: "Kagachi, release your true power!!"


Feel the energy of the rainbow bracelet.

Originally, the Rainbow Kagach could only be opened when the rainbow light was released. The armor covering the head opened directly at this moment.

at the same time.

A violent energy began to spurt out of Kagachi's body.


Rainbow Kagach's body emits a strong colorful light, and according to Mebius's perception, Kagach's energy is soaring at a terrifying speed.

See this.

Mambius did not hesitate and directly released the Mambius ray.


The Membim ray enveloped Rainbow Kagachi, which was emitting strong colorful light. Under the mushroom cloud rising from the violent explosion, the guys such as Shingo Shimizu watched the explosion nervously.

Did the Ultra Warriors defeat the monsters? .

Group.7]6*3"4*}8]{,0}-$1-{5.7}Group8}5,0'(2#"9^*6-.)5(0||1 Chapter 161 Lufa appears! The light in despair!


The huge mushroom cloud formed by the explosion slowly rose into the sky.

Mebius was also looking nervously at the center of the explosion.


The next second, in everyone's surprised eyes, Rainbow Kagachi's figure was still standing intact despite the terrifying explosion temperature.

"How is that possible?" Shingo Shusui stared at Rainbow Kagach in disbelief. He never expected that Rainbow Kagach could survive such an attack.

Kinoomi and Mariina are also completely incredible.

When Membius saw this scene, his eyes flashed fiercely, and it was difficult to accept this fact.

He fired his special attack beam with all his strength, and after hitting the monster Rainbow Kagachi, the opponent was unexpectedly unharmed.

After that colorful light erupted just now, was the gap between the two sides really that big?

Mebius felt powerless.

However, thinking about the responsibilities of Ultra Warriors in his mind, and the aura of Ultra Warriors in the eyes of people on earth, Mebius quickly adjusted his state, and then looked at the violent Rainbow Kagach, and re-positioned himself into a fighting stance.

"Build it!"

Mebius shouted at Kagach.

far away.

Lufa saw Mebius go from being shocked and unable to accept it at the beginning, to feeling powerless and decadent in the middle, to becoming confident and full of fighting spirit in an instant.

These three changes in status forced Lufa to admit it.

Membius is Membius!

Even now that he has stolen his limelight, he has also suffered a blow during this period.

But Membius still cheered up quickly.


"Let you accumulate more combat experience. When you are really in trouble, I will help you."


Lufa smiled faintly and still watched the situation on the battlefield.

Rainbow Kagachi roared angrily when he saw Membius and that he was still intact and wanted to attack him.

The originally dark clouds in the sky began to roll again with the roar of Kagachi, and then heavy rain poured down.

But for Mebius, this is not a big problem at all.

"Dreambius Light." Sword"

Mebius waved his right hand, and with the condensation of light energy, a blazing lightsaber spread out from the back of his right hand.


After a drop of rain fell on it, it kept making a scalp-numbing sizzling sound.

You can see the power of Mebius' lightsaber.

This move consumes a lot of money for Mebius, but the destructive power is also very terrifying.

It was obvious that Membius intended to make a quick decision.

next moment.

The two sides fought together again.

Kagachi, whose strength in all aspects has skyrocketed, seemed to be able to face Mebius' attack with ease, even if Membius' lightsaber struck him directly.

Kagach could easily take two steps to the side and then avoid Mebius' attack.

This scene feels a bit like Kagachi playing tricks on Mebius.

"How is that possible!" Mebius waved the Membius lightsaber and couldn't help but be shocked: "I used to have the upper hand, but now facing this guy, all my attacks failed, and I didn't even hit him. body."

However, in Mebius's surprised state.

Kagachi had already started to attack without using any skills, just a swipe of his claws.

Just like the way Mebius transformed and stood with Rainbow Kagach at the beginning.

The terrifying force instantly hit Membius's chest like a tsunami.

There was an explosion accompanied by a roaring squeaking sound.

Mebius was blown away by Kagachi's terrifying power.


Due to the terrifying power, Mumbius's huge body kept sliding on the ground, forming a ditch of several kilometers before Mumbius' body stopped.

"Ding ding ding ding."

The energy core in Membius's chest flashed again.

"Ho ho ho"

Seeing himself crushing Membius again, Kagach roared proudly.

not far away.

The guys forced Shuizhengo and the others to lose control when they saw that Membius was at a disadvantage again.

Damn it!

Why is this monster so difficult to deal with?

Mebius has become so much stronger, but monsters can also increase their own strength.


It was not even a little bit enhanced, and it was able to crush Mebius who was enhanced again.

This is simply unacceptable.

"Attack, attack!" Shingo Osui said angrily: "If you can help some Ultra Warriors, please help!"

Although the Loader cannot fly, the attack weapons on the aircraft can still be used.

Hear the words.

Kinoomi and Mariina immediately went to control the aiming equipment.

After waiting for the laser's sight to be aimed at the violent rainbow Kagachi not far away, Shingo Osamizu pressed the laser attack button without hesitation.


Laser attack on Raging Rainbow Kagach.

But as soon as two small sparks came out, then... nothing happened.

Under the widened gaze of Shingo Shimizu, the attack launched by the Loader did not even elicit the slightest reaction from the violent rainbow Kagach.

Violent Rainbow Kagach was still looking at Mumbius, and then walked towards Mumbius step by step with a terrifying aura.

See this scene.

Shingo Kasui immediately despaired.

"¨ˇ How is it possible that we humans really have no effect on these monsters?"

"Damn it!"

On the side, Mu Zhimei also said in despair: "Second Ultra Warrior, where are you? Please show up quickly to save us."


"White Ultra Warrior, where are you!!"

Jinna clasped her hands together, looked at Rainbow Kagach walking towards Mebius, prayed for Lufa to transform into an Ultra Warrior, and then defeated Rainbow Kagach (Wang Hao Zhao) ruthlessly.


Boom boom!

The roar of Kagachi's huge body moving step by step fell on Mebius's ears like a reminder.

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