
The colorful light instantly submerged Mebius' body.

At this moment.

Mebius' body happened to be above the Loader fighter.

The colorful light illuminated everything. Guys Shingo Sasaki and the others stared at Mebius above their heads with wide eyes. After being hit by the rainbow light, the whole body instantly turned into light particles and completely decomposed.

"No!" Shingo Sasaki didn't expect that Mebius would be solved so easily.

"Ultra Warrior!" Kimi covered her mouth.

"There is no second Ultra Warrior this time. If this Ultra Warrior is solved, we will be finished!" Marina said nervously and with a hint of fear.

However, no matter what they said.

Mebius in the sky has indeed been completely solved.

Hibino Mirai turned directly into light and returned to the Wing, and fainted directly in her seat.

After solving Mebius, the Guys fighter was also solved. The rainstorm that Kagachi had been exerting force to promote finally stopped slowly at this moment, but the black clouds in the sky were still there.

"Well done!" Yokomine saw Kagachi solve Mebius and the Guys fighter was also solved. This time he could do whatever he wanted and cleanse this sinful world.

However, in order to solve all hidden dangers.

Professor Yokomine asked Kagachi to walk towards the Guys fighter to completely cut off their possibility of flying.


Kagachi's huge body came directly in front of the Loader and Wing.

Looking at the huge monster coming in front of him.

Especially through the height of the fighter, close contact with Kagachi, Sakami Shingo and others turned pale and trembled slightly.

But as members of Guys, they would not retreat even if they faced the monster.

Even more.

Sakami Shingo has already grasped the aircraft joystick.

He wants to press the attack button before he dies, and use the weapons on the aircraft to attack Rainbow Kagachi again.


Kagachi came to the front of the loading number, and the next moment he raised his big foot and slowly fell towards the loading number...

"We will fight you, damn bastard!" Sakumui Shingo roared, and was about to press the attack button, while Kimi and Marina behind him had already closed their eyes nervously.

But the next second.


Suddenly, a thunder roared in his ears.

In Sakumui Shingo's sight, he saw a huge body emitting white light all over the body, and a handsome flying kick posture directly blasted Rainbow Kagachi away.

And heard this sound.

Kimi and Marina opened their eyes with their eyes closed.

They saw the same picture as Sakumui Shingo.

Looking at the huge body emitting white light all over the body, Kimi and Marina's eyes were filled with surprise at the same time!

Who is it?

Could it be the second Ultra Warrior who appeared before?

If it is him, then the monster in front of him!!!

Just when Shingo Sakamizu, Kimino and Marina were surprised, the huge white body of Kagachi that was kicked away suddenly dissipated slowly after landing.

If Kagachi had not been kicked away.

I am afraid they would all think that they had just seen an illusion?

Shingo Sakamizu: "???"

Kimino and Marina: "???"

Looking at the huge white figure that suddenly disappeared, the three were all confused.

How could this happen?

And the dissipated white light point 1.8 did not disappear. When Shingo Sakamizu and the others did not know, these light points all gathered towards the Wing where Hibino Mirai was.

The next moment.

Accompanied by a flash of strong light.

Hibino Mirai, who was in a coma, only felt her body warm, and her sleeping consciousness also woke up at this time.

At this moment, Hibino Mirai was still a little confused, but he came back to his senses in an instant.


Hibino Mirai hurriedly looked around.

When she found that she was still on the plane, Hibino Mirai breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly looked out.

Just now, he clearly remembered that he was killed by Kagachi.


Is the world over?

But when Hibino Mirai looked outside, he happened to see Kagachi, who was kicked away, standing up from the ground.

Hibino Mirai: "?".

Chapter 160 Mebius was crushed madly!

Looking at Kagachi, who seemed to be attacked and kicked away, Hibino Mirai was a little confused.

What happened?

Thinking about it, he hurriedly looked around to see if it was as he guessed.

But he didn't see Lufa's figure transformed into an Ultraman.

But Hibino Mirai can be sure that Kagachi just now was definitely kicked away and just stood up.

In addition to this, Hibino Mirai also found something strange.

Logically, he was attacked by Rainbow Kagachi just now, and he should be very weak after waking up again, but Hibino Mirai not only didn't feel that way.

Even more, Hibino Mirai felt that he was stronger than ever before.

"I don't know what happened."

"But it should be that guy who helped me secretly."

"I can feel so strong now. Is he the one who gave me the energy?"

"If I have this power!! "

Hibino Mirai clenched her fists, then suddenly looked up at Kagachi not far away: "If I have this power, then I can definitely defeat him, right?"

Hibino Mirai's guess was correct.

It was indeed Lufa who helped Hibino Mirai regain energy, and also slightly strengthened it.

After all, he is also an Ultraman.

I can't just see the younger generation and just do it like this.

Lufa didn't say that he meant to suppress Mebius, but he just did what he wanted a little bit, and liked... well, liked the feeling of Lufa's last appearance.


It's completely the behavior of humans in this world.

It's none of Lufa's business.

"Come on!"


Lufa looked at the Wing, folded his arms and leaned quietly under a big tree, waiting for Hibino Mirai's second battle.

Sure enough.

A few seconds later.


Kagachi, who had just been kicked away and stood up to look for the sneak attacker, saw the light that appeared and roared angrily.

He thought.

The light that appeared now was the guy who attacked him before.

But when Mebius appeared, Kagachi was stunned: "Roar?"

Kagachi was a little confused.

Didn't he kill the guy in front of him before?

Why can he appear again?

But this is all important.

Since this guy appears again, just get rid of him.


Kagachi roared at Mebius.

Next to him.

Shingo Sasaki, Kinomi, Marina and others on the loading ship were slightly surprised when they saw Mebius appear again.

Shingo Sakumimi said, "Didn't this Ultra Warrior get killed? Was he the one who saved us just now?"

"No way."

Kinomi shook her head and denied, "When this Ultra Warrior appeared, it was a red light, and the figure just now was obviously white, and the white figure was the second Ultra Warrior who appeared behind this Ultra Warrior at the beginning."

"Yes, I think so too."

"The one who saved us just now must be the second Ultra Warrior."

Marina agreed with Kinomi's statement, but after saying that, Marina looked at Mebius: "But the Ultra Warrior with white light didn't seem to plan to solve the monster himself? Instead, this Ultra Warrior with red light appeared again."

Although I don't know what happened.

But seeing Mebius appear and deal with the monster again, everyone on the Loader was very happy.


Mebius transformed again, and after sensing the powerful power in his body, he nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Kagachi who was rushing over, and shouted coldly and rushed out as well.


Two huge bodies were running on the ground, as if a magnitude 7 or 8 earthquake had been triggered.

The ground was shaking, and everyone in the fighter plane could clearly feel it.

Mebius and Kagachi approached rapidly.

The next moment.

Just like before, Kagachi attacked Mebius' chest directly, and his claws made a whistling sound in the air.

Facing Kagachi's attack, Mebius' eyes flashed coldly, and he stretched out his hand to block it.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

In the surprised eyes of Shingo Sakamizu and the others, Mebius blocked Kagachi's attack.

Kagachi was also a little surprised!

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