What men like most is black stockings!

Ultraman is certainly no exception!

bring it on!


looks great!

No matter how long you want to watch, big sister will agree to it~


She suddenly realized that Lufa didn't even glance at him!

Just walked forward calmly.

Why! ! !

Could it be that I am so unattractive to him? ?

You Lian felt a little crazy inside.

He scratched his long white hair.

At this time, she was not the Youlian who saved Dagu and Shuihuo.

Just a cute girl~

Even because of the road method.

She showed no signs of changing at all, and it seemed that she had been in this cute and cute state all her life.

do not care! ! !

Immediately pull Lufa into a nearby alley.

Reminds me of the content in the comics.

"Man, you succeeded in attracting my attention!"

"But you are a bit naughty!"

"Next, big sister will teach you many things~"

Lufa:? ? ? ?

Where did she learn this strange way of speaking?

Greasy girl!

Steamed shrimp head!

But before he could open his mouth and show off his attack power...

The mouth was blocked by a cherry lip.


Everything is comfortable and not serious.

All I can say is that he is indeed a superpower.

Every muscle in the body can be controlled independently.

Even Lufa almost failed to defeat this nasty little monster.

He returned to the armory with You Lian.

"You come back..."

Carmilla immediately came forward with a smile on her face.

It was only when she saw Youlian holding his arm next to Lufa.

The good mood suddenly disappeared like a bucket of cold water being poured out.

"Isn't this You Lian? Why are you holding Lu Fa like this?"

Carmilla said with a forced smile.

Smell it! ! !

She smelled her favorite Lufa from You Lian's body! ! !

Actually secretly seduced Lu Fa when she was not around? !

How unforgivable! !

Before, Carmilla would have whipped You Lian with the light whip without hesitation.

Just who she is now.

I already have my lover’s baggage~

What is lover's baggage?

Just like the idol baggage, he always acted like a perfect lover in front of Lufa.

Of course.

She would only look like this in front of Lufa.

The two women stared into each other's eyes.

When their eyes met, sparks of electricity seemed to burst out.

If it were any other woman, Carmila might not have such a big reaction.

At most, it tastes like a snack.

However, 1.8 this woman is You Lian.

Youshalei’s parallel time and space entity!

It can only be said that this wave of enemies is on a narrow road.

Even the parallel time and space homotopes of each other are not pleasing to the eye.

There is no one left.


When they were about to speak, the ground suddenly began to shake.

Several people looked out the window.

The armory's alarm then sounded.

"Five Monster Emperors were discovered in the city center!"

"All combat team members are requested to dispatch immediately!"

Five emperors?

Lufa looked out the window.


A roar that resounded through the sky, piercing the clouds and cracking the rocks, sounded first.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge monster with the characteristics of five monsters at the same time caught his sight!

If not the Five Emperors, who else could it be? .

Chapter 145 Zeta was shocked: Is that Tregear’s skill? ?

"Jinguqiao landing?!"

Yoko appeared in the city driving the Jingu Bridge. The moment he landed on the ground, he launched an attack directly on the Five Emperors in front.

The cylindrical large-caliber cannon on the back suddenly fired dozens of missiles, dragging white smoke tracks in the air at extremely fast speeds, reaching the Five Emperors in an instant.

Countless flames burst out from the bodies of the five emperors, forming a majestic flame rising into the sky.

Just go on.

These flames unexpectedly rushed toward the raised left hand of the Five Emperors, and were absorbed by the big eyes of the eyes in an instant!

The power of eye Q!

Then it raised its hand again.

The flame energy that had just been absorbed suddenly burst out again in the form of energy bombs, causing Jin Guqiao to retreat and fall to the ground!

the other side.

With the cooperation between Yaohui and Jianwu, the crowd was quickly evacuated.

Seeing Jin Guqiao being repulsed.

Yaohui immediately panicked.


Immediately take out the Zeta sublimation device and transform into 26 Zeta and Triga together with Kenwu!

"The person I am now is not the person I used to be. This time, I will definitely not be so embarrassed in your hands!"

Zeta transforms into a gamma future form.

A snap of the fingers.

The illusions of Tiga Gaiya and Dana suddenly appeared.

It just didn't release the skill.

Instead, he took the initiative to run towards the Five Emperors, as if he had received some kind of amplification buff from facing the Five Emperors.

More ferocious than before.


Diga's illusory war cry roared, and the hand knife filled with energy slashed directly on the corner of the head of the Five Emperor Melba!

Stir up violent sparks.

Just chop off the corner of his head!

Dyna Illusion transforms into a strong form.

Holding the right arm of the Five Emperors, the muscles of both arms swelled and twisted suddenly.

Twisting the joints!

The Five Emperors screamed miserably!

"Yes, that's the feeling!"

"Master Lufa, lend me your power!!!!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Zeta actually laughed like a villain.

Teriga looked at the devilish Zeta, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

Why does it feel like Senior Zeta was led astray by Senior Lufa? !

If all Ultraman are like this in the future.

Then what should he do!

"Is this Master Lufa's fighting method?"

Yoko was also eager to try!

A cannonball came out of the cylindrical cannon on the back, but it was not fired. Instead, the cannonball was taken out under Yoko's control.

Hold it in his hand.

Then he ran towards the Five Emperors and stuffed the cannonball directly into its mouth.

Then there was a loud bang in the Fifth Emperor's stomach, and black smoke gushed out of his eyes and mouth.

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