Then new memories appeared in the minds of the Carmilla trio who were fresh in reality.

"Cero, you said that your memory of Seiya has an extra Lufa, is that what you mean?" Ultra Father asked.

"That's right!"

In an instant, Ultra Father and others looked at each other, and saw the shock that could not be concealed in each other's eyes, as if there were a million Ultra Fathers colliding wildly in their hearts!

According to Zero's statement, they could only think of one possibility.

That is, Lufa crossed the timeline and made some changes! ! !

Is it really possible to do this? ! !

You know, Tartarus can cross the timeline of the parallel universe, which is enough to shock them and even the entire universe!

But Lufa directly crossed the timeline of the real universe!


If it was Lufa, it seems that it is not impossible to do this! ! !

Damn, who said that there is no emperor in my Ultra family? !

They can no longer imagine what kind of height Lufa has reached now!

"Then, what did Lufa do?" Ace asked.

Zero patted his head, looking shocked, as if he was confirming whether he was dreaming or not.

Then he said with a touch of disbelief:

"He summoned the illusion of Legend Gamma, and merged with the illusion of Legend, and fought with Seiga..."


Hearing what Zero said.

Everyone present was like dreaming, their brains exploded with a buzz!

At this moment.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

Even the usually gentle Mother of Ultra lost her composure!

What kind of existence has appeared in their Kingdom of Light!!!

Is Lufa sure that he is not the incarnation of the universe itself? ? ? ?

Even Zero now feels that even if he trains hard, it is hopeless to catch up with Lufa.

"Pay close attention to the situation in Tartarus!"

"Protect Lufa's safety at all costs!!!"

Father of Ultra waved his hand and immediately gave an order.

You don't need to think about it.

Lufa will probably reach the level of the King of Ultra in less than a hundred years!

He may even surpass him!

Lufa is the hope of their Kingdom of Light!


At the same time.

Tartarus didn't know that he was being closely watched by the Kingdom of Light.

... . 0

Leading Rebertus by his side.

Came to the main platform of Absolut Palace.

Staring at Eldurata.

The feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He could sense that the changes in the power of time and space were getting bigger and bigger.

This also means that Lufa is also getting stronger and stronger!

Although they have now received the blessing of the king, their strength has become stronger than before.

But letting Lufa continue to become stronger is absolutely not allowed!

The plan must be implemented immediately!

"Rebertus, how is the thing I asked you to do going?"

"My Lord Tartarus, it's done!"

"The Five Emperors are really amazing~ Five of them merged together, and there was no rejection reaction!"

"I recovered Belia's body!"

"Use him and all Belia fusion beasts, based on the Five Emperors, and take advantage of its characteristic of not rejecting fusion, all Belia fusion beasts can be easily fused together!"

"It will no longer be the Five Emperors, but..."

"Ten Emperors!!!"

"And after the Extremely Evil Belia you collected was defeated, the power of the King of Ultraman that remained in the air was maximized, and the Ten Emperors can burst out with power that is not inferior to Gu'a!"

"As long as this monster comes, we will definitely be able to force out Ultraman Lufa's full strength!"

"At that time, we will be able to collect his combat data!"

Rebertus said excitedly.

Just when Tartarus was about to respond!


A golden beam of light suddenly shot up from the direction of Eldurata!

"Hahahahaha, I finally got this powerful power!!!!" Er.

Chapter 144 Carmilla Youlian's Shura Field~! The Five Emperors Appear!

"Is this voice... Diablo?"

Tartarus raised his eyebrows.

When the king temporarily revived and gave them power, he let Diablo and Titan enter Erudura Tower to practice.

I thought it would be the calm Titan who made progress first.

Unexpectedly, it was Diablo.

The golden light column shot up into the sky, bursting out amazing energy fluctuations, and even formed substantial golden energy like ripples that swayed out layer by layer!

A golden figure jumped up from Erudura Tower.

Then he fell heavily to the ground.

It set off a terrifying air wave ripple, causing countless cracks in the earth tortoise, and the ground shook constantly, as if it was going to shatter the golden building!

Tartarus's face turned black.

Damn it, this way of landing is okay on Earth, but you still land like this in your own home? ? ?

Are you afraid that "Six Two Three" is a spy sent by the Kingdom of Light?

But then.

His expression changed.

Because at this time Diablo's whole body was actually wrapped in rich golden energy, even affecting the space around him!

Just like...

He used full power to absolutely destroy! ! !

Could it be? !

Looking at Tartarus's shocked expression.

Diablo laughed and clenched his fists:

"That's right!"

"Now I have awakened the same skills as you!"

"That's full power mode!!!"

"Full power mode? Could it be that you..."

Before Tartarus finished speaking, Diablo took the lead and said excitedly.

"That's right!"

"Just like you, I can release all my energy at once!"

"And I absorbed some of the king's remaining energy, and combined it with the Strong Force Breaking Bull Fist, I can release the strongest Strong Force Breaking Bull Fist that has never been seen before and will never be seen again!!"

"Compared to the Fantasy Beast Overlord Fist, it is not inferior!"

"I finally, finally got the strongest power!!!"

"I also heard your conversation with Rebertus."

"Let me go to Earth to meet Lufa!"

"Long time no see, this time, I will definitely take his head off!!!"


Diablo couldn't help laughing excitedly again, and the laughter was as deafening as a roar.

In his mind, he had imagined himself using this strongest strong force breaking bull fist to blow up Lufa and the earth with one punch.

Stepping on Lufa's head with black smoke.

The scene of laughing wildly.

The more he thought about it, the more Diablo couldn't hold himself back!

Licking the corner of his mouth bloodily.


Ultraman Lufa, you have to wait for me to arrive!

At the same time.

Armory Universe.

“Recently, I started practicing yoga with others on TV. This world is really interesting~!!”

“And there are so many good comics!”

Youlian and Lufa each carried a big bag of things in their hands and talked with a smile.

Of course, it was Youlian who talked most of the time.

They just came back from shopping.

Youlian talked.

She also pulled her white robe intentionally or unintentionally.

She secretly glanced at Lufa.

She laughed as if she had eaten thirty Soul Hall elders!


This is the black silk he just bought secretly online!

It's mentioned in the comics.

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