Two pincer claws slapped Dyna's body, and the evil energy burst out, sending Dyna flying thousands of meters!


Zero shouted and fell from the sky, his right foot burning with flames!

Ottersero with a flying kick!

Hyperjetton raised its two pincer claws to hold up a transparent barrier.

Zero's foot landed on it, making a dull clang!

Click! ! !

Spider web-like cracks suddenly appeared in Hyperjetton's barrier!


There was no happy look on Sero's face at all!

Just because he knew that his flying kick just now did not cause the slightest damage to Hypajeton's barrier, it was completely ignored by the barrier!

This crack.

It was smashed by Hypageton with its pincer claws!

The next second.

As the barrier suddenly shattered.

The powerful impact immediately sent Zero flying backwards.

He fell hard to the ground!

Cyro and Dynagoss stood side by side.

"Luna Impact!"

"Zero cluster ray!"

"Soljet Ray!"

Three rays of light shot out at the same time!

The moment it was about to hit Hypajton.

A red vortex suddenly appeared in front of the latter!

Three rays of light were instantly sucked into it!

As the red vortex disappeared, Hypajton stretched out his hands.

The three rays of light it absorbed just now, after being strengthened by its power, actually exploded dozens of times more powerful!

The speed was also extremely fast, and the lightning struck in front of them.

Countless firelights instantly erupted on and around the three Zeros, forming a strong wall of fire!

Zero and the others screamed in pain and flew backwards!

The colored timer starts flashing.

"Despair, fear!"

"Because this is what you are supposed to feel!"

"Jie Jie Jie!!!"

The sneers of the Baxters resounded in everyone's ears.

"How could it be that... three Ultra Warriors came together and couldn't last more than a minute on him???"

Anna and others looked at this scene in despair.

Could it be that.

Do they really have no hope for humanity? ?

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Lufa.

They should have had unlimited hopes for him.

Just now.

Even Anna and the others couldn't help but wonder, is there really any way to defeat such a terrifying monster?

"We are Ultra Warriors, how could we lose to an evil cosmic being like you?!"

Zero said angrily.

The ultimate armor is on his body.

His figure was like electricity, and the lightning and fire immediately hit the front of Hyperjedon.

The ultimate sword was wrapped in energy and slashed down.


Like the sound of metal and alloy colliding, Zero, the ultimate sword that had easily destroyed the fortress of the Belial Galactic Empire, did not leave even a trace of mark on Hyperjetton's body at this moment.

With fear, Jaylen's pincer claws suddenly struck Zero's body.

There is a dent in the shape of a front letter visible to the naked eye in the ultimate armor!

With the sound of a sonic boom, Zero's figure flew backwards for thousands of meters in an instant, like a blue-red missile, and finally hit a mountain behind!

"Let's go together!"

Dyna and Gauss simultaneously transmit their energy to Zero.

I plan to use the Trinity Ultimate Zero again!

Just like the time when the larvae Hypajton was just eliminated.

As two forces surged into Zero's body.

The giant bow shot out!

It’s astonishing as if it wants to penetrate the void!

It was just this blow that could kill Arc Beria instantly.

He looked so ridiculous in front of Hyperjetton!

Hyperjackton just waved his hand.

He used his pliers to directly clamp the ultimate bow and arrow launched by Zero!

A sudden force.

The giant bow immediately shattered into pieces and dissipated into light particles!

"how come……"

Zero's arms dropped involuntarily.

Looking at this scene blankly.

The next second.

Hyperjetton's chest suddenly shot out a one-trillion-degree dark fireball!

The moment it hit Zero and the others.

The majestic flames burst out directly, turning them into light particles!

Looking at the river, Musashi and Asuka Shin lay on the ground, unconscious.

Now the others looked at this scene in shock.

"Did you forget that I'm still here?"

Lufa stared at Hyperjedon with cold eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot there is another one."

"It's your turn!"

The Baxter man's tone was full of arrogance.

That's right.


In his opinion, he now has the most powerful power in the universe!

What if Lufa could turn into Dark Zaki?

In front of his own Hyperjedon, he is nothing!

Hyperjetton's eyes fell on Lufa.

Appeared in front of Lufa instantly!

Lufa's whole body erupted with terrifying energy fluctuations!

Noah's wings spread out behind his body!

True transformation!

Shining power enveloped him.

Even if his height is not 120m, he still bursts out with energy that is not inferior to Shining Tiga!

The patterns of the six-color cosmic beast fist appeared all over Lufa's body at the same time!

"Full power, Phantom Beast Overlord Fist!!!".

Chapter 138: The Gamma Illusion of Reijido, Seiya's Shock!!!

Six-Colored Fantasy Beast Overlord Fist.

Its power is comparable to Reiji's Ultimate Explosion.

Normally, Lufa has no chance to use this skill.

But facing an enemy like Hyperzetton who is at the same level as Noah and Reijido.

He must go all out.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

In a trance.

Ohkawa Wang and Zero seemed to see excitement in Lufa's eyes-!

Excited? ? ?

Facing such a monster, Lufa actually felt excited?

Could it be that he was frightened by Hyperzetton's power?

That's right.

After all, Hyperzetton is a real existence at the same level as Noah and the others.

However, is it possible that Lufa really has a way to deal with it?

How is this possible!

Hyperzetton's strength is beyond words.

If Lufa can reach the same level as Ultra King at this age, then the whole universe, no, to be precise, all the universes will be shaken!

Six-color light burst out instantly, and the space was filled with colorful energy ripples wherever it went, shaking the space dimension crazily!

It hit Hyper Zetton in a flash!

Now Lufa has the blessing of Noah's Wings, Shining Type, and Truth Type.

The released Fantasy Beast King Fist has already surpassed Lingjia's Ultimate Explosion!

Even Hyper Zetton's body was pushed back involuntarily, dragging two cracks on the ground!

But immediately afterwards.

A red vortex suddenly appeared in front of Hyper Zetton.

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