"Ultraman turned into a monster???"

"Oh my god, what is going on? Am I really not dreaming?"

And inside Hyperjetton.

Lufa looked at the gloomy space around him. It was similar to Ultraman's subspace, except it was darker.

It feels quite strange.

"Hipajton, make a scene for me!!!"

Then Lufa gave a cold shout.


The complete sea Pajton suddenly let out a dull cry.

As if the larval Hyparchton knew what to fear, it quickly fired dozens of dark fireballs from the light-emitting organ on its back!

Hyperjetton's body flashed, and his body twisted like Obito using his divine power, but his speed was faster, so that Zero and the others didn't see it clearly.

The next second.

It instantly appeared right in front of these fireballs!

As he raised his hand, brilliant aurora-colored light spurted out from his hand, absorbing these fireballs in an instant.

Gauss's heart was beating wildly, his pupils contracted unconsciously, and he looked at this scene in extreme disbelief!

How can this be? ! ! ! ! !

A monster actually used Regedo's skills! ?

The moment the larvae Sea Pageton waved its huge scythe claws towards the full body Sea Pageton, a deafening sonic boom sounded as if it was about to tear apart the space!

Something happened that made Gauss even more unbelievable.

Hyperjadon raised his hand.

A golden spiral galaxy-shaped energy suddenly appeared in its hands!

Spark Legend——! ! !


Star Baxter couldn't sit still for a moment.

As a well-informed scientist, how could he not recognize this ability? ? ?

I can't believe that Lufa's fearful stage can actually use the skill of Regedo, one of the mysterious four!

How did Lufa do it? ?

"It really interests me more and more!"

"If this secret can be analyzed, the experiment can be done on my Hyperjetton!"

"Then it will no longer be just the strongest monster in the universe, its sights will be on the entire multiverse!!!"

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Gauss couldn't be more confident.

This guy can even use Regedo's Spark Legend? ? ?

It's just that Hyperjedon's method of using the Spark Legend really shocked him!

Directly stuff this ball of energy into Hypajedon's mouth!

I blanch! ! ! !

Spark Legend's face-to-face criticism? ? ?

What kind of cruel method is he using? ? ?

As the incarnation of the will of the universe, Reggio did not use the Spark Legend so harshly in order to maintain order! ! !

The majestic energy suddenly exploded in the belly of the larval Sea Pajton.

Half of his lower body exploded, black blood splashed everywhere along with unknown wonders such as intestines, covering several mountains, and the stench instantly filled the entire place!

It smells like burning bugs with a lighter!

Even more disgusting than that!

The larvae Hyparchton was so angry that it fired hundreds of dark fireballs from the four light-emitting organs on its back and chest at the same time!

Everywhere you go, there are layers of red ripples in the space, just because of the terrifying high temperature!

"Do you like playing with fire so much?"

Lufa sneered.

"But I have no intention of spending time with you any longer!"

"Just become a complete body~!"

"Saiga Cut!"

Hypajedon's right hand immediately threw out a Saga Light Wheel!

Seeing this skill, Zero and the others felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity surge into their hearts!

But I just can’t remember where I’ve seen this skill before!

The light wheel, lightning and flint chopped all the fireballs of the larvae Hypajton!

"¨ˇ Dark Fireball!"

"Saiga Plasma!"

One-trillion-degree fireballs and blue energy bombs appeared on Hyperjedon's hands at the same time!

mix together.

Together they launched towards the Sea Pajton.

The moment he comes into contact with the larvae Hyparchton.

A majestic mushroom cloud exploded instantly. The bang was like a sonic boom, causing Anna and others to cover their ears in a hurry. Then the strong wind howled and the ripples of heat seemed to burn everything out, and the dark clouds in the sky were instantly cleared. , the surrounding mountains were all destroyed!

This devastating movement.

The fate of the larvae of Hyperjackton was naturally to be directly destroyed in it!

"Do you think this is over?!"

Before Zero and the others could breathe a sigh of relief.

The roar of the Baxter star once again sounded in the sky.

There was obvious impatience in his tone!

It wasn't that he was anxious about seeing his Hyparchton die.

on the contrary.

It was because he couldn't wait to kill Lufa and use his own science and technology to dig out all the secrets in him one by one! ! !

This mysterious power.

It was like opening the door to a new world for him!

Let him be intoxicated and crazy about it! ! ! !

he wants!

He wants to put this power into his own Hyperjedon!

In everyone's astonished gaze, the spaceship looked like the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing towards the wreckage of the Hyphajeton larvae like a liquid!

Zizzi——! ! !

Purple evil lightning burst out with power that penetrated the void.

Hyperzetton's shell suddenly burst open!

In the bursting flames.

A dark figure slowly appeared.

"Jetton, Jetton--!!!"

Hyperzetton's complete form!!! .

Chapter 137 Legendary Hyperzetton has arrived, fight! Full power·Phantom Beast King Fist? ?

"What you defeated was just a juvenile!"

"Although Lufa's Hyperzetton is also a complete form, it is a world apart compared to mine!"

"Let me show you what true destruction and despair are!!!"

"Ah~~~Is this the same level of power as Ultraman King Noah? It's really intoxicating!"

The Batman said leisurely in the inner space of Hyperzetton.

"Hyperzetton, kill them for me~~~!"

"Oh, by the way, don't kill this Lufa for me."

The tone of the Batman.

It's like a superior who is high above, mercifully forgiving a low-level person.

He looked down on everything, as if Lufa was just a small bug that was not worth mentioning.

Although his words were very irritating.

But at this moment.

Whether it was Cosdyna or even Zero, none of them spoke.

Staring at Hyperzetton in front of them.

They could clearly feel that even Lufa's Hyperzetton could not compare with it!

It was so powerful and terrifying that it was completely different from another dimension!

This was also the first time in their lives that they clearly felt death and despair before they even fought!

Zero wiped his nose and made a signature fighting posture.

What he thought in his heart must not be shown on the surface.


"Just this thing, the oppression is not even one percent of the big bug just now!"

"Let's go!"

Zero and the other two shouted at the same time and rushed towards Hyperzetton.

Coss infused energy into a punch to hit Hyperzetton's head.

But as Hyperzetton flashed.

It turned into a black afterimage and disappeared instantly.

The next second, it appeared behind Coss.

Gauss stumbled forward a few steps because he lost his balance.

Dyna rushed from behind.

Kicked Hyperzeton in the back.

Same result.

As Hyperzeton disappeared instantly.

Dyna kicked the ground, leaving a huge footprint, which made his legs numb!

Then Hyperzeton appeared next to him.

He actually created a physical mimicry clone!

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