


Lufa did not answer, but approached her slowly with a playful smile.

One hour later.

Until she could not speak.

Camilla knew what Lufa meant~

At the same time, she felt the vast golden energy in her body.

Her expression became extremely shocked!

Just by getting a little bit of Lufa's essence, her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, more than twice as strong as before! ! !

At this moment.

In her eyes, Lufa is really a god-like existence.

Lufa thought thoughtfully.

It is true that Camilla has become stronger after getting the power of the Eternal Core, but the power of the Eternal Core in her body has not decreased.

This is very interesting.

It seems that I have to do more good things like this in the future.

Of course, Lufa is not doing it for anything else.

He just wants to do some good things and help the innocent girl become stronger~

"Then it's time to use this designated time-travel ticket!"

Lufa rubbed his hands.

Immediately, he silently said to use it!

[You have successfully used the designated summon card...].

Chapter 128 Ultraman Legend World! Cosmos sees the illusion of Legend?

[You have successfully used the designated summon card. Next, you can choose one of the three worlds to travel through: Ultraman Legend/The Final Battle! Ultraman 8 Brothers/Ultraman Cosmos VS Ultraman Justice: The Final Battle World! ]

It turns out to be the three most popular worlds?

The second and third are the ones that Lufa is most familiar with.

The former is the theater version where Daiko once again incarnates as Tiga~.

The latter is the theater version where Legend first appears!

No matter which one, Lufa will never forget it and leave the deepest impression on him!


Lufa still wants to travel through the first one this time!

Ultraman Legend!!!

The first and only episode in which Ultraman Saga appears!

There is also the legendary Hyperzetton who can rival the mysterious four and swallowed up the entire universe!

If it were before, Lufa would definitely not choose this place.

After all, with Seiya here, it's probably not his turn to pick up heads!

But it's different now.

Sometimes, when he is temporarily in the complete light, he summons the Gamma Illusion of Regido with the same strength as the original body. Does he still need to worry about this?

He doesn't even need Seiya to take action.

He can directly harvest Hyperzeton's head!

This Hyperzeton is not a mass-produced product made by Jet!

It's a genuine mysterious four-level!

If you can defeat it!

The reward you get will definitely be much richer than defeating Dimogior! !

I wonder what Gauss's expression is when he sees the Gamma Illusion of Regido?

Just thinking about it, Lufa is already a little impatient.

"I need to go out again, please tell Jieming and the others."

Lufa said to Camilla in his arms.

Camilla's beautiful eyes with water waves suddenly swept across a trace of reluctance.

He and Lufa just experienced this kind of wonderful feeling that he had never experienced before, which was even more attractive to her than the power to destroy the entire universe.

Lufa was about to leave.

"Can I go with you?"

"Although my strength is not as strong as yours, I am also well-known in the universe. I won't hold you back..."

Camilla is not a woman who is good at speaking.


At this moment in front of Lufa.

Like a kitten who doesn't want to be abandoned by his owner.

He actually looks a bit pitiful and helpless!

Lufa touched his head.


How come I feel a little addicted?

He couldn't help but touch it again.


Camilla narrowed her eyes, like a tamed and cool black cat.

She raised her pretty face and stared at Lufa obsessively.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon~"



A black hole suddenly opened on a rooftop!

The desolate city appeared in Lufa's vision, and the once prosperous streets and lively crowds had disappeared without a trace. The high-rise buildings have been eroded by time, and their former glory has faded, leaving behind broken walls and empty windows. Even broken glass, discarded paper and garbage that were once everywhere have disappeared without a trace, making the whole city look even more desolate.

The wind blew through the empty streets, making a sad sound. Apart from the sound of the wind, there was no other sound in the city. The hustle and bustle of the past has been replaced by silence. The whole city seems to have been abandoned, without any trace of life.

This is the future Earth in a certain universe!

"Is this the world of Ultraman Legend?"

Even Lufa couldn't keep calm when he was about to see Saga.


His Ultra vision allowed him to instantly see the scene a thousand meters away!

Several mechas that looked like robots landed on the ground.

Several women walked out of it.

"Xiao Wu!!"

"Xiao Wu, where are you!?"

"Xiao Wu, come back!!!"

Lufa looked weird.

If he hadn't known that this was the world of Ultraman Legend, he would have thought he had traveled to Douluo Continent.

But this also made him certain of the current plot.

He was sure that those women were Anna, the captain of the so-called Earth Defense Force in the Ultraman Legend, and her team members.

Well, although they were called the Earth Defense Force, they were just ordinary people.

And in their base, there were also a group of children.

The current plot was probably that the speechless Xiao Wu sneaked out, and Anna and the others came out to find him, right?

When Lufa thought about this.


A roar that pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks suddenly sounded.

A gray-black monster that looked no different from a four-legged reptile suddenly appeared from the ground!

There was a spiral horn on its head!

And a huge mouth!

Kuvira! !

"It's a monster!!!"

Anna and the others were amazed.

Immediately, something happened that made them feel even more terrified.

A dozen fighter planes suddenly flew in the sky!

Their faces suddenly changed!

Because they recognized that it was the fighter plane of the Bert Star!

At the beginning, when humans on Earth had not completely disappeared, the Batman used these fighters to destroy their cities and bring them despair!

"Run!" Anna said hurriedly.

A team member next to him said: "What should Xiao Wu do!?"

Just then.

A flash of light appeared in the sky.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

A red and white fighter suddenly appeared.

Dahe Wang looked around in shock.

He clearly remembered that he was still in training just now!

How could he suddenly come here? ? ?

Before he could think more.

He saw a fighter on the ground rushing towards a child.

"Oh no!"

Dahe Wang's face changed.

He hurriedly drove the fighter to destroy the fighter.

Then he relied on his own driving skills.

He easily solved the remaining fighters.

Dahe Wang touched his nose proudly.

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