Truth type!

In these two superimposed forms, Lufa's strength is dozens of times stronger than the superimposed form of Ultimate Shining Zero!

The rapid energy fluctuations seem to shatter the surrounding space!

Resisting the suction of the Eternal Core!

"Shining Triga Gamma Illusion!"

"Truth Triga Gamma Illusion!"

"Truth Tiga Gamma Illusion!"

"Evil Tiga Gamma Illusion!"

"Mebius Phoenix Hero Form, Gamma Illusion!"

"Shining Tiga Gamma Illusion 590!"

Six illusions appeared beside Lufa at the same time.

"King's Silence, Seiga Barrier!!!"

The phantoms of Ultra King and Seiga appeared behind him.

Release energy to help him resist the impact of the Eternal Core together!


"And you, Reijido Gamma Illusion!!!"

The purple-silver figure suddenly appeared in front of Lufa.

Stretch out your hands.

Brilliant light surrounds Lufa!

With several measures taken together, the power of the Eternal Core was greatly buffered!

As Lufa suddenly increased his strength.

The golden light burst out from the barrier of this underground world, as if it was going to devour everything!

So terrifying!

The space was rippling, and one could even hear the crackling sound of glass breaking!

In the center of the violent energy, Lufa's body seemed to have turned into a black hole, devouring everything. His eyes shone with deep light, like the destruction of stars, as if he could see through everything and see through the void!

The vast energy like the galaxy surged in an instant, converging towards Lufa like a tide, forming a powerful energy storm. This storm was like the beginning of chaos, tearing apart space and shaking time!

Lufa was shocked unconsciously.

The unstable tower of the Absolut clan was nothing more than this.

"Be honest!!!"

Lufa shouted.

The power of the Eternal Core was finally calmed down.

The huge golden sphere disappeared.

It has been integrated into Lufa's body!

It's like being tamed!

"Gomoralant, Rugset, Hyperzeton, come out!"

Lufa shouted.

Three monsters suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Master, it feels a little different." Rugset's body made Sai'er's voice.

Lufa smiled slightly.

Try to inject some of the power of the Eternal Core into their bodies!

In an instant.

Just like when Tartarus used Absolut Particles to strengthen Torrekia and Belia.

The bodies of the three monsters burst out with brilliant golden light.

Even formed a materialized ripple-like energy, and every move seemed to affect the surrounding space.

Sensing the power that exploded several times.

Sai'er's cute big eyes couldn't help but flash!

Is this the power of God?

Gomoralant roared and looked very happy.

His eyes were curved into a crescent shape.

He is now the strongest Belia fusion beast in the true sense!

Even the Maga Beast Belia, who was fused and sublimated by Belia himself in the arcade, can't compare to him!

The purple colored timer on his chest, like Belia, also turned into three diamond colored timers that are exactly the same as the Shining Eternal Triga, but with golden light inside.

Lufa looked at their changes with satisfaction.

He only gave less than one ten-thousandth of the power of the Eternal Core!

It made such a huge change to Gomoralant and the others!

Even himself.

Let's put it this way.

Originally, the blessing of Mother Earth had made a negligible change in his body.

But after absorbing the Eternal Core.

Now, even if he doesn't use the skills of Mystic Sau, but only uses his own skills, he can probably compete with Krypton's Tartarus! ! !

Wait until he completely digests the power of the Eternal Core!

Then he will definitely open the door to the Mystic Four O levels! ! ! !

This feeling.

It's like the sun, moon, stars and rivers are all in his hands, even Lufa can't help but be intoxicated by it!

At this moment.

"Jetton, Jetton--!!!"

The yellow organs of Hyper Jetton burst out with golden light!

The next second.

Its body exploded with a bang!

That's right!

It exploded directly! (cgbi)

It was like an insect scorched by fire!

The huge body lay motionless on the ground, emitting black smoke, and turned into a crispy skin!

Lufa stared at this scene intently.

The burning eyes were filled with endless expectations

Could it be...? ? ?

The next second.

As expected.


A dark beam of light shot up into the sky, as if it was going to shatter the Eternal Core Ruins!

The evil spirit was rising, as if carrying countless resentments!


A more dull Jetton shout sounded.

A slender figure appeared on the crispy skin of Hyper Jetton!

It looks exactly like an ordinary Jetton, but with two pairs of retracted wings behind it.

It is more sturdy and slender.

The oppressive feeling it brings is even stronger!

The two pincer-like hands make a snapping sound!

The embodiment of terror and despair——

Hypageton·Complete body! ! ! ! !

Lufa looked at this scene with great joy.

did not expect.

Hyperjetton actually evolved relying on the power of the Eternal Core! ! !

Although his strength is not as good as that of Hyperjedon who can compete with Saka 50-50!

But this is not a problem at all!

The current strength of this Hyperjetton, just its energy fluctuations, is definitely more powerful than the evil Beria in Geed TV who absorbed part of the Ultra King's power! !

Wait until you have completely digested the power of the eternal core, and then give some of it to Hyperjedon.

Then it will become a real divine level 4 monster! ! !

"And after it evolves completely, I can be integrated with it, right?"

"A Hyperjetton who can use the four mysterious skills was born."

Lufa took a deep breath.

There is an indelible fanaticism in his expression!

Even back at the armory.

This feeling has not been suppressed yet.

"What about the rest?"

Lufa looked curiously at Camilla, who was sitting alone on the sofa, like a noble lady.

See his return.

A warm smile suddenly appeared on Camila's frosty face!

"They went out to buy clothes. They said they wanted to dress up a little better for you to see."

He glanced down at his clothes unconsciously.

She is still wearing the black clothes that came with her after she turned into a human body, condensed with energy.

Should she also dress herself up?

Although in her opinion.

Everything about him, including his body, is Lufa's.

But she still wanted to make Lufa more pleasurable.

Lufa shook his head.

"I'm very angry now."

Then he said:


"What?" Camilla looked at him confused and tilted her head in a cute way.

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