"Let's go."

"But we have to turn into human form first, otherwise we will scare the people over there when we go back."

Luffa said, and he took the initiative to turn into a human form.

Cero followed closely behind.

But when it came to Camilla.

Luffa was stunned.

Because Camilla's current human form is almost the same as in his memory.

But her face is more delicate.

I don't know how much better it is than the human form in the movie!

If I have to say it.

It is similar to the image of the white-haired man in the official comics!

"What, what's wrong?"

Seeing Luffa staring at her blankly.

Camilla was happy in her heart, but also a little embarrassed.

Just when Luffa was about to take them into the black hole.

"Let's go back!"

A very serious voice sounded.

Luffa's eyelids jumped.

Looking at Youlian, who was standing next to him naturally, as if she was going to follow him back.

"What are you doing...?"

"I, I didn't mean that..."

You Lian's fair face flushed instantly.

She lowered her head and played with her little finger.

"I, I am homeless now!"


She pointed at Camilla and said bluntly.

"As the head of the Earth Guard, I have the obligation to watch this woman and not tempt you to do bad things!"

"That's right!"

"I'm doing this for the peace of the universe!"


She lowered her head somewhat dejectedly.

"Although Luluye is now devastated, at least there is no war, and I have completed my mission, but I really don't know what I should do..."

She was taught to fight for the Earth since she was born.

No one knows how heavy a burden this is.

She is just a girl in her twenties.

It's good that she didn't collapse.

Especially when she thought of the inevitable battle between light and darkness after the giants solved the monsters.

It will definitely cause an indelible disaster to mankind.

She became even more desperate.

But at this time.

Lufa descended from the sky like a god.

He easily solved the disaster and even eliminated the evil god.

Isn't this the god in the storybook! ! ! !

Looking at the originally lonely Youlian, who suddenly twisted like a maggot and held her red cheeks.

Three black lines appeared on Lufa's forehead.

Why does this feel different from the head of the Earth Guard Team he imagined?

Logically speaking, shouldn't people in this position be queen-like?

Why is she so cute?

Is it because she is still young?

Lufa had no choice.

He could only nod and agree.

Amid Youlian's cheers, several people walked into the black hole together.


"It's time to count the rewards this time." Lufa sat on the sofa.

He murmured excitedly.

"No... Wait!!!"

"Why did you go out and suddenly bring back two women!?"

Carmilla and Jie Ming looked at Carmilla and You Lian in confusion.

I don't know why.

Why do they feel that these two women are so familiar? ! ! .

Chapter 126 Repairing Carmilla's headlights~Eternal Core? !

"Fa Fa, who are they?!"

Carmilla asked, pulling Lufa's arm like a spoiled child.

Lufa didn't even turn his head: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

A normal woman should be angry directly.

But is Carmilla normal?

She trembled all over, and excitement burst out in her beautiful eyes.


Lufa felt helpless.

He was not such an indifferent person.

It was just Carmilla's request.

He had to agree.

Jie Ming looked at You Lian.

I always felt that she looked familiar.

It was as if I had seen her somewhere before.

That's right!

She suddenly remembered that she felt the same way when she saw You Sha Lei sometimes!

Could it be that.

Is she a member of the same race as Youshalei?

He looked at Lufa with curiosity.

Lufa reluctantly revealed the identities of Camilla and Youlian.

Jieming was immediately surprised.

Unexpectedly, she had a parallel time and space isotope!

"To be precise, it is the parallel time and space isotope of Youshalei!"

"Who do you think I am?" Camilla answered irrelevantly, looking at Carmilla with interest.

When she came, Lufa had already told him the identities of Carmilla and Jieming.

She was still a little curious about her parallel time and space isotope.

"Huh? Who are you to dare to talk to me like this?"

Carmilla looked at Camilla with cold eyes.

In front of Lufa.

She was a woman with a masochistic tendency and not quite normal.

But in front of others.

She was still the strongest dark queen in the ancient times!

The two women refused to give in to each other, and there seemed to be a smell of gunpowder bursting out when their eyes crossed.

Dark energy burst out unconsciously.

In a trance.

The phantoms of Carmilla and Camilla's real bodies appeared behind them.

Carmilla's expression suddenly became extremely surprised.

"Who are you?!"

As the Queen of Darkness, how could she not have heard of such a thing as parallel universes?

But she didn't expect...

Why is her parallel universe different from hers~~~? ! ! !

She looked down at her own.

Then she looked at Camilla's.

Why is it so unfair? ! ! !

Could it be that...

Lufa actually likes people with a broader mind? ? ?

Camilla looked at Lufa sadly.

It was as if she had been abandoned.

To be precise, she really looked like a kitten abandoned by her owner, pitiful and helpless.

Who could have imagined that one day, Camilla, who frightened countless giants including the Dark Giant, would show such an expression.

And in front of a man.

Lufa touched her head helplessly.

"Don't think about it." "

Hearing these three simple words, Carmilla felt as if her heart was filled.

"Then, then I want to feel more at ease..."

Carmilla said in a voice as soft as a mosquito.

The roots of her ears turned red.

Lufa smiled helplessly.

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