He also clearly felt death and despair!

Even if he was not afraid... ...

It was as if something indescribable was hitting his soul!

Cero immediately transformed into the Ultimate Radiant Form.

He knew that if he did not seize the initiative, he would have no chance against such a monster.

He shot out a beam of Radiant Ultimate Cero!

The light arrow seemed to penetrate the void, and it hit Dimogea in a flash.

Dimogea opened his bloody mouth that could swallow dozens of giants at once.

Ten thousand ice spikes suddenly shot out, and in the middle they gathered into a huge ice column that looked like a blue light, colliding with Cero's light arrow.

This attack was called Swift Impact!

Dimogea's strongest skill!

In the movie version, just one attack suppressed the golden version of the Zaperion beam fired by Tiga with all his strength.

Knocked Tiga away and defeated him!

Dimogea is naturally more powerful now.

In an instant, the attack that Zero intended to severely injure Tartarus was shattered!

It hit Zero.

It knocked Zero out, and his body was submerged in the exploding flames.

It instantly disintegrated him from the Ultimate Radiance Form.

The color timer dinged.

Dimojea roared again, and the visible ultrasonic waves swept in all directions like wind and waves, even mixed with terrifying dark energy!

Just when Camilla and others were about to be blown away.

Lufa's Radiance Ultimate Bracelet flew out of the Ultimate Armor and assembled into a huge shield in front of him.

It instantly blocked Dimojea's attack.

Then it changed into the shape of a giant bow.

"Such a big bug needs a huge fly swatter!"

Lufa laughed jokingly.

Just when Camilla and Youlian thought that Lufa was going to use 1.8 to attack Dimojea with the skill just now.

Only Zero's heart suddenly skipped a beat!

Damn it, based on his understanding of Lufa, he would never use any normal skills!

The next second.

A vast shock suddenly appeared in Zero's eyes!

I saw.

Lufa took the giant bow in his hand, and then the bow and arrow transformed from the Ultimate Armor was gradually enlarged.

In the blink of an eye, it was about to break through the ground.

Current situation Lufa flew directly into the sky.

The Ultimate Armor in his hand directly turned into a 990m state!

The golden light emitted made the whole Luluye turn golden!

Lufa held the Ultimate Armor giant bow upside down.

He suddenly slapped it towards Dimogea!

Bang--! ! ! !

A deafening explosion sounded immediately, and the terrifying air wave stirred up sand, dust and gravel like a raging sea!

At this moment.

Zero's mentality exploded!

Damn it!

Lufa, stop it! ! !

That is the Ultimate Armor, not a fly swatter! ! ! ! .

Chapter 125 When Carmilla and Yumei saw Carmilla and Yuren!


Zero's mentality was completely collapsed!

Damn it.

The fact that Luffa could directly take out the Radiant version of the Ultimate Bracelet was enough to make him explode!

But what he didn't expect was!

Luffa actually used the Ultimate Armor as a fly swatter! ! ! !

You know, the Ultimate Bracelet is a sacred item formed by Ultraman Noah gathering the hopes of people from all over the universe!

Even so, did it still become so "unbearable" in Luffa's hands? ? ?


Zero suddenly reacted.

How did Luffa make the Ultimate Armor so huge? ? ?

He also knew that Luffa could super-giantize.

This was also something Zero could barely accept.

After all, the Kingdom of Light also has the strongest and fastest Max who can super-giantize!


Zero has never heard of anyone in the universe who can make his weapon giant! ! !

How much energy does this require! ?


Can Luffa's King's Hammer and Noah's Wings become 990 meters long? ?


I was just imagining Luffa holding a 990-meter King's Hammer and smashing it at the enemy, and Zero couldn't help but shudder all over!

Too scary! ! !

This is not about whether the enemy can be shrunk, just using the hammer to smash the enemy to death, right? ? ? ?

Luffa looked a little small next to the 990-meter huge Ultimate Armor!

26 But he can still swing the Ultimate Armor easily!

The moment it suddenly hit Dimogea!

This hammer was like the sky and the earth splitting apart, and it burst out with earth-shaking power. The impact of the hammer, accompanied by a strong wind, instantly hit the monster. Dimojea's body was instantly blown away, and his 880-meter body fell into the sea, causing huge waves to surge and boil, even exposing the ground under the sea, and countless buildings and mountains fell down!

Lufa followed closely behind, chasing the fallen Dimojea. He swung the hammer again, this time, it was a more brutal blow. Dimojea struggled to stand up, but Lufa had already caught its flaw, and the hammer accurately hit its head.

There was another shocking collision, and Dimojea's head and part of Dark Tiga's body were instantly shattered, black blood spilled all over the ground, and its body fell down weakly.

Like a stink bug

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get a blessing: Energy purity +166! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and you get energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! ]

[You get the Dark Zagi Spark Doll! ]

Camilla and Youlian stared at this scene in amazement, and a strong sense of disbelief emerged unconsciously in their eyes!

They didn't expect that the legendary evil god, even the evil god who had swallowed up the power of many giants, became even more terrifying.

In Lufa's hands, he was beaten to death like a bug!

"What an incredible man..." Camilla couldn't help but sigh.

Youlian nodded subconsciously.

Just looking at the ruins of the surrounding area with some sadness, Luluye, who had been destroyed and nothing was alive.

I didn't expect that such a huge change would happen here in less than a day.

Lufa muttered in his heart, and a black hole suddenly appeared in front of him.

Just when he was about to go back.

A pair of jade hands naturally took his arm.

"Camilla, what are you doing..." Lufa's mouth twitched.

Look at the plump woman next to him who looks and has a figure that is 50% similar to Carmilla.

Why can't he remember when his relationship with Carmilla became so good?

Camilla smiled and said: "You destroyed my home, and I have become a lonely person with nowhere to go. Can't you take me in?"

It can only be said that Camilla's admiration for the strong is even more outrageous than that of ordinary giants.

After seeing the strength of Lufa.

Camilla was convinced from the heart.

This is not the same as Carmilla, the former Jiaxintang, now Lufatang, who is in love.

Lufa's strength has completely exceeded her cognition.

It's like she has never told others about the longing for light in her heart, and has always hidden it in her heart!

She is also a woman, why doesn't she want a shoulder to lean on?

When Lufa saved her at the critical moment, her heart had been shaken violently!

As for those dead giants.

What does it have to do with her?

To put it bluntly.

Those giants followed her because they saw how strong she was, and they followed her as a warrior.

She didn't have much affection for them.

Camilla leaned close to Lufa's ear and blew hot air gently: "Hey, you will take your responsibilities seriously, right?"

Even Lufa couldn't help but shudder all over at this time.

She was so good.

Based on the fact that he should have a kind heart as a giant of light, Lufa still planned to take in this poor homeless woman.

"Lufa's luck with love is really good."

Even Zero couldn't help but sigh.

Camilla glanced at him lightly and said lightly: "The strong should be surrounded by toys."


Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

Lufa couldn't help but twitch his mouth and thought to himself.

He actually called himself a plaything?

Do you feel that Camilla is more unrestrained and wild than Carmilla?

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