Among the many forms of Belial, this is also the strongest one!

Sublimated from the capsule fusion of Ampera Star and Luigi El!

Not to mention Beria's strength skyrocketed by 1.8.

He even cured his hunchback!

No joke.

This is also a very oppressive form!


Beria's capsule contains at most 20% of the power of the original version.

But I got it myself.

But it contains all the power of the Dark Lukiel and the Ampera Planet.

Two demon-level figures in one!

This is the true form of extreme evil!

"Have you finally arrived at the capsule?"

Lufa rubbed his hands.

A thought.

[You have obtained the monster capsule of Hypajeton Cocoon, and because of the blessing of Mother Earth, the monster summoned has the same strength as the original version, and can evolve through devouring it! 】

[Due to the blessing of Mother Earth, the Hypageton Cocoon Monster Capsule evolved into the Hypageton Larval Monster Capsule! 】

[Because of the blessing of Mother Earth, Hypajeton Cocoon will be able to use the abilities of other monsters that host it! 】

Listening to a series of voices in my head.

Lufa has a question mark on his face!

Good guy!

He called him a good guy!

Mother Earth’s three blessings in a row? ? ?

Can it still be like this? ? ?

Sure enough, he was right, Mother Earth's blessing has become much stronger now!

But it shouldn’t be possible to receive such powerful blessings every time.

But, it’s enough!

Unexpectedly, I drew the monster Hyperjedon this time!

And it also evolved from a cocoon!

This shows that this Hyperjetton is not the kind of garbage mass-produced by Jet!

But the legendary Hypageton that can compete with the mysterious Four Ossaga! ! ! .

Chapter 115: Summoning Hypajedon, the name is astonished!

"This is really incredible."

Lufa's eyes burst out with uncontrollable excitement!

[Because of the blessing of Mother Earth, the Hypajton larvae can use part of your skills, and when it evolves to its full body, you can integrate with it and it can use all of your skills. 】

"Can you still use some of my skills??"

Lufa became even more excited.

But since it is part of it.

It is probably similar to the Spark Dolls of the Six Ultra Brothers. For example, although you can use the six types of Phantom Beast Overlord Fist, you cannot release the Phantom Beast Overlord Fist!

But Mother Earth also said it.

After evolving to the complete body, it can be integrated!

The so-called integration, there is a high probability that it can be controlled like the fusion of Baxter and Hyperjetton!

But Lufa’s is even more outrageous!

Hyperjetton can also use all of Lufa's skills under Lufa's control!

Is there a legendary Hypajton who can use the four mysterious skills?

Just thinking about it.

Lufa actually became a little excited!

"Go to the command room to see if there are any snacks ready."

Lufa stood up.

Just opened the door.

I just happened to see Yumi walking towards the elevator with a few shopping bags in her hands!

Lufa asked: "What are you going to do?"

Jie Ming said: "The captain said there is no coffee in the armory. I will buy some. There are also some daily necessities that need to be purchased!"

Lufa's mouth twitched.

Looking at the large and small shopping bags in her hand, she complained:

“Does our armory have to save even shopping bags?”

"Ah hahaha~"

Yu Ming smiled sheepishly.

She was really embarrassed to explain that it was because she ate too many snacks every day and accidentally ate up the extra funds. That's why Shota Snakekura treated her like this.

But there is one thing to say.

Although I eat a lot in name.

But it’s just a physique that doesn’t put on weight.


The flesh is growing where it should.

Yuiming, who is only eighteen years old, is now as big as Yuka 26.

The figure is even a little plumper.

So visible.

When she opens her mouth after getting married, she will be a mature woman with a plump figure like in the comics when she is thirty or forty years old.

"Let me help you." Lufa reached out and took the bag in her hand.

"Eh? Is that okay??"

I was pleasantly surprised when I got the name.

Thank you.

The two went to the Ginza shopping mall together.

In less than ten minutes, the two large bags were filled.

"Si Guoyi! Ultraman Rufa's figure actually has a new toy!"

"I want to buy, I want to buy!"

"Damn it, leave one for me!!!"

The noisy shouting of a group of children could be heard.

Lufa and the two looked over curiously.

Lufa's expression suddenly became surprised.

In the toy section.

A statue of him, more than two meters high, is placed in the middle.

At his feet was Tartarus lying on the ground.

On the shelves, almost 80% are Lufa's figures.

As soon as the clerk put them on the table, they were all swept away by children and even adults.

"Here, there are Zeta and Triga here, don't you want to buy them?" the clerk said with shame.

"I want to buy!"

A little kid with a chin stood up and said excitedly.

Yumei said with a smile: "It seems that Zetatriga and the others also have fans."

"Very good!"

The child held a Teliga and Zeta in each hand and looked at them excitedly: "This way, Lufa will have two more beating materials!"

Name, Lufa: "..."

Good guy!

It turns out that your kid didn’t buy it because he likes them.

But you want Lufa to beat them both?

"what a pity."

Yumei pursed her lips, a little unhappy.

"Do you like Lufa very much?"

Lufa asked without changing his expression.


Yumi nodded vigorously.

"Of course!"

"Not only me, Lufa is now an almighty god-like existence in the eyes of all humans!"

"There's nothing he can't do!"

Lufa felt a little embarrassed after hearing this.

Touch your nose.


The named chick nodded like it was pecking at rice.

I even forgot about shopping.

Started to ask Lufa for various benefits.

She looks like a girl who wants her best sister to be a fan.

Lufa was extremely ashamed.

If Yumei knew her true identity, her face would be so red that she would bleed, right?

The words are divided into two parts.

The underwater world.

"Where's the man who stepped on the horse?!!!"

A roar echoed across the ocean floor.

It seemed like it was going to shatter the rocks!

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