Lufa was trying to control him with ultra telekinesis.

"it turns out……"

"How dare you talk to Master/Luffa like this?!"

Carmila, Yuhua and Sai'er seemed to have black smoke coming out of their bodies, and their eyes became blood red.

Sai'er steps out of the ground!

She stepped on the spot and made a dent!

His body shot out like a cannonball, and he was in front of the bad boy in an instant.

Punch him in the face.

The deformation and distortion of his face is visible to the naked eye.

The body touched the ground and was immediately bounced up due to the powerful impact.

Then it fell to the ground again.

Directly smash a big hole into the ground!


The people around him were instantly confused!

[Your Sai'er fighting style is brutal and you get a blessing: Defense +66! 】

[Your fighting style of Sai'er is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have suddenly realized the power of devouring! 】

Good guy!

Can this young guy get a reward for being so energetic?

This was something Lufa never expected.

"But what does devouring power mean?"

Lufa touched his chin.

Digesting the extra information in his mind.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

Devouring power.

Overall, just eat!

If you eat anything into your stomach, you can digest it and absorb it and get part of its power!

If it is energy.

It will be better than direct absorption.

To use an analogy.

If Taro wants to become Super Taro.

In addition to letting Zoffi and the others transfer energy to their own Ultra Horns.

You can also eat Zuofi and his brothers.

This will turn you into Super Taro.

The strength will be a little stronger than the ordinary fusion method.


how to say.

It's quite strange.

As soon as he obtained the extremely evil form, he gained the power of devouring.

Are you sure this isn't trying to make him an ogre?

Lufa could already imagine himself and Blaze assimilating.

Holding the monster and chewing it.

Then there was the scene of saying "Eat, eat, eat, I will eat, eat, eat, eat this, and eat that, my friends will all eat well."

"Master, I'm sorry..."

Sai'er lowered his head and came to Lufa to admit his mistake.

"You didn't do anything wrong." Lufa touched her head.

The envy in Yuhua and Carmila's beautiful eyes is almost overflowing!

I just regretted why I didn’t take a step faster just now!

"Let's go."

Lufa smiled.

Ignore the shocked looks of people around you.

Went to the restaurant in front.

It was already afternoon when we returned to the armory.

Lufa sat on the boss's chair.

"Look what we got this time!"

I can’t wait to think back on this harvest!

Random monster capsule.

Based on the information in your mind.

You can randomly get a monster capsule that can be summoned individually.

It's just because it's a capsule.

The strength is definitely not as good as the original version.

"Draw again later and look at other rewards." Lufa said.

In fact, I felt a little panicked.

What if a bad monster comes out?

It will be fun when Pigeon comes out.

That's why he chose to put it off for now.

Lick the fruit.

There's nothing to say about this.

Charlotte Perospero's Devil Fruit in One Piece...

It can turn anyone it comes into contact with into candy, and it can also turn candy into any shape.

Lufa didn't even know why this thing was called licking fruit.

Take it out and look at it.


It's really candy-shaped.

"Is this the fruit that can make people stronger?" Yuhua, who was massaging Lufa from behind, looked at the fruit in his hand in surprise.

Pretty face blushed.

"So, is it time to import fruits again?"

The big eyes were full of anticipation, and he subconsciously licked his lips, obviously impatient.

The little thoughts are clearly visible.

Imported sugar?

what is that?

Carmilla and Sai'er looked confused.

"No, I'm not interested in eating this." Lufa shook his head.

"All right……"

Yuhua's face was immediately filled with disappointment!

Just don't be too obvious.

I originally thought that I could relive the feeling of that day with Lufa!

Although the fruit is a bit unpalatable.

But once imported with Lufa.

She immediately felt much sweeter!


Thinking of that feeling, Yuhua's heart began to feel hot again unconsciously.

Take out your mobile phone and immediately place an order for fifty pounds of fruit and fifty pounds of bananas!

Today she wants to feed Lufa as much imported fruit as possible! ! !

Definitely not because I want to!

It’s just that I’ve been having a hard time watching Lufa lately, so I just want to reward him!

Yeah, that's it!

Yuhua nodded and found a good reason for herself!

Lufa smashed his mouth, feeling a little thirsty.

"Hey Carmila, give me a glass of water!"


Carmilla was about to have a fit.


But why is her body so happy? ! ! ! !

Feeling the heart that seems to be getting hotter and hotter.

Carmila still swallowed her words of rejection!

The body even involuntarily brought a glass of water to Lufa.

Lufa grabbed the glass and drank it without even looking at Carmilla.

He treated her like a maid.

He had no intention of targeting Carmilla.

But as a giant of light, he had to punish Carmilla for the bad things she had done!

And looking at Carmilla, she seemed quite happy.

Carmilla's body trembled slightly unconsciously.

She felt that she was angry.

But the expression on her face was excitement! ! ! !

Saier distanced herself from her in disgust.

What a pervert, this woman.

Lufa focused on the last epiphany.

The evil form! ! !

This form does not need any introduction!

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