Is New Saurus going to be solved?

Mebius and others were refreshed!

When he felt that Lufa must take action personally to deal with the new Saurus.

He held down the head of the illusion of Phoenix Hero Mebius.

Bend his waist.

It's like when people are turned into basketballs in Zhou Xingchi's movie - The Variety Star.

The phantom body of Phoenix Hero Mebius was also bent into a big ball by Lufa.

Mebius's heart suddenly skipped a beat!


Lufa threw him directly!

at the same time!

The entire body of Phoenix Hero Mebius's illusion burned with ultra-high-temperature flames. The temperature was even higher than that of a Super Ultra Bomb!

Dream Bim Phoenix!

It's the Mombius bomb used by Mebius in Phoenix Hero form!

A skill that first releases all the energy in the body, transforming one's body into burning energy of fire, and then hits the enemy like a flame!


This skill...

Now he was thrown out by Lufa as a basketball? ? ?


Mebius's mentality is broken! ! ! !

Lufa stop!

Then what he is talking about is Menbeam Phoenix, not basketball! ! !

(Thanks to 18535.. readers for the huge 100VIP point reward!).

Chapter 111 Ace’s mentality collapsed: That’s a guillotine, not a butcher’s knife! ! !


Buzz—! ! ! !

Now Mebius's head can be said to be buzzing, as if Taro used an Ultra Bomb directly in his ear, and his brain has lost the ability to think!

The mentality explodes!

The kind that's really explosive! ! !

Damn it! ! ! !

The illusion of his Phoenix Warrior form was actually thrown by Lufa like a basketball? ? ? ?

What kind of weird way is this used? ? ?

You must know that the Phoenix Warrior form is a form born from the fusion of him, Hikari and everyone on the guys team, and the bond of friendship!

Friendship bonds!

Not chicken love! ! ! !

When he saw this form, he felt quite complicated and burst into tears.

At this time, all the feelings in my heart were ruthlessly crushed by Lu Fa!

The illusion of the Phoenix Brave Mebius turned into a fireball in the middle and hit the new Saurus' body hard.

Mushroom cloud-shaped flames instantly shot up into the sky, clearing the clouds for dozens of miles around, turning the sky into crimson. The heat wave ripples violently impacted in all directions like a tsunami, blowing away countless sand, dust and gravel on the ground. Roll up.

New Saurus was also drowned in flames!

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive blessings: energy purity +110, defense +120! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

【You got a random monster capsule! 】

[You get the licking fruit and are free from all side effects because of the blessing of Mother Earth! 】

The whole city was thrown into a state of carnival!

The guys team was also relieved.

Especially Hibino Mirai and Hokuto Seiji.

after all.

At that time, I saw the four dark kings appearing at the same time.

Plus they lose their ability to transform.

I thought the earth was going to face an unprecedented crisis!

But I didn’t expect it.

This Ultra warrior named Lufa wiped them out so easily!

Even the new Saurus couldn't last more than a few seconds in his hands!

This also made them feel a sense of frustration.

Is this the difference caused by different levels?

They sealed Saurus at the cost of his transformation ability.

After evolving, he can't survive even a minute in Lufa's hands!

"Master Lufa, we also..."

Grigio had just planned to go back with Lufa.


Boom——! ! !

The sky was suddenly covered with unusual dark clouds, and lightning flashed and thundered inside. The color of the lightning turned out to be blood red, as if every lightning bolt contained extreme resentment, which made people feel creepy unconsciously.

Even Shin Hayata and the others are like this!

This dark cloud gave them a very bad feeling!


Beidou Xingsi's expression changed.

"Could it be..."

"I said it would eventually come to Earth!"

"It's just that four of my subordinates were defeated, which makes you so arrogant!"

"It's time for you to see what the real horror is!!!"

A dark figure slowly emerged from the dark clouds and floated in the sky.

It didn't create the slightest momentum.

Not even a sound was made.

But the expressions of Beidou Xingsi and others suddenly became frightened!

Without him!

The person coming is none other than Ampera! ! !

The Great Emperor of Darkness!

The tyrant who launched the Ultra War 10,000 years ago, causing heavy casualties to the Kingdom of Light and almost destroying the Kingdom of Light! ! !

"Kid, tell me your name."

The Ampera star's eyes fell on Lufa.

The tone was full of arrogance, as if there was no room for doubt.

In his opinion.

Lufa's strength is pretty good.

It's worth killing him when he knows his name!

This is the Ampera star.

Haughty and arrogant!



But the Anpera star does have the capital to be arrogant!

Lufa did not respond.

His eyes were fixed on the Anpera star, and his energy had begun to mobilize.

Just when he was about to make a move.

At this moment.

"Wake up, all the superhumans in the universe, I am Sha... I am Ultraman Taro." !"

A red ball of light fell from the sky and landed on the ground!

The Ultra Horn on his head attracted attention.

Who else could it be if not Old Six Taro?

"You are? "

When he saw Lufa and Grigio, he was still a little surprised.

But there was no time to think about it.

He didn't forget his mission this time!

He stretched out his hand.

Four energy burst out from his hand instantly and poured into the bodies of the four people of Hokuto Seiji!

Feeling their energy restored, the four people of Hokuto Seiji were surprised!

Immediately took out their own transformation devices.

Or use telekinesis.

As the bright light burst out, four figures appeared!

Seven, Ace, the first generation, Jack!

At the same time.

Under Zoffy's leadership, Shingo Sakami also turned into an Ultraman!

The six Ultra brothers, gather together!!!

"It's the six Ultra brothers!"

"Ahhhhhh! They're back, they're all back!"

"I heard from my father that the six Ultra brothers protected the earth many times. Without them, we would all be finished!"

"Me too! But... is Ultraman Ace here too? "

"Ahem, have you heard that story from your father?"

"Well... it is said that Ultraman Ace almost killed Astra!"

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