The thought of this!

Mebius's enthusiasm for receiving Leo's flying kick back then has returned!

Extreme high-temperature flames burst out all over the body!

It rushed towards New Saurus like an inverted meteor, and it flashed in front of it in a flash of lightning.

"Burning Membius Spin Kick!"

The moment he stepped on New Saurus.

Mebius's body began to spin rapidly!

Just like an auger!

It drilled crazily into the new Saurus' skin, leaving a charred pit!


New Saurus's eyes flashed with rich energy and turned to emit two blue rays of light!

Killer evil eye ray!

Membius quickly dodged the blow.

But that's why.

Two rays of light went straight towards the Phoenix Assault above and behind him!

The expressions of Zhen Na and others suddenly changed.

"Get out of the way!!"

With his elite driving skills, he barely managed to dodge the two attacks.

They just breathed a sigh of relief!

The new Saurus fired biological missiles all over the sky again, dragging their trajectories towards them!

The faces of Aihara Ryu and others suddenly turned pale!


Mebius wants to help.

But because of the excessive energy consumption, the wound was involved as soon as he made any movement!

at this time!

A silver-red figure appeared.

The king's cloak and stars appeared on him at the same time.

As Lufa flicked his cloak!

A vast ripple of energy immediately washed out of him.

Boom boom boom——

The missiles launched by New Saulus exploded one after another, bursting into flames one after another in the sky, it was so spectacular!


Kizumi, Mariina and other guys team members were all dumbfounded!

So many missiles.

It was solved by just waving his hand? !


"Zo Fei, who is he?" Shingo Osui muttered silently.

At this time, because he was helped by Zuo Fei, Zuo Fei chose him as a human body while he was on earth.

The two usually communicate with each other no matter what happens.

"I don't know either……"

Sophie replied:

"However, it is obvious that his strength has exceeded our knowledge!"

"And he actually still has the king's cloak and stars!"

"They must not be a threat to us, they are just friends!"

Those who can get stars are as promising as him!

Definitely not an evil person!


New Saurus roared, and all six tentacles on his body simultaneously released a red beam!

"New Saurus?"

"Even though you have been strengthened by the Absolute particles, you still have no idea of ​​letting me take action."

Lufa said calmly.


Lufa snapped his fingers.


Blue and red energy burst out in front of him instantly!

A blue, red, and gold figure appeared in front of Lufa.

"Mebius Phoenix Hero Form, Gamma Illusion!"

! ! ! ! ! ! !

A moment!

The whole place exploded! ! ! !

Membius stared at the figure in front of Lufa, his expression could be said to be extremely unbelievable, his breathing was rapid, and his adrenaline was soaring!

An illusion in the form of the Phoenix Hero? ? ? ?

How did Lufa do this? !

To know.

The Phoenix Hero Mebius is the form that was born and fused under the bonds of him, Hikari and everyone on Team Guys!

Even they themselves cannot transform freely!

Can Lufa even use the power of his idealism as he wishes? !

At this moment, in the eyes of Mebius, Lufa is as mysterious as the King of Ultra!

Staring at this figure that has appeared countless times in dreams.

Tears burst out in Membius's eyes unconsciously!

Like the crying meme from the future.

The light particles flow out like a waterfall!

Very exaggerated.

Ryu Aihara, Mirai Hibino and others from the guys team were also extremely surprised!

They always feel that this form of Mebius is very familiar.


It’s like they feel themselves inside!

It seemed like I had seen it somewhere.

But I searched through the memories in my mind and couldn’t remember where I had seen it!

Still, their gut told them so.

Mebius in this form is full of hope!

The fighting style is also full of flame-like friendship bonds!

The six beams of New Saurus shine on the illusion of Phoenix Mebius at the same time.

The latter not only did not escape.

Instead, he placed his hands on his waist and raised his chest.

In everyone's surprised eyes.

The moment the Phoenix Hero Mebius' illusion was hit, the beam returned to its original path as if in fear!

Light bounces!

A miraculous ability created by the bond between Mebius, Hikari and humans!

In the original work, Mebius relied on this move to deflect the Rezolim light from the Ampera planet!

The six beams of light bounced towards New Saurus, causing its whole body to burst into majestic flames, reaching a height of hundreds of meters and submerging half of its body!

Make it howl in pain!

Then the dream of the Phoenix Hero Mebius and the knight's aura on both wrists of the illusion extended the lightsaber at the same time.

Form a two-sword flow!

Phoenix twin lightsabers! ! !

Mebius 577 has never been used in the main drama.

But the settings are real!

His figure stepped out of the ground and arrived in front of New Saurus almost instantly.

His body shape is as fast as blue-red lightning!


The light of the sword flashes!

The six tentacles of New Saurus were cut off instantly!

Let it let out a miserable howl that echoes through the sky.

Just when Mebius was excited, he was thinking about taking advantage of the victory and getting rid of the new Saurus.

Mebius's face changed!


Terrifying dark energy suddenly condensed between the giant jaws of the lower body of New Saurus!

With a roar, a beam of light of hundreds of meters shot out. The sea under its feet was instantly evaporated, the exposed ground cracked, and the space was rippled!

Saurus' ultimate blast!

New Saurus’ strongest skill!

The energy of the Mebius aura and the Knight's aura on both wrists of Phoenix Dreambius Illusion are mobilized at the same time!

Then he formed a cross with his hands.

Half of the golden light from the Dream Beam ray, and the other half from the blue light of the Knight ray, shot out!

Dream Beam Knight Ray!

Phoenix Hero Mebius's special move with light!

The moment it comes into contact with the new Savrus attack, it will be blasted away!

"It's time to settle the battle."

Lufa finished.

The illusion of Phoenix Hero Mebius returned to him.

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