Tartarus suddenly blasted out a blast of absolute destruction with both hands, with a diameter of a hundred meters. The ground was overturned wherever it went, and the energy fluctuations were terrifying!

"Brother Lufa!" Gricho shouted in panic.

Lufa's eyes narrowed.

"King's Silence."

As soon as the words fell.

A phantom exuding a majestic aura that made Tartarus' breath stop suddenly appeared!

! ! ! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The moment he saw the phantom, Absolut of Tartarus's heart began to beat wildly, as if it was about to jump out of his throat, and his pupils expanded rapidly as if he had been injected with adrenaline!

Lufa actually summoned...

King of Ultra? ! ! ! ! !


quiet--! ! !

The entire monster cemetery fell into an eerie silence, and you could hear a pin drop!

Even the monsters and undead originally made ferocious roars, but now they are extremely quiet. Even though they are just unconscious souls, looking at the phantom of the Ultra King in front of Lufa, they suddenly became quiet and even My body started to visibly tremble!

Even if it's just a phantom.

It also made them react so exaggeratedly!

Even Tartarus and the new generation looked at Lufa in broad daylight as if they had seen a ghost.

Lufa him...

Actually summoned the Ultra King? ! ! ! !

Want to know who the King of Ultra is?

That is the true god-like existence of their Kingdom of Light!

They all know the skill "King's Silence", it is the defensive skill of the Ultra King!

··········Ask for flowers·········

But who can tell them? ! !

Why did the King of Silence used by Lufa even come out in person, the King of Ultra! ?

Jade's heart was filled with waves!

Lufa's previous illusion of summoning Glory Cerro was already incredible and unbelievable to him.

Now it seems.

That’s nothing at all! ! !

Lufa can even summon the King of Ultras to open his shield and protect Lufa himself!


The hands of the Ultra King's phantom held up a golden barrier.

Tartarus' attack fell on it.

Not even a trace was left.

It's like it has never existed!

But the Ultra King did not disappear.

After Lufa snatched the golden circular barrier from his hand, it turned into light particles and dissipated.

What does he want to do? ?

Tartarus suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

as expected!

The next second!

Lufa directly threw the circular golden barrier like a Frisbee!

"I'll blanch!!!"

Seeing this scene, Taiga and others couldn't hold back for an instant and couldn't calm down at all!

Can the barrier also be used as a light wheel? ? ?

What kind of hardcore use is this? ? ?

I’ve never heard of a barrier being used like this!

Not to mention that this barrier is not an ordinary barrier, it is the barrier of the Ultra King!

It stands to reason that it is full of majesty and sacredness.

But why did it change in Lufa's hands?

How could there be an Ultraman in this world who uses barriers like this? ? ?

Taiga and the others said they didn't understand, but they were shocked!

The golden barrier made a whistling sound that broke through the air, and ripples appeared in the space wherever it went. It suddenly trembled, as if it would be cut into pieces by this barrier, which was terrifying!

..... ... 0

Tartarus was startled.

He suddenly grabbed the Baxter and Dark Gricho next to him and blocked them in front of him.


“Tartarus I@…#@¥#*!!!”

The Baxter star stared angrily.

A golden light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone fell to the ground at the same time as Dark Grigio.

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive a blessing: Energy Purity +66! 】

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive a blessing: Mental Power +66! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have obtained the Truth Teliga Spark Doll! 】

"Anyway, I originally planned to use that guy to deal with you."

"Since you took the initiative to deliver it to my door, I can only thank you for saving me so much effort!"

Tartarus appeared next to Boy as if teleporting.

Take the demon fragment from his hand.

Throw it to Rebertus.

"Do it!"

Raibert suddenly understood.

Take out all the demon fragments collected previously.

Chanting a mantra.

The power of the demon fragments poured into his body.

The ultimate combat instrument appears!

"He actually resurrected the ultimate battle instrument?!" Geed said in shock.

Reberts excitedly held the ultimate combat device.

"I am the strongest Leonix!!"

A wave of his hand.

The dead souls of Zeuda and Morde suddenly appeared.

He rushed towards Gina who looked surprised.


Gina let out a heart-rending roar.

The dark energy gradually increases.


Until it completely explodes!

Gina's figure was replaced by a white figure!

His appearance is the same as that of Molde, except that he seems to be wearing white armor, and the armor on his shoulders is actually the heads of Zeuda and Gina!

The temperament is more ferocious and domineering!

The one who once ruled the entire universe and was born out of the mistakes of the universe——

The phantom-fused Great Demon Emperor, Gua! ! !

Complete body! !

The moment they saw him, Yinhe and others could no longer calm down!

Feeling the sense of oppression and darkness that is not inferior to Grimd.

The new generation just feels like they can’t breathe!

Reberts smiled.


Something strange happened to his body.

"How, how could it be possible!?"


Howl of pain.

It turned into loose sand and dispersed in an instant.

"It seems you are not qualified." Tartarus said softly.

Pick up the Ultimate Battle Instrument on the ground.


Laughing happily.

Pointing his hand, he mocked:

"Enjoy it, Lufa."

"You like brutal fighting methods, don't you? I'll let you be brutal enough today!"

"The premise is... you have the strength!"

As he said that, he immediately opened a Nalak and walked in.

Gua is uncontrollable.

Even he is afraid of it.

Ultraman Lufa.

this time.

It seems that the one who is being treated cruelly will be you~!

(Thanks to 13722.. and Feilu Book Fans 5903175 readers for their huge monthly votes, and 18535.. for the huge 100 VIP points reward!) Er.

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