Upon seeing this, Orb and Ax hurriedly kicked Rebertus away and came to support him.

But as Tartarus stretched out his hand, the absolute destruction in the form of a ball of light shot out, instantly blasting them away from the flames.

"New Generation Barrier!"

Rob stretched out his hands, and behind him, the phantoms of Galaxy, Victory, Ax, Orb, and Geed suddenly appeared.

Release the galactic penetration ray, Victrim ray, Zanadim ray, Origim ray and cross shock wave at the same time!

Five rays of light hit Tartarus at the same time.

Even if these phantoms are not as powerful as the original ones.

But the output is not much different.

But even so.

With Tartarus reaching out.

A barrier appears.

He actually resisted the attack of this light with one hand!

He turned around and blasted out a dozen or so light balls of absolute destruction with his hands.

Countless flames burst out instantly to form a wall of fire. Rob disintegrated in the flames and flew upside down. The colored timer flashed and he suffered heavy damage!

Don't underestimate Tartarus' attack.

In Regulus.

Regulus, who had just finished activating the plug-in, was directly knocked out by an absolute destructive energy bullet from Tartarus.

Now more than a dozen energy bombs fell on Brother Rob's body.

It would be strange if it didn't disintegrate.

the other side.

Watching Dark Grigio being dealt with by Grigio.

He immediately released a beam of absolute destruction at the latter!


Rob panicked.

Even they could not withstand Tartarus's attack.

If Grigio was hit.

It is possible to be beaten into light particles on the spot!


A space passage appeared in their field of vision!

Shoots a beam of absolute destruction.

Shatters Tartarus' attack into pieces.

The cloak of silver on the outside and red on the inside sways, making its owner fierce and powerful. The Star Medal on the chest shines with light, making the undead monsters in the monster cemetery look intimidated!

If it wasn’t Lufa, who else could it be?


Taiga and others were shocked the moment they saw him appear!

They were on a mission outside to collect demon fragments and didn't know about Lufa.

That's why I was so shocked when I saw Lufa opening the space channel and using Absolute Destruction.

What makes them even more incredible is that.

Lufa actually has a king's cloak and stars! ! !

What happened in their absence? ?

Zero didn't even get these when he saved the Kingdom of Light!

"Luffa, it's time for us to come to an end!" Tartarus rushed out.

The figure is like a golden stream of light.

Came to Lufa.

A blast from both hands will cause absolute destruction.

"Finish it?"

"That depends on whether you have the ability!"

Lufa's figure immediately began to spin.

It turned into a Saka storm and instantly shattered the golden light.

Then he hit Tartarus hard and pushed him away.

"Phantom Beast Overlord Fist!"

The emblems of the Six-Colored Cosmic Beast Fist suddenly appeared everywhere on Lufa's body.

But Lufa was not released.

Instead, focus the energy on your fist.

With one step of his foot, terrifying ripples of air erupted visible to the naked eye. Lufa was instantly in front of Tartarus and punched through his chest!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Tartarus screamed.

New generation:? ? ? ? ?

Gina:? ? ?

This guy is Ultraman? ? ? ?

Especially Yinghe, they were all confused.

They were not familiar with Lufa and had not even spoken a few words. They only knew that he was a magic genius.

You call this a magic genius? ?

Punch through other bodies!

Is he a mage? ?

Turning around, Lufa didn't pull out his fist.

"Noah hellfire!——"

A one-trillion-degree flame suddenly spurted out and poured fiercely into Tartarus' body!

Tartarus's wound suddenly made a sizzling sound.

"Don't get carried away!"

Tartarus unleashed absolute destruction in anger.

Lufa ducked sideways.

Looking at the Absolute particles on his hands.

He shook his hands with a disgusted look on his face.

"It's dirty for me. Clean it up quickly!"

Lufa drew the ultimate blade.

"That's it!?" Taiga was stunned.

Isn't that the holy sword passed down from his grandmother's family? ?

How could it be in Lufa's hands! ?

The ultimate blade turned into the shape of a watermelon knife in Lufa's hands.

Tartarus was startled.

He hurriedly released Absolute Execution to force him to retreat.

Golden lightning struck Lufa's body.

Let him only use the barrier to resist.

Tartarus smiled triumphantly.

"You are still just a brat, with combat experience..."

Phew——! ! !

The "watermelon knife" entwined with the king's spark penetrated his body.

Tartarus lowered his head in disbelief.

Look at the road ahead.

It actually dissipated like particles.

Noah Phantom!

Lufa grabbed Tartarus's shoulder with his left hand, and stabbed him with a watermelon knife in his right hand.

Golden liquid particles continue to spurt out!

Lufa took back the ultimate blade.

Rub your hands together as if you were washing them under the tap.

Then his hands became even more golden!

He then inserted both hands into Tartarus' body.

The Aurora Power began to rapidly absorb Tartarus' energy!

It was so huge that even Lufa's whole body emitted the golden light that Tartarus had when he was kryptonian!

After finally breaking free from Lufa.

Tartarus found that his body was actually fixed.

He turned and flew upwards uncontrollably.

Reijido's mental power!

Dark Zagi could easily control it.

Not to mention normal Tartarus.

As Lufa pressed his hand down casually.


Tartarus' body suddenly fell to the ground like a golden meteorite.

Boom——!!! !!!

A large pit with a radius of several miles suddenly appeared in the monster cemetery, and cracks as dense as spider webs appeared, and thick smoke rolled like clouds, as spectacular as the roar of mountains and rivers!

Taiga and the others were stunned for a moment.

Is this the Lufa they know? ? ?

Who is Tartarus?

He is the ultimate life form!

Why is Lufa beating him like a watermelon seller?

"Asshole, you actually sneak attack!?"

Tartarus's forehead veins bulged and throbbed slightly.

"You are the only one who can sneak attack, right?"

"You are looking for death!!"

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