"Undead Fusion!!!"

His figure turned into a twisted indescribable substance.

Merged with the Super Grant King of the Undead!

In an instant.

The latter's energy soared dozens of times!

Super Grant King's strength is already abnormal.

In the fight with Victory.

Fighting with Leo, Astra, Ace, Ginga, and Victory, he completely crushed them!

All aspects of his attributes far surpass all previous Grant Kings!

Even Ginga and Mebius could not cause any damage to him even with their full efforts.

Even Ginga Victory was disintegrated with one shot.

This is just the Super Grant King of the Undead created by Zoda alone.

Not to mention that he and Mord have merged after receiving a large amount of Absolut Particles.

And then merged with the Super Grant King!

It's simply superimposed, superimposed, and superimposed!

"Taro" and the other six rushed out towards the Super Grant King of the Undead.

Mold's grim laugh was heard.


"You dare to let them play!"

"Do you think they can fuse into Super Taro?"

As soon as the words fell.

"Zoffy" and the other five immediately reached out to the Ultra Horn of "Taro".

Energy was immediately emitted from the timer.

In a flash.

The five figures disappeared!

"Taro"'s power instantly increased dozens of times!

"Super Taro"! ! !

"Can they really fuse????" Taro was extremely shocked, and his heart seemed to be shocked as if a thousand-meter wave had been set off.

You know, the fusion between him and his brothers is not just the gathering of energy.

Bonds are also indispensable!

It stands to reason that the Spark Doll has no consciousness after being materialized, and it is impossible to become a super form!

"Super Taro" was burning with raging flames.

Rushed towards Super Grant King.

Super Ultra Bomb!

Boom——! ! ! !

The moment he hugged it, he ignited all his energy. A mushroom cloud instantly appeared on the ruins of the Gua Empire, and the thick smoke was rolling and boiling like a tsunami!


"It's useless, my Super Undead King is immortal!"

The fragments of Super Undead King's body that were blown apart re-condensed with the emergence of huge undead soul power.

And "Super Taro" also turned back to the state of a spark doll because of excessive energy consumption.

Taro's heart sank.

Their current energy is not enough to transform into Super Taro again.

What should he do.


It's not like Super Undead King won't fight back.

The attack of an ordinary King of Undead can even destroy the Earth, Mars, and Jupiter in a straight line at once!

Just when Taro was thinking about how to get rid of the opponent.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better to leave you without even a trace of dregs?"

"Well, although you are not worth my personal effort!"


Does Lufa want to use firepower to blow up the Undead King of Grant?

This is a good idea.

But he won't do it himself.

What does this mean?

Just when Taro and others were confused.

"Light Thunderstorm Energy!"

Lufa once again threw the Super Taro Spark Doll in his hand at the Undead Super Grant King!

"Be careful of the grenade!"

White lightning flashed, and "Super Taro" appeared again, using the Super Ultra Bomb to hit the Undead Super Grant King!

Boom! ! !

A huge flame in the shape of a mushroom cloud suddenly erupted.

"Super Taro" ran out of energy and turned back into a Spark Doll and returned to Lufa's hand.


"Be careful of the grenade!"


"Be careful of the grenade!"

Boom! !

"Be careful of the grenade!"

"Be careful of the grenade, be careful of the grenade, be careful of the grenade, be careful of the grenade, be careful of the grenade!!"

Lufa once again activated the infinite grenade plug-in that he used when he used Seiga Plasma.

Super Taro Spark Doll materialized and used the Super Ultra Bomb to hit the Undead Super Grant King!

Over and over again!

In just a few tens of seconds, Lufa exploded more than a dozen times!

Boom boom boom! ! ! ————

The roars continued and were deafening, as if it was the roar of the heavens, and like the sad song of the nine underworld. The huge fireball formed a dense firepower network, covering the enemy. The molten steel splashed, and the flying sparks were like a weird fire dragon, with its fangs and claws, devouring everything!

The space trembled wildly, and even made a clanging sound, as if it was about to collapse!

In an instant.

The mentality of Taro and the other six collapsed!

Nima! ! ! ! !

Lufa, stop it!

That's the Super Taro Spark Doll, not the grenade in the game!

Seeing that the Super Grant King of the Undead had no residue left, the energy fluctuations of the Gu brothers completely disappeared.

Taro pinched his face, and his whole face seemed to be a little distorted!

Damn it! ! ! !

You know!

Super Taro is the face of the Kingdom of Light, one of the strongest fighters!

When they were guarding the Earth.

It's not that they haven't seen others play shooting games.

But they never expected it.

In Lufa's hands, the Super Taro Spark Doll is like an infinite grenade!

At this moment, Taro and the others deeply felt the pain of Zero!

This is the Super Taro Spark Doll!

If it falls into the hands of any cosmic person, they will definitely worship it as a national treasure...

Instead of throwing it around like a grenade! ! !

Could it be that Super Taro, who is the top combat force in the universe, is just like a grenade in Lufa's hands?

I'm so angry!

It's really possible!

Taro and his friends were extremely complicated!

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get a blessing:...! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and you get energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! ]

[You suddenly realized the ultimate blade! ]

"Go back, go back?" Ace said with a twitch in his mouth.


Taro and his friends nodded.

Then Lufa directly opened a space channel.

Back to the Kingdom of Light.

Lufa turned around and said, "Master Ace, seniors, I won't go back. It feels like I haven't been back to that Earth for a long time. I want to..."

"Well, go ahead!"

Ace nodded.

He knew that Lufa wanted to go back so soon because of Jiehua.

It's great to be young.

He has already missed Nan Xizi.

He doesn't want that to happen to his apprentice again.

Lufa nodded vigorously.




As the space channel opened.

Before Lufa could react, the soft jade fell into his arms.

There was no way, Jiehua's sin was too great.

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