There was no emotion on Molde's face?

The next second!

In the shocked eyes of Taylor and others.

Super King Gurant's body actually condensed again.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"The current Super King Grant is different from the past!"

"How many undead monsters there are, how many times can he be resurrected!"


"How could..." The expressions of Taylor and others suddenly became horrified.

at this time.

"Ah, Master Ace, are you here too?"

A voice sounded.

Look up.

Ashton was extremely surprised.


About to speak.

But the moment he saw the six red spark dolls in Lufa's hand.

The expressions of the six Taylors were in disbelief for a moment, and their hearts were filled with turmoil!

I blanch? ! ! ! !

Where did this damn spark puppet come from? ? ? Son.

Chapter 79 Lufa stop! That's a Super Taro Spark Doll, not a grenade! ! !

Is that a spark puppet in Lufa’s hand? ? ? ?


The six Taylors were all stunned!

You know, the Spark Doll is the product of Dark Lukiel's use of Dark Spark to turn all creatures in the universe into dolls!

And the key to all this is the dark spark!

But there is definitely no Lufa.

After all, there is no dark aura about him.

That is to say...

These spark dolls are like the King's Hammer Noah's Wings. Are they created by Lufa out of thin air? ? ? ?

Blanch! ! !

Originally, they thought Luigi El's ability to use dark sparks to turn people into dolls was terrifying enough!

But it’s nothing in front of Lufa! ! !

Lufa directly made the Spark Doll!

It’s just that they know it.

Molde doesn't understand the method.

Looking at the spark puppet in his hand, he laughed out loud.

"Master Ace?"

"Is this guy Ace's apprentice?"

"Hahahahaha, what a little kid, actually holding a toy to participate in the battle!"

"I didn't expect that Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light would turn into such a fool with underdeveloped IQ! I need to educate you."

Smiling ferociously, holding the bat ax in hand, he rushed towards Lufa!

Deal with this kid.

There is no need for the undead Super King Grant to take action at all!

He alone is enough!

"Just right, I'll use you as an experiment!"

Lufa threw six spark puppets directly into the air!

Hear what he said.

Taylor and others twitched their mouths.

Now Molde is in an incomplete Gua state.

Although the strength is definitely not as good as the complete body.

But it should not be underestimated!

In the end, in Lufa's eyes, he was just an experiment? ? ?


"Thunderstorm energy of light!"

As Lufa stretched out his hand.

White thunder and lightning suddenly fell from the sky, shining on the spark puppet.

The next second!

Six figures suddenly appeared!

It's "Zoffie", "First Generation", "527 Jack", "Ace", "Tero", and "Seven"!

Molde's expression suddenly became extremely surprised.

“Is this a real Spark Doll???”


Aren't the Ultra Brothers right next to you?

Where did these spark dolls come from? ?

In his daze.

"Chen Haonan, Pheasant, Liangkun, Crow, Huaqiang, and Baopi, serve them to me!" Lu Fa ordered.

Taylor:? ? ? ? ?

Damn it!

Who is Lufa calling out for being full of skin? !

The next second.

His and Ace's scalps started to feel numb!

I saw that the arms, foreheads, chests and even backs of the six "Taro" people all had cosmic fantasy beast emblems, each of them had six types!

Lufa's Space Fantasy Beast Fist!

Then a watermelon knife condensed into one person's hand!

Lufa's light energy control ability is at full level!

All of a sudden.

Taylor and the others are numb!


This is too blanched! ! ! !

Damn it, these spark dolls materialized by Lufa can actually use the Space Fantasy Beast Fist, there are six more types!

How on earth is this done? ?

Lufa waved his hand and made his puppet learn six kinds of cosmic beast fists?

Now they only think that those Phantom Beast Fist masters and Leo are like clowns!

Taro even wanted to be Lufa's Spark Doll!


Don't know why.

Looking at the six figures covered in tattoos.

Why do they think the tattoo is quite suitable and doesn't feel out of place at all?


Molde raised his bat ax and was about to swing out a slashing wave.

But the body was tightly restrained from behind by "Seven", "Zoffie", "First Generation", and "Jack".

"Ace" raised his watermelon knife.

Puff, puff, puff —! ! ! !

Crazy stabbed Molde in the abdomen.

"Sarilang! Sarilang! Sarilang!!!!" Taylor exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" Zuo Fei and others looked at Lao Liu in confusion.

Taylor scratched his head: "I don't know, I just couldn't help shouting when I saw this scene."

Liquid-shaped dark energy spurted out from Molde's belly.

He now has severe pain in his abdomen and is a little messy at the same time!

Damn it!

What happened to the Ultraman summoned by this kid? ? ?

More powerful than the Ultra Brothers themselves!

Struggling to get rid of the people behind him.

Chopping "Ace" away fiercely.

"The Ultra Brothers are no match for me, and the fake ones transformed by the Spark Dolls are no match for me either!!"

Mold roared.


A silver hand was stuffed into his mouth!

"Zoffy" directly shot out M87 beams!

Bang, bang, bang! !

Explosions sounded inside Molde's body!

His voice and Zoda's voice mixed together and made a hideous howl.

Then "Zoffy" kicked Molde to the ground with one foot!

"Ace" and several others quickly held him down.

"Taro" sat on Molde's body.

Atomic punches were fired like machine guns!

"You forced me to do it!!!"

Mold roared, urging the Absolute particles in his body, and the golden energy shock wave burst out instantly, shocking "Taro" and the six people back!

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