"Brother, aren't you going home?" Looking at the person who was pulling him towards the school, he wondered, and what was going on with the group of people next to him? Is it my brother's classmate?

"Well, if you want to practice Xi match, you will go home with me later!" Hmph, sister, you wait well, my brother will avenge you later...

Playing a practice Xi? "Well, I see..."

"Limo, how's the new school?" It's better to say it quickly, so that I can take you to Lihai University and my school, it's better than being abducted here for no reason!

"Nothing... Very ordinary! "Keep going....

Ordinary??? It's so careless,

Ordinary? Hehe, Mo Xuesang seems that today's purpose has not been achieved, but it doesn't matter, it will be very exciting in the future, thinking that the lily behind Fuji will bloom a large piece...

??? Damn, Lan pulled his hat with his other hand: "What about classmates?" "

Schoolmate? The figure was stunned...

Hehe, I really want to know what she thinks of me? Fuji stretched his ears and listened to every move behind him...

Looking at the actions of the two Qingxue, the smile deepened, hehe, it seems that Qingxue has really had a very interesting thing

Schoolmate? Stretching out his hand and putting it to his mouth, he looked up at Echizen Ryoma, who was much taller than him, at the same table? A face popped up in his mind, and the next second his eyes returned to his original position, narrating unusually calmly: "I can only laugh stupidly, like a stupid person, and I think I escaped from the hospital secretly when I am looked at by ordinary people..."

Hehe, what an interesting adjective, Mo Xue Limo... The lily behind Fuji immediately withered, and the surrounding area turned into a strange whirlpool...

A drop of cold sweat, it seems that the days to come....

??? Is there really such a person? Won't it be? Turned his head to look at Fuji Shusuke behind him...

"Hehe, I'm a big man in Lihai..."Yukimura smiled, yes, hehe, it's really funny to describe...

Yukimura continued to remain silent, Lan, are you trying to kill your sister, don't you see the strange atmosphere around Fuji?

What's wrong, how do you feel cold? It's weird....

"Ah, Limo sama..."

"Limo Sama is also very cute today..."

"Eun, kawaii..."

So, the best position on the side of the tennis court, parasols, round tables, chairs, and Limo, who was supported by everyone, sat down elegantly and watched the situation in the court while enjoying the cocoa provided next to her

The public in Lihai was stunned, is the female version of the trace department?

How do you feel like the king of Monkey Mountain? madamadadane! Echizen pulls the hat.

"Akaya, look, the legendary goose-yellow shawl curls..." - Kikumaru.

"Pupils like amber stones..." - Momojo.

"The soft little body is like a snack, kawaii !!" The chorus of Kikumaru and Momojo.

'Bang, bang' Tezuka gave the two of them a love education with a black face: "It's too careless, Chiya, Wenta's training will be doubled after the competition!" "

"Hehe, Tezuka, they seem to be in good spirits!" Fuji smiled.

", triple their training!" Tezuka

"Nene, Lan, I envy your sister... Woooooooooooooo

Marui here was pulled aside by his partner who covered his mouth before he finished speaking, poor child, he was deprived of even the right to speak...

"Hehe, I'm sorry, let everyone see the joke, let's start!" Fuji smiles... Hehe, Limo, let me treat you well later...

"Ahh Sanada endured the black line, but fortunately he didn't transfer to Tachihai Dai...

Hehe, it seems to be very interesting, the idle Yukimura looks at the people who are supported by everyone on the sidelines, and it should be more interesting if he touches the traces of the Ice Emperor...

Yukimura, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, walked over with a smile that fascinated the dead and did not pay for his life: "Hehe, Mo Xuesang..."

??? Put down the cake in your hand and look up at him....

"I'm Yukimura Seiichi, your brother's senior!" Continue to be dangerous....

??? Continue to stare blankly at the creature that suddenly appeared on the opposite side...

After 5 seconds, Yukimura continued to maintain the expression he had just made, and if you look closely, you can see the cracks in the mask...

Limo's head tilted slightly...

"Moe, !!" The pink color around deepened again....

With puzzled eyes, an indifferent expression and a calm voice: "What are you laughing at?" And nothing strange, what a fool! Don't talk to me about boring topics..."Keep your head down and continue to eat your own food.

'Pop' the sound of Yukimura's mask cracking....

The passage of cold winds from Western Siberia ....

"Nene, Lan's sister, this attitude is too much..."Marui puffed out his cheeks and stepped forward....

"Yes, Lan's sister, you won't be able to make friends this way!" Nioh on the other side also stepped forward with an evil smile in line with the principle of teaching the younger sister's younger sister...

What is a friend??? With an indifferent expression: "It doesn't matter, even if you can't make friends, even if it's just me, I..." "

"We will always be with Limo Sama!" Fans...

??? Lihaida was dumbfounded again....

This kid? The look in her eyes just now seemed to be puzzled, and Yukimura and Fuji smiled silently...

Blue's sister? Top glasses, it seems a little...

Blue eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Limo...

Limo, the child, is always quiet, and Limo's eyes always reveal a touch of sadness and indifference...

Limo, this child, doesn't seem to see anything in his eyes...

Limo, this child, doesn't seem to know what kind of existence his relatives are...

That's what my mother told me last night, is that really the case? Limo...

Then pull the hat, hey... ╮(╯▽╰)╭Forget it, what's the use of thinking so much?

Lan stepped forward, squatted in front of her, stared at her with serious eyes, lifted his lips, and said, "Limo, they are my seniors." "

??? Senior? Limo tilted her head slightly, her eyes were full of confusion and incomprehension...

Brother? Putting down the things in his hand, he stood up and just looked at Lan who was squatting on one foot, and it was the first time that he looked at his brother's determined eyes so seriously, his brother's senior? , walked up to them, and bowed: "I'm sorry, I'm Mo Xue Limo, Mo Xue Lan's sister, please advise!" "

??? Why are you so obedient now? Sanada came back to his senses: "Ah, I'm Sanada's senior of Blue, Sanada Koichiro, Lihai University 3rd year Group A." "

"Hehe, I'm Yukimura Seiichi, Limosan!" Jingshi laughed, unexpectedly listened to Blue's words! In the future, Lan will take her to Lihai University, it should be very interesting...

"Everyone, please advise..."

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