A certain year, a certain month, a certain day, a certain time of youth learning

??? Why is the school atmosphere weird today? Why are they chasing me? Since I first entered the school gate, I have been walking around the school several times...

"Limo Sama, please join our baseball club..."

"Limo Sama, join our gardening club..."

"Limo Sama, be sure to join our kendo club..."

Hehe, it's as interesting as the imaginary scene, but I looked at the little figure being chased by everyone and smiled even more brightly, Mo Xue Limo? What a fun kid! "Okay, Echizen, the people of Lihai University are almost here, let's go to the school gate!"

"Ahh Echizen Ryoma glanced sympathetically at the figure being chased by everyone, pressed the hat and followed the person in front of him...

At the school gate, Tezuka looked at the people who got off the bus and stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Yukimura-kun, welcome everyone from Lihai University to Qingxue!" "

"Ahh Okay, hehe" Yukimura held out his hand...

Madamadadane! Mo Xuelan, who just got out of the car, pulls her hat, Limo should be at home now...

Why are you still chasing? No, I don't have the stamina, I'd better go back today, thinking about running to the school gate...

??? Kindness? The figure that ran out? Inserted from the middle of Yukimura and Tezuka and stood in the middle of the school gate.,Who is that not Limo? But what's that black press behind that?

Looking at the people who are getting closer and closer, the smile is a little brighter, hehe, it's really a persistent child...

Hehe, it seems that Qingxue has something interesting? Yukimura looked at Fuji and touched his chin with a smile, it must have something to do with that child, but it seems that our Blue is very nervous about her! What's the relationship?

Tezuka's top eyes have a taste of conspiracy, but what's wrong with Blue? Do you know anyone?

Tezuka's Fuji smile is full of black lines, it's really a terrible bad taste, it's really careless!

"Limo!" Pull the person who was about to run over: "What's wrong?" "

??? "Brother??? Stop and take a few breaths, make sure it's a long breath...

Brother??? There was silence...

Called Brother Blue? Hehe, it's the same as your own guess! Behind Yukimura is a splendid lily....

Tezuka froze.,It turned out to be the blue sister....

Yukimura looked at the girl who was still panting, that blue sister? Why haven't you heard of it before? It's too careless....

"Na, na, Lan has such a cute sister who doesn't even tell her seniors, it's too much!" Marui Bunta leans on Blue's shoulders, it's really cute, like an angel...

"Now, Blue, you're so boring! It's youthful, youthful!! "The jackal is on the other side of the blue, what a cute girl, as cute as the snow demon I watched in the movie yesterday...

"Pain, pain, pain, jackal-senpai, Marui-senpai!" Lan broke free of the two 'things' on his shoulders and pulled his sister to Sanada's side, so that no one would dare to come over...

Sanada is full of black lines, what a carelessness!

"Ah, it's the princes of Lihaida, Limo Sama was caught by them, so isn't it going to their Lihaida? Don't..."

"Eun, we must not let the people of Lihai University snatch our Limo Sama away, Limo Sama join our baseball club!"

"No, Limo Sama is so cute, you must join our music club!"

"It's right to join us as an art club!"


Hehe, it's almost, Fuji put on a Mona Lisa smile and said: "Since it was our tennis club that caught Echizen-san, then Mo Xue Limo is our tennis club, let's disperse!" "

Tennis Club ??? Everyone present looked at the man who smiled softly with a shocked expression.

"Hehe, Mo Xuesang didn't look at the bulletin board? The news promulgated by the student council, which club caught Moxue Limo, and which club Echizen Limo joined! Hehe, I'm sorry, because Mo Xuesang refused to join the club yesterday, it was proposed by the whole school this morning! "Fuji is smiling so brightly...

??? Lihai University Tennis Club ??? Six words are ruthlessly pressed on Limo's head, you are a bad person, staring at the flowers and branches sadly, and the information that you are a bad person is infinitely circulating in your eyes...

"Eh, my sister is a girl!" Lan stared at Fuji on the other side fiercely, hum, bullying girls! What is so glorious

"Hehe, Mo Xuejun is really a noble person, don't you know that there is a mixed doubles match this year?" Mo Xue Blue? What about the unexpected sister control?

"Tezuka-kun, can we start!" Yanagi looked almost the top of his glasses than Ryushi...

“madamadadane!" Echizen pulls the hat....

"Yes, Tezuka," Fuji nodded, and then looked down at Limo: "Moxue Limo, I will officially report to the tennis club next Monday, and there will be a penalty for being late!" "

"Humph!" Don't talk to the bad guys, our kawaii Lijas-chan turned her head unhappily...

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