King of Gods

Chapter 988

Zhao Feng complexion stayed the same, he knew it would happen.

The minister gave him a hundred elite, but gave Xin Wuhen five hundred elite Swordsman.

Xin Wuhen also hesitated for a moment, and then asked, “Zhao Feng, are you a Heater?”

In the maze, his Spiritual Sense cannot even penetrate a steel wall, and the five senses are reduced to the limit.

While Zhao Feng was far away from him, but he could be found, Xin Wuhen felt very strange about it.

Combining this with the attitude of non-player characters towards Zhao Feng’s in the scene, what Xin Wuhen thinks of.

“Only a hundred elite, I can go one step ahead”

Zhao Feng did not answer Xin Wuhen’s words and chose a mountain road directly.

His behind, a hundred elite Swordsman, kept up.

These elite Swordsman are all ordinary Great Emperor Realm, which is well used, which is a super strong Battle Strength.


Xin Wuhen lightly shouted and led another five hundred Swordsman into the other mountain road.

Zhao Feng enters into the moment of the mountain road.

There were strange noises in the skull piles and subterranean mountains.

I saw a humanoid skeleton suddenly popping out of the ground, holding a large sword and shield, with a pair of iron wings behind it, exuding the violent and evil Great Emperor aura.

Immediately after, densely packed ‘Skull Guards’ climbed out of the ground and occupied the entire mountain road.


Zhao Feng runs “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” and integrates ideas into every elite Swordsman, like controlling Demon Beast, controlling this hundred elites, and rushing straight up.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Body”

Zhao Feng’s red Thunder Light wing unfolded behind, running Saint Thunder Tyrant Body, whole body Jin Lei Canguang flickering, turned into a ball of Red Lightning Glow, and rushed out.


Zhao Feng smashed directly into the ‘Skull Guard,’ and the overbearing Saint Thunder Body, crushing dozens of Skeleton Guards directly.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist”

In Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, there was a crisp sound of skeleton. The both fists waved at a strange rhythm, and they fought the Fist Force which was amazing to heaven and earth.

Hu Hongbang

The naked eye saw a huge fist of staggering gold mines, like a metallic Thunder Mountain, brilliant overbearing, terrifying power, and every time attack, it can smash several skull guards.

And Zhao Feng’s elite Swordsman, mainly to clean up both sides, and behind the skull guard, to keep up with Zhao Feng’s pace.

On the two mountain roads, only ten zhang away, Zhao Feng can turn his head and you can see the situation on the other mountain road, Xin Wuhen.

Xin Wuhen walking in the center, five hundred Swordsman, pushed on both sides of the mountain road.

Xin Wuhen waved between his palms, the marvelous ripples of water pushed the skeleton guard in front of him to the sides.

Then, the guards walking on both sides of the mountain road quickly killed the skeleton guards. The cooperation was perfect, the efficiency was high, and the speed was fast.

And how much physical strength and True Yuan was wasted by Xin Wuhen not at all.

“Good Xin Wuhen”

Zhao Feng can’t help.

Xin Wuhen displayed the wonderful Palm Technique, and used Profound Truth of Water to push the skeleton guards on the road as many as possible, and handed it to the elite Swordsman to solve, and brought out the five hundred elite Swordsman’s Battle Strength.

Zhao Feng previously owned the Ice-Water Bloodline, and later cultivate Wind Thunder Of Water, using Profound Truth of Water far less than Xin Wuhen.

“Hmph, Red Thunder Storm”

The red Thunder Light wing behind Zhao Feng, dancing and shaking, and countless Wind Thunder True Yuan surged out, forming a vast Red Thunder Storm.

call out

Zhao Feng, carrying an overbearing terrifying Red Thunder Storm, rushed straight ahead.


Those skeleton guards, before approaching Zhao Feng, were destroyed and pushed away by the powerful Red Thunder Storm.

Zhao Feng quickly moved forward a distance to catch up with Xin Wuhen.

Zhao Feng’s Red Thunder Storm, the attack range is huge, covering the entire mountain road.

In this way, his one hundred elite Swordsman can quickly wipe out other skeleton guards and keep up with Zhao Feng’s.

“Behind this mountain road, I don’t know what kind of enemies and crises can’t leave these elite Swordsman”

Zhao Feng whispering in his heart.

If he had left this hundred Swordsman now, how could he defeat Xin Wuhen with five hundred elite Swordsman.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng has a very delicate control of this hundred Swordsman. Their Battle Strength is far more than three hundred elites.

Xin Wuhen saw the other side, and Zhao Feng quickly overtook him.


The concept of his palms suddenly changed, and a layer of emerald green rays of light surrounded him.

The wound of his behind Swordsman’s all the way, under this layer of emerald green rays of light, was immediately treated.


Xin Wuhen stood to place, waved his palms, and struck a strange Profound Truth ripple into the ground.


Under the road in front of Xin Wuhen, numerous thick vines grew.

The thick dark green vines, surging wildly, crushed some skeleton guards on the subterranean.

Hu hu

The rest of the skeleton guards shook the iron wings and flew in midair.


Xin Wuhen and Elite Swordsman walked on the wood rattan, and as the wood rattan moved, they moved faster.

In the face of the attack of the skeleton guards, all around the wooden rattan surged up very flexibly, entangled, or blocked.

“Sophisticated Wood Type Secrets”

Zhao Feng froze slightly.

Xin Wuhen not only brought to the point of perfection the Profound Truth of Water, Profound Truth of Wood, but also reached the top.

Zhao Feng still remembers that Xin Wuhen in Divine Illusory Space condenses the Five Elements Space Domain.

So to speak, Xin Wuhen’s use of Five Elements Profound Truth may have reached this level.

In the face of such an opponent, Zhao Feng naturally will not hide.


A bright red burning flame light, like a blood-red red glow, haunts Zhao Feng whole body.


Zhao Feng’s entire body is like a fire burning in a bath, the glass is bright red, the whole body glass, and the background of Saint Thunder Body is like a blood flame demon.

A terrifying aura of intense burning, forming a mass of assault flames, spreading away all around, the mountains and forests, the temperature suddenly increased.


Promoted by Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, Zhao Feng doubled his speed, turned into a ball of blood flames and stormed into the skeleton guard in front.

Zhao Feng combined Wind-Thunder of Fire and Blood Devil Sun’s power of inflammation to form red thunder blood.

Suddenly, the scarlet Thunder Light storm all around Zhao Feng’s body was stained with a burst of blood-red sun inflammation, and the power doubled.

Bang pu chi

In a short time, the skeleton guard of Zhao Feng Fangyuan several ten zhang was shrouded in an overbearing flame of red thunder blood, the whole body was lit, and the strength quickly passed.

Chi Chi

Zhao Feng behind Swordsman, quickly followed, with no difficulty to solve them all.


Zhao Feng on the spot left a group of red thunder blood, turned into a bloody remnant, rushed out a few ten zhang, and destroyed and lit a group of skeleton guards again.

However, in the face of these skeleton guards, Zhao Feng’s perfect Blood Devil Sun’s blood-sucking properties can not be exerted. Therefore, Zhao Feng only urged for a while and then stopped, taking some Precious Materials, and regaining the essence of True Yuan.

However, under the speed and eruption of the perfect Blood Devil Sun, Zhao Feng rushed up and quickly opened distance with Xin Wuhen, far beyond his several hundred meters.

“Sure enough, this terrifying overbearing Bloodline should be the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline”

Seeing Zhao Feng, Xin Wuhen quickly surpassed him with an irresistible momentum.

This terrifying burst and speed is by no means an ordinary Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.

And he can also see that Zhao Feng’s one-hundred elite Swordsman was quick and fast, attacked crisply and directly at the key of the skeleton, thanks to Zhao Feng’s control.

“Bloodline is strong but not durable”

Xin Wuhen said indifferently, using Profound Truth of Water and Profound Truth of Wood in turn, neither fast nor slow.

He believes that after Zhao Feng urges Bloodline, he must recover, and the speed will naturally slow down.

“Hehe, worthy to be called is Xin Wuhen, far beyond me, and can maintain such a temperament”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Xin Wuhen’s advancement method is very stable, not fast or slow, physical strength and True Yuan, and not much consumption.

“That being the case, I will save Princess before he enters the Dragon Cave.”

Zhao Feng’s tone was firm. Since Xin Wuhen was not in a hurry, he pursued with victory.

Zhao Feng body surface, Thunder Light flaming.

call out

Using the Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique, Zhao Feng continued to push, while controlling behind’s elite Swordsman, to keep up with his pace.

After a while, Zhao Feng’s Essence, Qi and Spirit returned to almost the same level, and he again urged the perfect Blood Devil Sun and shoved up.

“This Zhao Feng”

Xin Wuhen was slightly surprised, he underestimated Zhao Feng’s resilience.

Only a few moments later, Zhao Feng urged Bloodline again and distanced him further and further.

It won’t be long before Zhao Feng rushes to the top of the mountain and enters into the dark cave.

“This can’t be done”

Xin Wuhen complexion abruptly changes.

He has always been calm and subtle, and suddenly emits a slightly detached aura.

I saw, Xin Wuhen all around, a colorful light constantly surrounded, slowly condensed into a small world, wrapped Xin Wuhen inside.

Within the small world, there are landscapes and eaves of grass wood houses just like the real world, but the scale is very small, and the operation of the small world is not stable enough.


A stare of aloof power of Rule fluctuated from Xin Wuhen’s small world.


Xin Wuhen is a simple word, carrying a small world formed by the five-colored light, the first to fly out.

Hu hu

Dozens of skeleton guards flew up and surrounded Xin Wuhen.

嘭 click

When these skeleton guards touched the small world of Xin Wuhen all around, they were directly controlled by a rule of staring terrifying Profound Truth. The entire figure was shattered.

Xin Wuhen dropped the five hundred elites of behind and leapt up.

Bang bang bang

Along the way, all the skeleton guards were crushed into debris as they approached Xin Wuhen.

Such a natural phenomenon, Zhao Feng naturally looks in his eyes.

“This is, this is a small world constructed by Five Elements Profound Truth”

Zhao Feng was shocked.

He had long speculated that if he wanted to form a complete small world that could be compared to a real space, he must insight into Five Elements Profound Truth and integrate it into the small world.

Unexpectedly, Xin Wuhen actually achieved this degree.

His small world is still in its initial stage, not very stable and small in scale.

But it is by no means a small world with a single attribute, comparable.

At this point, Xin Wuhen rushed directly using his small world.

“Blood Devil Assault”

Zhao Feng directly performed the Blood Devil Sun secret technique, the whole body swelled with flames of blood, burning and boiling, and a burst of flames burst out.

Behind it, a round of Bright-Red Blood Sun’s phantom gradually emerged, with vortex texture inside, twisting and rotating.

Bang bang

Zhao Feng turned into a group of Scarlet Blood meteorites, assaulted up, overbearing the power of fiery blood inflammation, destroyed everything.

Zhao Feng came to the cave first with two feet.

The next moment, Xin Wuhen appeared on the other side.

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